
I Just Want To Escape (Yandere)

Is it even possible to escape these crazy women? -- also posting on ScribbleHub. I have 2 more stories other than this one there. \o/

ThatOne_ · Fantasía
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29 Chs

Chapter 2

My head was killing me and I felt sick, I slowly opened my eyes, still feeling drowsy. Feeling tired I scanned my surroundings, I was in a van with my hands tied up and I could see the driver on my side across one of those driver protection barriers (the barriers in police cars for example to prevent the person behind in the back from doing anything stupid to the driver) preventing me from touching him. The driver was a man with a black, worn out hoodie on and a strange wolf mask with 'IV' on it.

I was about to get up but, I felt so damn tired... I... I want to sleep a bit longer... NO! I bit my hand as hard as I could but even that felt sluggish. I slowly and silently got up using the bumping noises to cover any noise I made and tip-toed over to the back door, although it was locked and I had my hands tied up I could easily unlock it with a bit of effort. I unlocked it when I heard a raspy voice coming from the front "OI, sit the fuck back down!"

Oh shit. The car was still moving and he was increasing his speed. With no cars in sight and with a plaza pretty close by, I jumped out thinking I could run while the car was still moving at a scary speed to jump out of. That was a stupid decision. I immediately regretted that as I rolled on the ground while scraping my knee really badly and my body, burning all over and instantly waking me up from my drowsiness. The only thing that wasn't hurt was my head as I had covered it with my hands which was now covered in scrapes, cuts, and a little bit of blood. The driver immediately stopped the car as fast as he could and I bolted with a horrible stinging pain in my legs and especially where I scraped my knee. Breathing heavily I ran into the nearby plaza, it was dark out so he wouldn't be able to find me here... Right? 

I ran into the plaza while he was getting out of the car, getting out of his sight. I barely pushed myself over a fence and went into a ally between 2 stores but realized there was no way out if he found me here. So I ran out running into 3-way connected ally so that even if he did find me I could hopefully escape. I opened one of the several trash bins and climbed in a hurry while looking behind me to check if he saw me, I could hear his footsteps coming so I went in and closed the lid. It smelt like absolute shit in here and I was about to puke but restrained myself in time as he ran in the ally. "Ah fuck... That motherfucking... AAHHHH FUCK" he yelled as he smacked the trash bin I was hiding in. My heart felt like it was about to stop right there. 

As he was busy abusing the trash bin he got a phone call. He answered "Y-yes, hello boss. N-no, h-he got away... I-I'm very sorry I will make sure I find him so please give me another chance! Y-yes! Thank you so much boss!" he replied to his " boss" with a trembling voice, clearly scared of whoever his "boss" was. He ran off presumably looking for me as I was just sitting there scared shitless.

My consciousness slowly drifting away as I had been running and hiding while under the effect of that sleeping drug still....

I woke up, smelling the garbage around me I puked instantly as I was also covered in this filth. After puking I opened the lid and climbed out, still feeling nauseous. I felt the fresh air and bright sun when I climbed out. I sat there reinvigorating myself in what felt like pure bliss. But soon starting to feel cold, I got up looking for anyone that could tell me where I was, or at least somewhere to wash myself or eat. checking my pockets,  no wallet or anything, damn.

I was wearing and had everything on from when I slept at the apartment. Remembering this, I realized. Kana, she was the one who did this.

No, that can't be right, what am I thinking, I'm such a asshole... She could be in danger right now as well if I had gotten kidnapped. No, she must've been the main target! I mean what would you get from me? I'm just an average guy, no, probably below average... Well, let's not think about that.

As I was wallowing in my sadness, I saw a group of high school kids walk by and I immediately ran up to them. It was a group of 3 boys and 4 girls going somewhere. As I went up to them I asked "Excuse me but could you tell me the date?" They just ignored me. Damn high schoolers... But as I was complaining inwardly, one of the boys looked my way and said "It's April 30th, 2021" I slept for an entire 2 days?!?!

I hurriedly asked "Thank you, and could you tell me where I am right now?" 

But just as he was about to respond, someone from behind called out my name. "Yo, Masa, is that you!?!?"

Scared shitless, I hurriedly turned around and backed away a bit before realizing I knew this person. "Akio!?!?" I yelled in surprise. "Miyashiro Akio?!?!"

Miyashiro Akio is one of my few friends. We met in middle school and I was just a transfer. He asked me if I played a few games and asked if I wanted to play with him and a few other people after class. After that we slowly became really good friends. He's helped me in my darkest days. Like when I was suicidal because my parents... 

I didn't want to think about that and I started to feel bitter... Anyways, he was the one who got me back on my feet when I was suicidal and supported me all the way through. Akio is probably the best person I had ever met. If I didn't meet him, I wouldn't be in this world right now...

As I was reminiscing of the past he exclaimed in surprise. "It really is you! Man, what the hell happened to you?"

I quickly responded as the high schoolers were leaving "Listen, this might sound crazy but... I'll tell you later actually, for now, can you tell me where we are?" 

