
I Reincarnated Into a Vending Machine

He, who was an authentic Vending Machine maniac, died from a traffic accident while protecting a vending machine. He, who had expected that his life was finished, woke up in a lake shore surrounded by abundant nature. He didn’t understand what had happened to himself. He only knew that he had become a vending machine. Alone in the labyrinth of another world… As he wanders alone, he meets a lone girl who causes the story to change.

_novel_Fan · Fantasía
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11 Chs


For a while the Humanoid Frogs stayed and kept hitting me, but once they realized it was useless they left looking sad. Phew, somehow I was able to survive… Let's check my status for now.

『Vending Machine』

Endurance 65/100

Defence 10

Strength 0

Agility 0

Dexterity 0

Mana 0

PT 346

<Functions> 『Refrigeration』『Heat Insulation』

<Divine Gifts>『Barrier』

My points depleted so much. It's true that 『Barrier』 saved me but the consumption rate is outrageous. I don't think I can survive another attack from a monster. I'm actually in a really bad position right now. My 『Endurance』 is getting lower, and my elegant machine body is in a mess. Points are really precious but if I just sit here without spending it I'm eventually going to become broken anyways. Therefore, I decided to use the points in order to fix myself.

I spent 35 points, so I have 311 left over. In one day I use 24 points so I might be able to last 10 or more days. If there is no buyer till then my destiny is self-destruction. If that ever happens I will die huh… If so, isn't my new life turning out to be worse that my old life?—- T_T

And, like that, 3 days passed. No humans came.

I spotted a humanoid frog roaming around the vending machine and observing it. His fear gradually overcame him and forced him to make a weeeen sound. The feeling of tension was lingering around the atmosphere of the vending machine.

Haa, I wish I could have sold something as a vending machine before my death. Even though I was lucky enough to be reborn as a vending machine, I never got to do a vending machine's work.

"I am too hungry, aaa I dont think i can keep going… Why am I always this unlucky…" (?)

Hu- Human's voice! God hasn't forsaken me!

It was the voice of a depressed female. It sounded like a young girl's voice. Where- where did the voice come from?!

I wonder if I can manage to communicate, but since I seem to be able to understand her language, there has to be a way for me to speak with her.

After all, my life at stake here.

"I was abandoned by my own teammates… Seriously, I'm useless because I always get scared even though I have the super strength divine gift…" (Girl)

Ohh, the sound is getting clearer and clearer, which must mean she is getting closer. She sounds really depressed and on the verge of death. She was abandoned by her comrades. Actually, isn't she the one who's life is at stake here since there are Humanoid Frogs everywhere?

"I dropped the pouch that had my food and drink… Uggh my stomach is rumbling like crazy… Aah, this is the worst day ever… Mom, Dad, I'm sorry but I don't think I can go on anymore." (Girl)

She started crying. She sounds like she's from the countryside, and her image of the world was just crushed. But why did she come to this dangerous place full of monsters? Is she in the middle of a trip, or could there be a town or village nearby?

"I was never meant to become a 『Hunter』. I'm sorry, Mom, Dad" (?)

So she was a 『Hunter』 huh. If it's like those games then she must be out here hunting monsters, since the world is full of things like humanoid frogs. Also, if she's a 『Hunter』, then the second possibility is more likely. [ED: The possibility that there is a settlement nearby]

"I don't have anything to eat, what am I gonna do now… Maybe kill those 『Frog-men』 and with it's meat… That won't do, I won't be able to land any attacks, plus I'm too hungry, so I don't have any energy." (Girl)

She said something about having a 『Divine Gift』 of super strength, so maybe she is confident in her strength but she's bad at using weapons. Her dexterity seems really low.

Since she lost her belongings, she probably won't have money. Unn, unnnnn, I can't be sure but my expectations for her are beginning to get really low.

"Eh, what's that? Some kind of monument? But, it's strange for a monument to be made out of steel." (Girl)

Oh, she noticed me. From the sound of it she seems to be getting closer. She's behind me so I can't really tell where she's looking. Come on, come to the front.

While I was trying to send my desires to her telepathically, well, I don't know if the telepathy worked, but I saw a girl coming towards the front side.

"Wha, what is this. It has a really beautiful body. Mumu, isn't that a drink behind the glass?" (Girl)

Inclining her small head to the side, was a girl with a petite body. She has blond (?) [ED: TL wrote brond so it might be brown…] Hair, while her hairstyle has it tilted toward the side. This hairstyle, if I remember correctly, is called the side ponytail.

She looks to be around 160cm, [ED: 5'3"] maybe a little smaller. She has very big, round eyes as well as a European styled petite nose, she looks like the cute type rather than the beautiful type. She has this atmosphere of adorableness, if she ever became an idol, she would get really famous.

The way she looked depressed with her eyes watering like that… damn, she is cute. Wait, am I a pervert or something? N- no, erm, ah!, her strange clothes just really caught my attention. Hahaha…..

