
My First Quest

After I finish selling all the horned wolf corpse, I went to Miss Tia to find an available mission for me.

"Good day Miss Tia! Can I ask where will I find the available Missions that are currently available?"

"Oh, find the bulletin board on the corner in the guild lobby with Letter E and F on top of them. "

"Many thanks, Miss Tia!"

after giving my thanks to Miss Tia, I went directly on the guilds lobby to find the bulletin board that Miss Tia Mentioned to help me rank up faster,

After searching the Board for 10-20 mins, the only mission that I was able to take with many rewards is a Rank E Mission that has a high contribution points in it.

Rank E Mission: Collect Moonlight Herbs

Objectives: Collect 5 moonlight herbs on the outskirts of clover forest

Reward: 30 copper coins

Contribution points: 10

Time limit: 24 hours after accepting the mission.

After deciding on what mission I will take, I proceed to the receptionist to make a record.

"Uhmmmm... Excuse me, I would like to take this mission."

"Okay, Please let me borrow your guild card so I can make a record of it."

I gave my guild card to the receptionist to record everything in it like information, objectives, and many more and to make a log on their guild mission requests on the watermelon shaped like orb behind her when all of the procedure is done, she gave my guild card back to me.

When I was preparing to depart to finish my mission as soon as possible, the receptionist suddenly spoke to remind me of something.

"Young Miss, you only have 24 hours to collect all 5 Moonlight herbs, if you cannot acquire the required amount on the mission description within the said time frame, the mission on your Guild Card will be marked as FAILED and you will need to pay 10 copper coins and 10 contribution points.

When the receptionist told me that they will deduct points on me if I failed, I got worried because I still don't have contribution points. So I asked the receptionist on what will happen.

"If you have 0 Contribution points and you failed to accomplish the mission that you take, you will be deducted 10 contribution points and your it will be directly going to be negative 10 since your rank is the lowest, Rank F, but if you are in Rank E or higher and you lose too much contribution points, you will be demoted by 1 rank below from your previous rank."

When the receptionist finished explaining all of the information that I needed, I gave her my thanks and proceed to on my way to Clover Forest, but when I reach the forest, I suddenly remembered that I forgot to ask the receptionist on what a moonlight herb looks like, so I used my detection skill and changed the setting to only detect moonlight herbs and hostile creatures, but even with my detection skill I still couldn't find the moonlight herbs. So I decided to go back on the guild to ask the receptionist why I couldn't find even a single moonlight herb on the forest. As I enter the guild, I saw miss Tia posting something on the bulletin board. So I call out her name to get her attention.

"Miss Tia! "

"Oh.. What can I do for you?" (Startled)

"I just want to ask why I couldn't find a single blade of grass of moonlight herb on the forest?" (feeling annoyed)

"Well that's because they are moonlight grass, you can only find them at night when the moon shines the most, that's why the question is Rank E even though that the herb rarity is only on Rank F. "

After listening to miss Tia's explanation, I looked like an idiot and I hurriedly give my thanks to Miss Tia to find the moonlight herbs and to get out of the awkward situation that I'm in.

As I open the guilds door, I suddenly bumped on three men that's standing in front of the door and heading towards my direction.

The three men look like a group of savage hunters, the man on the right was tall, about 6 foot tall and with a skinny figure and body with many scars that can be identified that is made from savage beast from the forest, on the other side, on the left side, is a fat man with a perverted face there is a traceable savagery on his eyes and the last man on the middle look like their boss was a bald, muscular man with strong looking hands that look like it can rip a beast in half and he is taller than the skinny man on the right.

Bald man: you have a gut's on bumping on me huh?!!! Pipsqueak!!!

Skinny man: don't you know that our boss is a Rank D adventurer, do you?!

Fat man with pervy face: now if you know what's good for you, kneel down and apologize immediately to our boss, ahhhhh. Wait let me change what I said, maybe you should give us a special service tonight. What do you think? HAHAHAHAHA!!!!

when I what he just said, my eyes become bloodshot from anger and my passive skills have been activated.

Condition Has been met the skill Bloodlust has been acquired

Bloodlust has been activated

Condition Has been met the skill Killing intent has been acquired

Killing intent has been activated

I immediately throw a punch on the fat man on his abdomen causing him to be thrown in the tables near us, a few meters away from us.

