
I Reincarnate Into A Demon Princess

A young woman who was a famous model around the world soon meets her final hours due to her incurable sickness. After she passes away, she reincarnates into a Demon Princess with unnatural abilities and skills. She grows accustomed to her new life and body then goes to explore the new world of Utalia. She soon meets friends along her journey and grows more comfortable around them.

AisuruOfficial · Fantasía
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61 Chs

A Not-So-Perfect Start To Our Adventure

"Humans will suffer by my blade!" Katsuguchi said and was about to slash then her body stopped. She looked at one woman with red hair and had on a pink dress. She had a red cape flowing behind her as her green eyes glowed. She then saw someone appear beside her with black assassin clothing and her grey eyes glowed. "Who are you two..?"

"My name is Arisa De'Luka! I am from the 1st Squadron of Demon Hunters! Your reign of terror against my kind ends here!" Arisa said.

"My name is Luna Yuka, I am also from the 1st Squadron of Demon Hunters...You will fall by our blade." Luna said.

"You think you can stop me?! I will destroy all human scum!" Katsuguchi bellowed and her dark aura surged.

A pillar of gold light shined down on Arisa and her gold aura surged. Luna's silver aura surged around her as well. Luna took out two daggers and threw them at Katsuguchi. Katsuguchi vanished and Luna's eyes glowed and she appeared where the daggers were and grabbed them and slashed down in front of her. Katsuguchi managed to block the attack and grunted. Arisa walked forward and drew her rapier from the scabbard and placed a hand behind her back. Katsuguchi pushed Luna off her and looked where she last saw Arisa and saw her gone. Arisa appeared and went for a stab. Katsuguchi dodged and her afterimage vanished.

"What the hell..? They are so fast.." Katsuguchi glared. "These must be the two Demon Hunters that Master Omusa told me to look out for.."

Luna landed on her feet and stood up straight and looked at Katsuguchi and smirked. Katsuguchi glared and was hit by an invisible force and her eyes widened and the real Luna appeared in front of Katsuguchi then she was blown back into a wall and coughed.

"Nice one Luna." Arisa said.

"It's nothing..now let's take her down!" Luna said and felt Katsuguchi's aura grow ever more darker. "On second thought this fight will take a while.."

"Yeah...Let's keep the eyes on the prize though.." Arisa said.

Katsuguchi stood up and aura emerged from her eyes and her sword emitted dark aura as well. Omusa was watching from a far distance and smirked.

"Alright we should get some training done while we have the chance...is what I would say. I just want to help fix Miyuna and Stella's relationship." I said.

"You wish to fix a broken bond?" A voice said and fog surrounded me, Mikoko, and Shizaki.

"Who's there?!" Mikoko called out.

"It is I, Zofia. The daughter of a man who left us and a broken mother." The fog cleared and Zofia appeared in front of us. She had long silver hair and wore a white dress. She carried a staff around with a skeleton on the top of the staff.

"Zofia..? You're that Zofia, Saya mentioned." I said.

"Correct. Now tell me why would you want to fix a bond like theirs?" Zofia asked.

"Well.." I averted eye contact.

"Saya seems really hurt that their bond is basically destroyed plus they had a bit of a fight. A few days ago. We tried to search for Stella until we figured out how pointless it would be to search." Mikoko said.

"You're right, it would be pointless to search. I haven't seen her in 11 years. She's been purposely avoiding us for whatever reason. Geez, I know I'm like 23 now but she couldn't at least show a little worry for us? We all lost something dear, for me I lost all my friends and family. I can't even summon them anymore." Zofia sighed and shook her head.

"A necromancer." I said. "You're a demon?"

"Nope, I just have very powerful Dark Arts. Look I'd quit now before you get hurt trying to complete the impossible." Zofia said. "There's nothing you can do to help two lost causes."

"But she's your mother." I said.

"You're right she is, I don't expect her to hold my hand, but I just wish she would stop sulking and being hella edgy and just get her head out of her ass already." Zofia placed a hand on her hip. "Just don't interfere with anything. The situation would fix itself. It always does."

When I look at Zofia, I see a girl who grew up without a family and now that she has one, after the war she feels like she lost her family again. Seems like the only one people actually talk to is Saya. Is Saya the only one who's right in the head despite her habit of blaming herself? It seems that way.

"So other than that what are you out here for?" Zofia asked.

"I'm getting some training done. I have to get stronger. I need to so I can find out why I was chosen by the Ancient Hero of the Human Realm to weild his blade." I said.

"You mean Cipher?" Zofia asked.

We all looked at her surprised. She knew his name like that. Even Mikoko was taken by surprise because she didn't expect anyone to know his name off the bat.

"Cipher is the Ancient Hero of the Human Realm. Although Cipher isn't his real name, that's what he is mostly remembered by. The man who brought peace to all Four Realms. His real name is Steven Hemifiru. A Legend amongst most, God and Guardian of the Human Realm. Sadly his death caused the universe to go into shambles." Zofia said. "The Oblivion Slayer is the blade of choice for Steven when fighting Gods. Bōkyaku no Sureiyā is it's original name. That blade is a key component when it comes to saving the four realms and erasing it from all evil, but you'll just be repeating history once again."

"Yeah I think we get the jist of that. The answer we want is why was Yufumi chosen?" Shizaki asked.

"Some things can not be questioned or answered. I can not tell you why she was chosen because I don't know. It's a calling though...a calling from the Ancient Hero himself because he sees potential in her. If you want all the answers you have to travel to the Cave of Leo found in Eshea. There you can meet the Ancient One himself. It'll be a journey and you will get lots of training done." Zofia said.

