

I looked down at my old beat up converse, too anxious to make eye-contact with anyone else in the school's admission office. I felt out of place; I was pretty sure anyone could look at me and tell just how much money my mom was making. I let out a breath. This was a new school and a new experience but at least I had my best friend with me. Maybe it won't be so bad.

"Phillips? Is there a Maya Phillips in here?" I stood up and stepped forward. "That's me." I said. She turned to her desk and picked up some papers. "Ok. Here is your schedule. If you need help finding your classes or anything, don't hesitate to let a staff member know." "Thank you." I said giving her a polite smile before turning out of the door. I let out another breath and tried to locate the rooms. There was a myriad of students hanging out and comparing schedules and classes together. I sought out my own friend.

"Miranda!" I called excitedly. She turned to look at me before smiling and running up to me. We laughed and shared our classes as well. "English Honors, and Honors History." she announced the classes we would have together proudly before showing me around to my own. Her older sister had already went here, she explained, so her familiarity was only natural. I let my mind wander as she talked, feeling grateful to have someone with me during this point of my life. "RINGG"

"Oh there's the bell, we have to go to first period. Do you remember where it is?" she asked. "Yeah" I lied. I didn't want her to worry, besides how hard could it be. We said our goodbyes and parted ways. Math - I sighed. It became my least favorite subject once we started doing fractions and decimals. "Well let's hope I enjoy my first day."

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