
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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Their Cash Transport Trucks Are Not Enough.

 "Chinese? How could the Chinese have so many deposits in our Ligao Bank?" Pu Guanzhi suddenly didn't understand. They had money, why should they deposit it in Ligao's bank? Isn't it bad for Huaxia to save money? Put it in the bank and give them Ligao money?

  If this were normal times, Park Guanzhi would laugh to tears. No matter which country you are from, as long as you have money in their bank, it is good news.

  But once it's time to withdraw your money, it's a nightmare!

  "Do you have any specific information about those Chinese people?"

  "Yes, but it makes no sense at all," Section Chief Jin said. "These Chinese people are not entrepreneurs or investors. They seem to be the most ordinary people living in Ligao. Some of them are even renting House, but when they took out their bank cards, none of them had less than one billion Ligao coins!"

  "How is this possible? How can these Chinese people be so rich?" After hearing such news, Pu Guanzhi could not keep calm. "What is the situation now?"

  "The situation is very serious. In one morning, the deposits in our bank have dropped by more than 20 trillion yuan!"

  "What? 20 trillion less in one morning?" Pu Guanzhi's face twitched. Their deposits had only increased by 70 trillion in a quarter. Now, in just three hours, they have already lost one-third?

  "Now we don't have enough cash transport trucks. Banks across the country are asking for support, and the situation is getting more and more serious now," Section Chief Jin said. "In addition to the Chinese people who come to withdraw money, there are also Many customers who come to deposit money, once they hear that the bank has no money, who dares to do half-hearted business!"

  "Not only that, the news has leaked out, and more and more customers are gathering at the door of the bank, waiting to withdraw money. They are afraid that our bank will be hollowed out and they will not be able to withdraw money at the critical moment. Now for them , having money in your hands is the most important thing!"

  "This is terrible!" If the news spreads further, it will even cause widespread panic.

  You should know that although banks have a lot of savings, banks are operated with liabilities, and their assets are used for loans, investments or other purposes.

  Ligao Bank has more than 2,000 trillion Ligao coins in deposits. Can all the banks across the country combined get 2,000 trillion Ligao coins in cash? Even 1000 trillion cannot be obtained!

  If panic is caused at this time, it will really lead to explosive consequences. By then, savings users across the country will gather at the door of the bank waiting to get their money, and the bank may even go bankrupt!

  However, the country cannot just watch this kind of pillar bank go bankrupt. If the bank cannot provide money, the country will have to plug the funding gap for the bank even if it prints money.

  But it's not just that money is printed, that's it. As a large amount of cash flows into the market, it will inevitably cause severe inflation. At that time, prices will rise sharply, followed by a large increase in the price of raw materials. This is the beginning of the economic crisis. omen!

  Therefore, the country will never turn on the money printing press unless forced to do so.

  "Can you support it?" At this time, Pu Guanzhi's sexual attitude just now was gone. Now he was worried that there would be more and more people withdrawing money, making things uncontrollable.

  "It can be sustained, but not for long!" said Section Chief Jin. "If the loss of deposits cannot be stopped, it will develop to the point where it cannot be saved."

  "Then get ready first!" Pu Guanzhi said, "Contact other banks first. We have no money, but they still have it, right? I don't believe that there are so many banks in Ligao country that they can't spend the money to block the bank." These loopholes!"

  Now Park Guanzhi is no longer concerned about the amount of deposits. What he needs to consider is whether the situation of this matter can be alleviated. Once it really reaches that level, even the country will not let him go!

  "I'll contact you now!" Section Chief Jin immediately took out his mobile phone and started to contact the person in charge of Lean Bank.

  "What?" Section Chief Jin's face suddenly turned pale, as if he had lost all his strength at once, and even his cell phone fell to the ground weakly.

  "What's going on? Are they unwilling to support us?" Pu Guanzhi asked. If it didn't work, he would go there in person. As the largest bank in the country, if something really happened, other banks would not be able to reap the benefits. .

  "Don't tell me, CEO, they said that their Li An Bank also encountered the same thing as us!" Section Chief Jin looked bleak, "And their situation is more serious than ours. From this morning to now, they have lost nearly 280,000 yuan in savings. Yili high coins!"

  "How could this happen?" An inexplicable feeling of fear arises spontaneously. So far, Pu Zhiguan has never felt such fear, as if there is an invisible hand behind everything. Otherwise, how could it be so big? Does this happen on a large scale?

  "Quick, ask other banks!" Pu Guanzhi urged, "Forget it, I'll fight!"

  "Mr. Jiang, how much cash savings do you have in Hana Bank?"

  "What? You have already had 25 trillion taken away this morning?"

  "Mr. Liu, did something happen to your Ligao Minsheng Bank?"

  "You're missing 18 trillion?"

  The more the phone call went on, the more Park Guanzhi's hands shook. This happened to almost all banks in Ligao. Even the amount of savings they lost at Ligao Bank was still in the middle and lower reaches!

  "What on earth is going on?" Park Guanzhi's expression was dull, "No, this matter is not that simple. It must be reported to the country's Ministry of Finance!"


  In the evening of that day, a private plane landed at the international airport in the capital of Ligao, and a young man wearing a thick down jacket shivered out of the plane.

  "Sneeze! Sorry, what kind of crappy place is this cold?" Zhang Mengyu cursed and walked out of the plane, "I'm freezing to death. If I didn't want to go abroad for fun, I really don't want to come here!"

  After assigning this task to Hong Yi yesterday, Zhang Mengyu had planned to visit Ligao Country. Strictly speaking, this was his first time leaving China. The atmosphere of this foreign country made him feel a little a little nervous. Not adaptable.

  "Why do I feel like there's a pickle smell flowing everywhere?" Zhang Mengyu said.

  "Mr. Zhang, what you just ate was kimchi rice cake."

  "Oh, is that so? Hahaha, I thought it was Laotan pickled cabbage rice cake!" Zhang Mengyu smiled sheepishly, "By the way, what's going on now? Is their bank going crazy?"

  "Mr. Zhang, throughout the whole day today, Ligao Bank's savings dropped sharply by 58 trillion, Lion Bank dropped by 54 trillion, Hana Bank dropped by 47 trillion, Ligao Minsheng Bank dropped by 49 trillion... ..In total we have withdrawn more than 500 trillion Lego coins from the bank."

  "Ah? That's it?" Zhang Mengyu was a little disappointed, "That's all I have?"

  "Mr. Zhang, it's not because you don't have enough money," Hong Yi said with a smile. Those small banks simply don't have so much cash reserves and must mobilize it from the higher-level banks. But starting from two o'clock this afternoon, the second-level banks The banks are also starting to get tight, and now the entire Ligao Kingdom is in a frenzy of cash turnover. "

  "Hahaha, then this scene must be very exciting!" Zhang Mengyu said with a smile.

  "No, now they don't have enough cash transport trucks!"