"Uh, okay. Right now we're in Saitama...? But why are you asking that? Did you just fall here or something? And why are you so dirty and injured right now, go take a shower and patch up."

"I mean... I did just wake up here but there's a longer story, and I can't really take a shower because I don't have anywhere to go... Can... Can I stop by your place for a day or two?"

"Yeah why not, take a shower when you come in though, you smell horrible."


We soon arrived at his pretty big house where he and his family live, but before I entered, I explained. "Listen, you know how I was acting strange and how I'm dirty and injured and all that?"


I quickly explained to him what had happened to me and how I got here.

He worriedly said "This is serious, I'm gonna call the police. Go take a shower and then patch up, the medicinal supplies are in the drawer next to the stove in the kitchen."

"Thank you so much, this is the second time you've saved me and I haven't done anything to help you... Sorry..." I said, feeling bad about how I've never helped him.

"What no, you've helped me out plenty and even if you didn't it wouldn't matter. I can't call myself human if I just let you suffer like that. Just go and take a shower and patch up." 

After borrowing some clothes and coming back down, his family was there and looked at me with worried gazes, Akio's mom spoke first. "We heard the story and we called the cops, please be at ease here and make yourself at home." After she spoke Akio's father sighed and spoke. "haah, truly an unfair world, I'm sorry all of this is happening to you. First your parents, now this... Please make yourself at home here and if you need anything, tell us immediately." 

Feeling this sympathy and support, I felt... I'm not sure how to describe it but I was feeling bitter and happy at the same time. They supported me like their own son and I really appreciated that. "Thank you for all of this, I wouldn't know what to do without you all helping me so much." I said, feeling slightly bitter again.

But this didn't last long...

While waiting at the police station, they said they would contact me if they got any news. Walking back to Akio's house, I went to the front door and walked in. They asked me about the situation and I explained that they didn't have anything yet and that the apartment was empty, meaning Kana was taken. Fuck, I was right. After eating with his family, me and Akio played the newest COD and he kicked my ass...


11:07 p.m.

Akio and his family were still up so I told them I would be going out to take a walk, they told me to be careful and Akio asked to go with me but I declined saying I just wanted to think alone for a bit.

step step step

I was walking by at a part and sat down on a bench, thinking and reminiscing about what had happened these past few days. As I was thinking I realized it was almost a full moon. But just as I was watching the moon, I heard a voice behind me, it was a young soft voice, of a woman. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said as she walked out from a pathway connecting to the path I was on. Coming towards me, I realized she was hot. Really hot. With her sky blue hair, bright yellow eyes, plump breasts, white skin, and that curvy butt that couldn't be hidden by her clothes. I couldn't help but stare at those massive jugs for a moment.

"Yeah, it really is." I said.

"You know, something very, very special happens on a full moon." She said, now, already sitting next to me.

"Really? What is it?" I said, curious what she was talking about.

"You'll just have to see in a few minutes~" She said

"Hmm, alright I'll wait" I said, still curious.

As a full moon slowly appeared, I realized that the woman beside me was shaking and breathing heavily. "W-what's wrong?" I said, a little bit worried. 

"It's happening now" she said. Her bright yellow eyes turned even brighter, a pair you would be able to spot in a pitch black room, almost glowing even. 2 soft, yet sharp wolf ears appeared, no, grew on the top of her head, sharp claws growing for her hands, and to top it all off; a tail growing right above her butt, the tail starting off sky blue and ending off white near the tip. With her light blue fur, she looked... Wait, that's not important, what the fuck is happening?!?! Then, all of a sudden, she looked right at me. With the eyes of a hungry wolf, I felt scared. So, so scared. My instincts were telling me to run. Run as far away and as fast as possible.

As she was 'transforming' while staring at me with those seemingly glowing eyes and eerie smile, I bolted. Running towards Akio's house wondering if I had truly gone crazy. As I was running I heard her yell towards my direction. "DARLING~ WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" she said as she appeared right in front of me with superhuman speed, basically teleporting.

With no time to react, I crashed into her but she didn't even budge. I simply bounced off her breasts and fell back. Seeing this she sat right on top of me, I tried to punch her but she simply took the blow, not even leaving a mark on her flawless face as I struggled to get out of her grasp. Then, she smacked the ground with a fist next to me. Cracks appeared on the cement and it left a small crater on the ground. WHAT THE FUCK. I struggled so, so hard. But to no avail.

She was watching all this with curved, intoxicated eyes like she found it funny and cute.

As I was struggling I felt a wet, warm, feeling on my crotch, then something soft and fluffy going inside my pants. As my mind was in disarray I yelled in panic. "SOMEONE HELP, HE-" but as I was calling out to help she grabbed me, pulling me up. Putting her hands around my neck and passionately kissing me with her eyes closed. As she tightened her hug, her soft breasts stuck to my chest and her warm tail rubbing against my penis, embracing it. I couldn't breath, I was slowly, but surely passing out. But right before I passed out, I saw her.

I saw Kana staring at me...