4 volunteering month

It has been 5 months since I joined in January. Means it's May. It was very amusing except when I need to know the conditions of those poor or ill people. I made friends there. It was quite a like school. Make friends , use your brain , go to your workplace at morning. Just a bit of more freedom.

But as June was approaching , it was making me scared. I was afraid. Because from June to August , celebrities volunteer more. And this time I heard the Marvel casts were going to volunteer more. THIS BLOODY TIME.

I wish Thanos had killed him instead of Loki . Yeah , I watched Marvel movies when I was in the States. My best friend , Aisha, back in US , used to force me to watch Those movies cause she liked superhero movies. When I used to disagree with her , she asked me to give a real reason not to watch. I didn't tell her anything about my past . Sooooooooooo, I had to watch.

As June was approaching , I told my father not to ask me to work  when celebrities visited. I told him that I would faint if I see anyone or overwhelm . He knew about my anxiety attack problem. So he agreed and gave me 2 months holiday. And even if he didn't agree , I wouldn't come and work .

I always asked my dad something by seeing his mode. I was only the one who could read his mind. If he was angry , I would signal my sis before asking something from him.

He never could see anyone hurt me or my sis. So that's why I didn't tell anything about him my past. But I did tell everything to Leslie and my Mom. My comforter.

My mom would never say anything bad about whatever happened. She told me ' whatever happens , it happens for a good reason '. So I always believed her. Still now.

And most importantly , if my dad didn't agree , I used to go to Mom and she fixed everything. So I am safe from those volunteering months. Or this year at least. Happy me.

To help dad , I thought of helping him with his work at home.

Or help him with anything he forgot.

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