Here boots look like they're made for mountain climbing, and she's also wearing blue shorts on top of black tights. It seems sensible so far but for her upper body, she's wearing something that looks like the bullet proof vests the police use during dangerous missions. No, wait, it's leather armour, right. There is also something like a shoulder pad, and some really strange looking gloves. How do I say it, it's truly a fantasy style. I observed her from head to toe and saw a pouch hanging on her belt. Doesn't this mean she does have money or precious gems?

"There's water, but how do I get it? There's a bunch of writing but I can't read it." (Girl)

I can understand her language, but she can't read the writing. There's already a problem even before buying anything. I need to guide her somehow.

"Maybe I can get it if I shatter the glass, but, that would be a waste of such a good looking item, so that won't do." (Girl)


"Wha, what, where did that voice come from" (Girl)

She is looking around. She kind of looks cute when she is scared but she's also really cautious right now. It won't do if she ran away here. I have to lure her in! [ED: Pervert…]

–"Please pay the balance by inserting coins."

"Heee, this piece of iron spoke? "Coin", does it mean money?" (Girl)

I want to answer her question but sadly I can't speak. I'm sorry but please try hard to find out yourself. My life is at stake here so please.

"E, eeto, is bronze okay for "coin", ah, but it should be blue bronze….. Maybe silver is needed, no, wait, is it gold... I don't have that much money" (Girl)

So this world's currency is bronze, blue bronze, silver, and gold. There might also be higher currencies. I don't know the value of theses currencies though, but my guess is that bronze has a low value like 10 yen.

"So to insert a coin, I guess I just put it in this thin hole with the transparent lid?" (Girl)

Is she that careless, or is she just pure? Even in a situation where her life is hanging in the balance, she just puts in money. Her personality doesn't fit her rough lifestyle. But I'm thankful as she is still my first customer.

Yes yes, insert it in that hole, alright… alright…. and go! The sound of the foreign substance rings through my body. Karan. So she put in a bronze coin… I hope the points increase...

((The coin is different. If you gain the 『Coin Changer』 function, you can convert it to points.))

Seriously? I remember seeing something like that before. Wai- wait for me. Eeto, around here…

Found it! It costs 100 points, I can do this!

"What, so a bronze coin won't do huh. Eh? Some number is showing… 10? Etto, one bronze and it increases by 10, if the number 1000 below it means anything then…. Uh, so each item is worth 1 silver coin each. If I have that much then I can pay for my dinner..."

What? When I used the 『Coin Changer』 the price changed. So, for 1 Bronze Coin it has a worth of 10 yen. If silver is 1000 yen then she can buy corn soup and milk-tea. Wait, can't the price stay at 100, h- how do I change it??

"Bu. but money can't be exchanged for life plus I'm really hungry. If I die here money will be meaningless anyways. There's no helping it, yo, yoooooshi, I'm doing it!"

This girl, when she gets excited or restless she starts talking with a dialect. The silver coin is inserted into my body, and it gets excited and heated up. Ooooh, she paid it! Hurry up, choose the item you want!

"The shining pointy thingy means I can buy something now right…th, then, eeto, maybe I should choose the one with the soup drawing."

Since the language can't be read, the icon can be understood much easier. I need to keep note of this. Her shaky finger pressed the button, and I dropped the corn soup in the lower part of my body where the items normally come out.

"Wha, what was that!? I think heard something from below!" (Girl)

With caution she looked towards the place where items are dispensed. Yes, yes, good call. Come on, be brave and take it.

"Should I put my hand in? If I do, will it eat me?" (Girl)

I won't, I won't~. Quick, hurry up and take it. This corn soup is from my favorite brand.

[Tl- note from here to some part is a written explanation of how he likes the corn soup of this brand and it gets boring so i cut the part out]

"Ah, I got it. Waa, it's so warm! Etto, I guess I should open the cap like it's a glass bottle cap. Ei! Uwaaa, smells so nice" (Girl)

I know right~. She opened the lid, and tilted the can as she drank it.

"Fuaaaaaaaa, Deliciouuuuus! Wha, what is this. The restaurant I frequent can't even be compared to this!" (Girl)

Ooh, she drank it all at once. She licked the corn soup that was lingering on her lips, and looked really satisfied. Kuuuuuu, what is this, it feels so awesome. Somehow I feel really happy and fulfilled as a vending machine when I see how happy she looks.

"Haaa, it's already finished. That was really tasty, so the others must be just as good. The transparent one must be water, so, that light brown drink, I must have!" (Girl)

Ah, she inserted another silver coin. She seems to have taken a liking to the milk-tea. Later, she also bought 3 corn soups, and a bottle of water.

I made a total of 6300 yen, which, in this world's currency, would be 6 silver, and 30 bronze. If I convert it, then it's 64 points. I think I'll continue using these prices.

Perhaps because of how satisfied she felt, she fell into a deep sleep. Her back is leaning on me. She's really defenseless, but I will protect her with a barrier if need be since she is my important customer.

Also, the empty cans and plastic bottles have vanished. This vending machine is really eco-friendly, huh.

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