
The First Mission...

Aster was furious with himself for his motions. In the week he was waiting and collecting himself he remembered why he left this unfinished in his past life. Chelsea was someone he regretted leaving every passing day but some things are outside of the control of humans. A friend of her's, Blair, described the situation to Aster.

"She lives alone with her Mother."

"She trusted you and you broke that is moments. You led her on for months and then in a single moment ended it all. What did you expect to happen for her to come running back and hear you out? Do you want to help her? Leave her alone then."

Aster was left alone in the field sprawled out under the shade of a tree. He saw everyone smiling and others laughing without regrets. What was he meant to say? That he was sorry? That it was all a mistake? Left with no answers he pulled out his phone and looked at their past messages with her.

A smile slowly graced his lips as he read the texts the feelings of puppy evident from the messages. The text slang was cringing but Aster looked the other way as he read through the messages. Aster had been upfront about what he thought of her but she didn't dismiss him because of it. She didn't agree to his initial advances but he didn't fret over it. Midway through the year, she agreed and the two were unofficially dating. He brought her many multiple gifts over the year and she made him a few as well. Then on the trip to the beach, he saw her looking a blue and white yarn bracelet.

"What you looking at?" He questioned his arms wrapped around her shoulders.

"A gift but I can't afford it. I wanted to buy it for you." She answered playfully.

Looking at the price tag Aster took out his wallet and handed her the money. She was hesitant to accept it but he persuaded, "You paying for the gift isn't want defines the meaning behind. It's that you thought of them before yourself." If the two were older she would have kissed him then.

Aster still wore that bracelet now and the memory resulted in his gripping his wrist and twisting it the joy of that moment not lost. He couldn't help but sigh at reading the mission's description. He wasn't old enough to drive and he couldn't whisk her awa-

Wait that may work...

Aster sent a text to Chelsea with one thought in mind, 'This is one of the stupidest things I have ever thought of... We're going with it.'

Aster had told Chelsea to go to the bathroom before the day and ended and when everyone was walking out to go to the back exit and wait for him. It was a hail mary on if it would work or not but where is the joy of a life with no risks taken?

Right before Aster graduated he learned he could sneak out the back door and the alarm wouldn't sound. If it was high school he could just walk out the front door but middle school had teachers looking there.

Waiting for with no one else around Chelsea was standing there waiting for him. He wanted to smile but couldn't find himself having the ability. The scene was so mellow and depressing he couldn't help but frown at the view. The sun had cast a shadow on the doorway and a downcast head and the lonely look, Aster felt regret.

"Hey." He chocked out, he had dreaded this moment.

Her eyes wet she looked up and stared directly at Aster. "...Hey" Her voice was as quiet as a mosquito.

His heart dropped to his stomach, "Let's go for a walk." He suggested his hand pressed around the door.


"I'm taking you away from the world for the next few hours."

"What do you mean?"

"Take my hand." With a smile and hand outstretched, Aster looked to be pulling her out of the shadows.

With slight hesitation, she took his hand and the two escaped out in the field. 'What are you planning Aster?' The spirit questioned.

'Nothing. There is no plan.' He answered with a hearty laugh.

Neither himself or Chelsea spoke as he pulled her around. Her phone beeped once but when she tried to see what was up he had taken her phone and turned it off. He didn't explain himself to her only pulling her through the area around the school.

After around fifteen minutes of walking the two came to a small park. Chelsea was the first to break their silence, "Let's stop and play for a bit." Aster only nodded as the two made their way to the swings. It quickly became a competition between the two bringing joy to Chelsea's face as she beat him. The tenseness as the two escaped from school was forgotten as the enjoyed the feelings of being children.

Their actions were without thought of future consequences. Seeing her run around and playing as if the two were best friends made Aster think back to why he fell for her in the first place. A set of monkey bars made its way into her line of sight and without hesitation dashed over. He followed behind a memory resurfacing.

"Come up!" She shouted herself seated upon a set of monkey bars.

"Can't pull myself up like that," Aster explained opting to stand below and watch.

"Can't know without trying."

He shook his head and continued to stand without moving.

"The view is beautiful up here you know." She teased her head staring up at the clouds.

"I can see one down here too." He laughed looking up at her smiling face.

Jumping up she pulled herself up and on top of the monkey bars just like in the past. Looking up at the bars he felt everything was out of reach. "Still can't do it?" She asked a frown replacing her vibrant smile.

"Let's see..." Stepping on the bars along the side he gripped the bars above and with a deep breath pulled himself. He failed his first try, 'Am I fated for this to be out of reach?' He stubbornly didn't give up after five tries. 'I won't resign myself to such a fate! I have been given a second chance and I will succeed!' With strong motivation, he pulled himself up and sat beside her. Neither of them spoke as the sunset itself telling him they had been out and about for two hours.

When the sun set finished Aster handed her phone back and got no reply from her besides a smile. He waited in the park with her until her mom came and scolded them both. Aster accepted it all though, without hesitation. He from the start knew he was told out and had been mentally prepared for it.

"Thank you!" She shouted outside the car window to which Aster smiled in turn, the mission still weighing heavy on his mind.

'You failed you know that right?'

'I knew that from the beginning. I only made my regrets worse not better.' He answered as he pulled out his phone and called for an Uber.

'Am I doomed to repeat the mistakes of my past self?' He pondered staring out the window of the car.

'No.' The spirit answered.

She then continued after a long pause, 'You're meant to make new ones.'