
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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Let them go away directly.

 Indeed, most of those shareholders were filled with hatred, but there was nothing they could do. Zhang Mengyu was the largest shareholder and had the power to decide any decision. As long as he was unwilling to accept the conditions of the Western representatives, no one could. Way to force him.

 "In this case, then we have no choice but to give up cooperation!" Infilit slapped the table and stood up. If the company enters a state of loss, then these shares will be a hot potato in his hands, "I Ask the company to take back my shares at the market price!"

 All shareholders, look at me and I look at you. It is not an easy thing for these capitalists from the United States to sell their shares. Before the company went into trouble, , Silicon Moonlight's profitability is very strong, and Feilit is trying his best to increase the proportion of equity in his name.

 But now, who is willing to take over? If the company really goes bankrupt, all the shares in their hands will become garbage and cannot be converted into cash. No matter how high the shareholding ratio is, what's the use?

 "We also want to sell!" Several other shareholders from European and American countries also stood up, because they could not imagine that Silicon Moonlight had any way to bring it back to life.

 "Oh?" Zhang Mengyu raised his eyebrows, "Is there anyone else who wants to sell?"

 "Humph! You idiot who doesn't understand current affairs!" The shareholder named Gao Feng also stood up, and there were several others who stood in the same position as him. Huaxia shareholders.

 Zhang Mengyu scanned the conference room and found that apart from him and Xu Songhai, only three shareholders were still sitting.

 "Mr. Zhang, these four shareholders were the first to work together with the former chairman. They have great affection for the company. Even if the company suffers losses and goes bankrupt, I'm afraid they will persist until the end." Xu Huan whispered in Zhang Menglu's ear. said.

 "They will feel wiser in the future because of their current choice." Zhang Mengyu said with a smile.

 "Okay, so now you all have to sell your shares, right?" Zhang Mengyu asked.

 None of the standing shareholders wanted to speak, and all expressed their acquiescence.

 "Very good," Zhang Mengyu nodded, "Ask, who is willing to take over?"

 When asked this question, the shareholders were stunned.

 Yes, who is willing to take over? If the remaining four old shareholders can continue to hold on, it is already quite good. Who is willing to increase their risks?

 Only an hour after the stock market opened this morning, Silicon Moonlight's stock had already dropped to its limit again. In two days, the company's assets had shrunk by a full 20%!

 Although the country has now begun to promote independent research and development, this is a long process. In a short period of time, the situation will definitely not get better. If the country can persist for three to five years, can their companies persist for three to five years?

 According to the current situation, there is a high possibility that this part of the stock will directly rot in their hands!

 "However, I can buy the shares in your hands!" Zhang Mengyu said.

 "You want it?" They all looked at Zhang Mengyu in disbelief.

 But before he could recover from his surprise, Zhang Menglong immediately added, "But I can buy it for at most 50% of the current market value!"

 "You are taking advantage of the situation!" Those shareholders turned to Zhang Menglong with anger one by one. gaze.

 "You don't have to sell it, I don't care!" Zhang Menglong spread his hands, "If you wait a few more weeks, maybe 30% of the price is too much for me. If you don't believe me, you can give it a try!"

 Zhang Menglong really doesn't care. As long as he wants to, he will do it. It is completely possible for people to use capital operations to freely control the company's stock price. If it drops to the limit for several days in a row, the salary and market value will shrink by more than half. It is just like playing.

 Those shares are still in Zhang Mengyu's hands. As soon as his project is launched, the company can come back to life at any time, and he can easily recycle those shares on the market at low cost. Why not?

 Zhang Menglong could keep his composure, but those shareholders may not be able to keep their composure. For two days in a row, the stock price dropped to the limit, and all of them were in a state of confusion.

 "Why on earth does he want shares in a company that is almost unsustainable? Is there something we don't know about?" A few thoughtful people couldn't help but become suspicious.