"Do you want to come with us?" I asked.

"No, I have business of my own to tend to. I bid you good luck and farewell." Zofia said and faded away like a ghost.

We looked at each other and nodded. Our goal is to go to the Cave of Leo and find the answers there. Mikoko took out a GPS and typed in the Cave of Leo. She held it out so we all could see.

"Luckily for us it'll take a year to get there so that means this journey will be our training." Mikoko said. "We might even run into our friends along the way."

"Yeah that'll be great for us." I smiled.

"I can't fight though and I can tell that this journey won't be easy." Shizaki said.

"That's why I'm coming with you." Kufka smiled and walked up with Li Mailin.

"I come with you also." Li Mailin bowed and attempted to speak English, which was surprisingly good. She sounded cute with her accent that was noticable.

"Oh? Even Li Mailin is joining the party?" I smiled.

"I even train Shizaki too, not too hard for me." Li Mailin blushed worried that we wouldn't be able to understand her.

"That would be great if you did." I giggled.

Li Mailin's eyes lit up as she was happy that I could understand her English. She nodded happily and gave a thumbs up. Kufka sighed and smiled.

"Let's head out all ready! I wanna level up as much as possible! I need to evolve so I can protect those who are dear to me." Kufka said.

"Alright alright we're going." I said.

"Not on foot!" Li Mailin shook her head and she summoned a car. "Essence Type-0!"

I looked at the car and was impressed. The car was a black car with a drop top feature and had shining silver rims. It was a luxurious car and a beautiful sight to behold.

"So who's driving?" Mikoko asked.

"There's only three of us who can actually drive." I said.

"I drive." Li Mailin nodded.

"Well that solves our driver issue." I smiled.

We got in the car and Li Mailin started the car. I was in the passenger side of the car. Mikoko, Shizaki, and Kufka were in the backseat. Li Mailin began driving off and we were cruising down the road.

"Finally we have a purpose!" I stretched my arms out and smiled.

"Calm down there your highness..." Mikoko smiled and chuckled.

"I was kinda tired of doing nothing, but now we have a purpose plus we can finally explore Eshea!" I looked back and smiled.

"Oh!" Li Mailin remembered something and pushed a button to activate the drop top feature of the car and the roof of the car began to open and the win blew against out faces.

"Oh yeah, this is gonna be a perfect adventure!" Kufka laughed.

"Just cruisin with the homies!" Shizaki giggled.

"Reminds me of that one song." I said.

"What song?" Mikoko asked.

"I heard Yui playing it one night and it started with Pull up pull up pull up now we cruisin the wind." I said.

"Oh you mean Catching Villains? That song is centuries old." Mikoko laughed. "Then again, you weren't alive when it came out."

"Okay grandma." I laughed a bit.

Mikoko rolled her eyes and we kept driving along the road. After a few hours of driving the car began to break down. Li Mailin looked at the gas meter and saw it was on E. She sighed.

"Out of gas." Li Mailin said.

"Well this isn't a great way to start out, stranded in the middle of nowhere!" I said.

"From the map there is a gas station close by." Mikoko said. "It's called Juggernaut. It even has a rest area."

"Mmm I love information like that but how are we gonna get there Genius?" I asked.

"We get out and pushed the car." Mikoko said.

Me, Shizaki, and Kufka groaned. We got out the car and Li Mailin stayed in to keep her foot on the petal so it'll be easier to push. Mikoko got behind the car and her aura appeared. I stood on the left side and Shizaki stood on the right side. Kufka helped Mikoko.

"Alright, on three we push! One, two, three! Push!" Mikoko said.

We all pushed the car and the car began moving. We grunted as the car was barely moving. The car was harder to push than I thought and it was four of us.

"What the hell, why is this thing so hard to move..?" I asked.

"Maybe it's because this is like a ton of metal we're trying to haul to a rest aura that's like 50 miles away." Kufka grunted.

"Stop bitching and keep pushing." Mikoko said.

We kept pushing the car and after 30 minutes of pushing we took a break. We sat on the ground. I wiped my sweat and panted.

"So hot.." I said.

"Then lose the trench coat you wear all the time." Mikoko said.

"Shut...up.." I panted and closed my eyes. "What a terrible way to start this adventure."

"Quit your whining and let's get back to pushing this car." Mikoko said.

Shizaki, Kufka, and I groaned and stood back up and we began to push the car once again. We weren't even close to our destination. I'm not even sure if we even hit a mile yet. After a while we heard a tow truck honking and the truck stopped.

"You ladies need a hand?" A male asked.

I looked back and smiled as I saw the man and raised my hand then the man nodded and drove in front of the car and attached the hook to the bottom of the car. Li Mailin got out of the car and we got in the truck. I sat in the passenger side and the other sat in the trunk of the truck.

"The name's Aaron. I happened to be returning to the Juggernaut when I saw y'all." Aaron said.

"Thank you for the lift. You're a lifesaver." I said.

"It's no issue, I get these sort of issues all the time. Our rest area is pretty far from here unfortunately." Aaron nodded.

"Are you the only one at the Juggernaut?" I asked.

"Nope I got a son who helps me with the leg work. The old champ is a workaholic. He's dedicated to his job. He does the repairs and upgraded on vehicles. I work the shops." Aaron said.

"Ahh I see. Well once again thanks for the lift." I smiled.

"No need to thank me, just doing the right thing that's all." Aaron nodded.