
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

My entrepreneurial capital was given by your father.

 "Ah?" Zhang Mengyu didn't react to this sudden invitation.

  "What's going on?" Polati just now looked arrogant, as if everyone owed him money, but looking at his eyes now, there was not only excitement but even a hint of fanaticism.

  "Do you know each other?" Wang Ling and Zhang Mengyu looked at each other.

  According to Zhang Menglong's wealth, perhaps Zhang Menglong's elders might have known each other. It seems that this guess is quite reasonable.

  "I told you this was the first time I met him, do you believe it?" Zhang Mengyu said.

  "Poladi is sixty or seventy years old. He should be from your grandfather's generation. Maybe he saw you when you were a child and you were still young."

  With this, the focus of everyone's attention suddenly shifted from Poladi to Zhang Mengyu.

  Although Poladi's Chinese was very poor, they still heard the sentence clearly. Was Poladi inviting this young man to dinner?

  What kind of drama is this? Didn't Poladi accept other people's money to eat with them? Why did he suddenly and inexplicably start inviting you to dinner?

  "Who is this young man?"

  "I don't know him, but to be here today, he must have some background in his family."

  "I know the person opposite him, Wang Ling, Wanda's son."

  "That should also be from that circle. Maybe their elders know each other?"

  "I know this young man! Is he Zhang Menglong?"

  "Who is Zhang Menglong?"

  "You don't even know Zhang Mengyu, how dare you say that you are from the Internet world? Not long ago, he acquired Weibo and scared Tencent and Baidu into giving up."

  "Is it him? I thought he was from Suzhou!"


  Someone recognized Zhang Menglong, and the news about him spread instantly. Some people may have never seen Zhang Menglong, but people who have never heard of this name are definitely rare. Some time ago, he seemed to have compiled the entire hot search Even after I bought it, it has been dominating the hot search list on Weibo for a long time.

  What's even more outrageous is that he actually bought the entire Weibo for a girl. Not everyone can do such a thing.

  This explosive news suddenly caused the media to focus their cameras on Zhang Menglong's face. In fact, many people wanted to interview Zhang Menglong, but his whereabouts were erratic, and it even seemed like there was an invisible hand wiping his face behind his back. From all the traces, no one knew where he was, let alone interviewed him.

  Zhang Mengyu has been a topical figure during this period.

  Recently, the news about him had faded away a bit, and when everyone's eyes were focused on the new world's richest man, Zhang Mengyu actually appeared again, and the richest man even invited him to have lunch on the spot. !

  "Mr. Poladi, haven't we already made an appointment? You are..." Song Mingxiang suddenly lost his dignity. Today, even if he is not the protagonist, he is definitely the first supporting role. Suddenly, the media The camera has been turned away from him. He still eats a basket for today's meal?

  Poladi put his mouth next to the translator's ear and said a few words, and then ignored Song Mingxiang again.

  "Mr. Song, I'm really sorry. Mr. Polati met a very important person today, so I'm afraid I can't have lunch with you. He will pay you double the price of this meal. I hope there will be more money next time." An opportunity to have lunch with you," the translator said politely.

  "What?" Song Mingxiang's face was full of disbelief. For today's lunch, the media has been reporting news for a week. His company has prepared a marketing campaign, but he suddenly stopped eating for one person. Is this meal enough?

  And you know, the price of this lunch is 12 million US dollars! He even spent 12 million US dollars to have a meal with Zhang Mengyu after getting double the refund. What the hell is this?

  It's not that Song Mingxiang has never heard of Zhang Menglong spending huge sums of money to acquire Weibo in one day. Such financial resources are beyond his comparison. He knows that Zhang Menglong probably has a very rich background to do such a thing.

  But in his heart, although this young man is a bit incredible, he is definitely not as good as the world's richest man, Poladi!

  Not only that, even if Zhang Menglong is richer than Poladi, he is only a rich second generation at best. It is absolutely impossible for Poladi to condescend to invite him to dinner, right?

  But he didn't know that Zhang Menglong was not an ordinary rich second generation. No, strictly speaking, he was not a rich second generation, he was a fucking rich EMI!

  Although he was simmering with anger, Song Mingxiang did not dare to break out. You must know that his company was listed in the United States, and Poladi happened to be an American. The venture capital institution under his name may not even have the power of their company. There are many shares.

  If he messes with this new stock god, his company may not be able to take any of his moves!

  This luncheon will be broadcast live on the entire network. Although the protagonist has changed, it does not affect the work of these media. Their task is to find explosive points. Obviously, Poladi's sudden regret is more important than this. Lunch is more exciting when done step by step!

  "What's going on?"

  "Sure enough, wherever there is Zhang Mengyu, great things happen!"

  "Even the world's richest man wants to invite him to dinner? Is Zhang Mengyu's family one of Mr. Poladi's shareholders?"

  "It's possible! Otherwise, how could he easily acquire Weibo and even force the two Internet giants? If there is capital from the Poldak Group behind this, it would make sense!"

  "No, even if he is the son of a shareholder, there is no need to have such an attitude. You see, he obviously puts himself at a lower level!"

  The viewers who were watching the live broadcast on the Internet were also confused. Which show was this?

  "Do you know me?" Zhang Mengyu looked at Poladi and finally spoke.

  "Are you Mr. Zhang?" Poladi did not use his native language, but carefully communicated with Zhang Mengyu in Chinese.

  "My surname is Zhang, but I seem to have never seen you before." Zhang Mengyu did not give the so-called richest man in the world any face.

  "That's right! Is your grandfather Mr. Zhang Mo?"

  "It seems that you know my grandfather?" Zhang Menglong finally found some clues, but looking at his appearance, it seemed that it was not just that simple.

  "Great! I finally see you!" Under the shocked eyes of countless people, Poladi burst into tears. This feeling was like finding a long-lost relative.

  "You just said you wanted to treat me to dinner?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

  "Yes, Mr. Zhang!" Poladi was excited, "This is my biggest wish and dream in my life. If you are willing, I can spend 100 million US dollars to invite you to have this meal with me!"

  "Wow!" As soon as he finished speaking, the whole restaurant exclaimed.

  12 million U.S. dollars is already a sky-high price, but Poladi actually invited Zhang Menglong to dinner for 100 million U.S. dollars. This world is so crazy!

  Poladi is the richest man in the world and a new stock god. If he wants to eat with others, he will probably have to queue up. Everyone hopes to learn something from him, but what can a young man like Zhang Mengyu teach him?

  "Wait a minute, calm down first." Poladi's tears and snot almost touched Zhang Mengyu's clothes. "Please tell me clearly first, what are you going to do? I don't eat with others casually!"

  "Damn! As expected of Mr. Zhang, he is still a god!"

  "Eating with the world's richest man is actually a casual thing in his eyes, and I'm torn apart."

  "Kid, do you have a lot of questions?"


  "Mr. Zhang, you may not be aware that my entrepreneurial capital was given by your grandfather. Although to Mr. Zhang Mo, this money was just a casual help for a bankrupt guy, but his guidance and that Money is what I rely on to make a comeback!"

  Poladi was so excited that he ran out while speaking his native language.

  "I'm sorry, my CET-6 English listening score is only 90 points. Can someone translate for me what he said?" Zhang Mengyu cast a look at Wang Ling for help, "Nima, so many people are watching, it's embarrassing. Big!"

  "He...he said that his entrepreneurial capital was given by your grandfather..."