 "Are you wondering why I spent money to acquire a company that is about to be unsustainable?" Zhang Menglong said with a smile.

 "The reason is very simple. I don't want to see companies in my country go bankrupt. I spend money to support this company. After three to five years, it will have the ability to independently produce wafers. We will talk about it then!"

 "Don't ask me why. , rich and willful!"

 "Is he an idiot?" After hearing this from Zhang Mengyu, those people looked in disbelief. This was more than just being rich and willful, this was like being kicked in the head by a donkey!

 In three to five years, it will only catch up with the technology of developed countries. Will those developed countries stagnate in this time?

 If China's technology wants to reach the world's advanced level, five years is still a short time, and how much money does it need to invest in research and development? They are already in debt, so they still want to throw money into the project? Unless the state gives money!

 But Silicon Moonlight is not a state-owned enterprise, so the money must come from their shareholders, allowing them, Western capitalists, to invest money in Chinese companies for research and development? This is absolutely impossible! "

 Even if profits start to come by then, how many years will it take? Yes, investment does require a return cycle. They can wait for two or three years, but what about ten or eight years? Who can wait?

 "60% At the price, I'll sell it now! Yin Feit held it back for a long time and finally said this through gritted teeth. If the money can be discounted and invested properly, the loss may not be able to be earned back within a year.

 "Xiaoya, sign the agreement!" "Zhang Menglong smiled and said, Xiaoya is the assistant beside Liu Qian. With the money, all the equity agreements have been prepared.

 "Okay, so you came prepared! "Infilit discovered that although this young man was young, he was not as immature as they thought.

 After Infilit signed the equity transfer agreement, Zhang Menglong immediately transferred the money to the bank account he provided.

 "So fast? "Infilit was startled.

 "Mr. Infilit, please leave without sending me away! " "Zhang Mengyu completely ignored his presence.

 "Chinese people, wait! This matter won't just be forgotten!

 "Okay, go out and turn right, take us with you, thank you! " "Zhang Mengyu immediately ignored Yinfelit, "What about the rest of you?

 " We sell it! " "Even major shareholders like Infilite are gone, what choice do they have?

 If they don't divest, there are only two situations. The first is that Zhang Mengyu's R&D plan fails, then the company goes bankrupt and they lose all their money. Return.

 In the second type, Zhang Mengyu invests money in scientific research and dilutes their shareholding ratio. Even if the company really comes back to life in the future, their shares will probably be diluted to nothing but dregs, and it is still a very long process. Whether they can survive until that time is anyone's guess.

 No matter how you calculate it, it's better to take this money with you and find another way out.

 Although it seems that they have lost a lot, you must know that they are the original shareholders of the company. The dividends they have received since the operation of Silicon Moonlight have already made them a lot of money, but they are making less now.

 Under the leadership of Infilit, the shareholders signed equity sale agreements one by one, and Zhang Menglong's shares suddenly exceeded 80%.

 "Mr. Zhang, this..." Seeing those former shareholders leaving, Xu Songhai sighed, "Can we really just wait?"

 "Wait?" Zhang Menglong said with a smile. , "You lied to them! I was afraid that they would get into trouble and refuse to sell me the shares. It seems that they are very confident in the West's chip sanctions strategy!"

 Xu Songhai smiled bitterly, and controlled all the patents in the world. As long as someone refuses to sell raw materials to China, who would dare to sell them? This is just like Zhang Mengyu's decision just now, no one can refute it, there is no loophole to exploit.

 "Mr. Zhang!" Suddenly, Xu Huan's expression became a little ugly.

 "What's wrong?" Zhang Menglong asked.

 "The representatives from the United States are here again," Xu Huan said. "Today is the deadline they gave. We must give an answer today, whether to agree to their conditions or reject their conditions." "

 Oh, it's okay. "Zhang Mengyu said, "There's no need to ask them to come up. Just talk to the front desk and tell them to get out!"