After I punched the man, I glared to the 2 remaining men, they look enraged on what just I did on their teammate.


as the bald man rushed to punch me, I didn't retreat nor resist, he punched me with all of his might but I didn't even flinch or move from where am I standing.

"is that all you've got? How weak." I said on purpose as I want to trample even more on their pride.

As he is confused on what the hell is going on, on why I didn't even budge from his barrage of punch, I take the opportunity to kick him on his cheeks making him flying on the wall of guild lobby while spurting blood on his mouth, then the skinny man unsheathed his sword to stop me but I dodge the sword strike using my unmatched agility and swiftness then I launch a counterattack as I also punched him on Chin making him to fly out and collapse into unconsciousness beside the fat man with perverted face.

While everyone on the guild lobby was still shocked by what happened, the town guards rushed in and asked on what happened, at that very moment Miss Tia step in to tell the captain of the town guards, (captain of the town guards is wearing a golden armor while his subordinates are wearing silver armor) that the 3 unconscious men are harassing me and tried to kill me, and I just protected myself from being harmed by them.

As miss Tia explained everything I just stand still behind her while the captain of the town guards looked at me intently as if he is trying to figure out if we are lying or not on him, when I Notice the captain of guards that is staring at me, I remove my face makes and to show the captain of town guards that we are sincere and I even showed him my beautiful/cute puppy eyes*

"Eh... Ehem... Since no one disagrees on what this elf lady here told me, we will be taking our leave now." (blushing and took a last look at Claudia)

The captain of town guards told his subordinates to take the 3 unconscious men and left the guild.

After the guards left away, miss Tia rushed towards me.

"A-are you okay young miss?"

"Yes I'm fine, and thanks for helping on explaining everything on The guards and no need to call me miss, you can call me Claudia." (Smiling)

"it's nothing, I'm glad to help you but I have to report this to guild master when he comes back. Oh.. And you don't need to call me Miss also. You can call also me Tia." (smiled back)

When I was done talking to Tia, I noticed that it's starting to get dark, so I took my leave, for now, to go back in clover forest to search and collect moonlight herbs.

As I reach my destination, I immediately activated my detection skills and started looking for herbs. After searching for about an hour, I was able to collect 100 moonlight herbs.

I went back to the guild to see if it was still open, and to my surprise it still open. So I hurriedly went in to report about my mission. The receptionist asks me to give my guild card to her and the moonlight herbs that I collected to record that I finished my mission and to make a record of it in the spherical orb on her back. After she confirmed that I got all the prerequisites and after she recorded the mission, she congratulated me and give back my guild card with the rewards of completion of the mission.

"Congratulations on completing your very first mission."

"Many thanks, but I still have one more question. Can I still exchange my extra moonlight herbs for rewards? "

"If you still have enough Moonlight herbs on you, we can still accept it as another mission that you've completed since collecting herbs is always on the bulletin board every day"

After confirming that I can exchange it into rewards I secretly open my item box to get the big sack full of the remaining 95 moonlight herbs.

"Oh my!!! How can you find a large number of moonlight herbs? This is my first time seeing this large quantity of moonlight herbs."

I just smiled at her and didn't answer her question and we proceed to exchange the moonlight herbs for rewards.

After exchanging the moonlight herbs for rewards, the receptionist told me that I ranked up and now I am a Ranked E adventurer. After exchanging complimentary words on each other, I say my goodbye to her and left the guild to find a place where I can rest.

After looking for a decent inn for a whole hour. I finally found an inn that is suitable for my needs. I paid 50 copper coins on the innkeeper for my stay and told him to cook a dinner for me, so I add an extra 5 copper coins for the additional task that I requested. After I rested for a bit, I went to bath and activated my detection skill to know if there are a malicious person or perverted beings. After confirming that there is no one, I took a bath, ate my dinner and went straight for the bed to get a good night sleep.

(Haru Note: I Would like to give my thanks to Dophine Edelweiss (Editor) for making this chapter longer by 600 words and to Ruririn (Illustrator) who is currently working on the new cover

KiroArcreators' thoughts
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