
Handsome stranger

I was tired after a very long day practicing self defense, every Ilidians tranes when he/she gets to 16 years old for protection and am 19 yes I have practiced for very long with a strict teacher that wants everything to be perfect.when I got home I had a fresh bath with the help of the maid's and then I joined my mom and dad to eat,they where different types of delicious food "Mom dad why are they so many food"i asked cause they only do this when am sick or their is a party "Why?huh?,why didn't you tell us Dave is your new boyfriend"my mom asked me "Yes, your mom is right, it's really a great thing if you are Dave are together the Ilidians will prosper more" said her Dad "well I think you are right" I said then took a seat in front of them while they grinned happily after eating with them . I went to my peaceful place Mount viera the most beautiful mountain have ever seen, but some people don't like it they said a strange creature leaves there when he sees people he eats them alive, but I didn't fall for the rumours on the mountain I saw a really beautiful view from afar minutes passed then I fell asleep on the ground of the mountain am so used to this place and I was already getting tired

Creators POV

While Satiyana was sleeping she didn't notice a naked body that came out of the water behind her ,the body was a tall flawless skin sharp jaw with brown coloured hair , red Shar eye with beautiful pink lips and arched eyebrows , the body firstly stretched it's body then said "am back"with a smirk on his face he looked so hot at the moment then he saw the beauty sleeping in front of him then said "well,well, if it isn't you my heroe , you look so cute when you sleep darling" he said tucking a strand of her hair and smile and in the next moment he wore clothes and kept on staring at her until she woke up from her sleep when she saw him she fricked out and slapped him by mistake cause his face was so close to hers but he smiled anyways and said "Hi am Nathan, what is your name darling" then she said shocked "how dare you come close to a lady like that " she said while staring at his face , she couldn't deny of how hot he was he was like a Greek god having a body like Jk's

Creator:oops forgot it was history 🤭😀 anyways let's continue

"am very sorry I shouldn't have done that but truth to be told you look like a Ilidian ,those creatures are so gorgeous but they can't compete against me to bad" he said smiling and showing his dimple's so lovely

Satiyana was angry at the fact that he said ilidians can't compete against him,they are like the most powerful creatures in the world "I look like a Ilidian cause am one,fool and never say bad things about us okey" she stood up and ran away from there hoping that he will finally leave. While Nathan just watched her leave

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Ari_stercreators' thoughts