
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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I entered the wrong account. That’s all.

"Mr. Sun, we have collected all the evidence. Wu Yun did the thing about your company, and he himself has confessed. We deeply apologize for the negative impact it has had on you."

After some investigation, Sun Yulei's case can be regarded as a redress of injustice. As for how many years Wu Yun will be sentenced, Zhang Menglong is too lazy to care. His two lawyers will definitely let him taste the most severe punishment within the scope of the law. .

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, was it really not you who transferred the 100 million yuan into his account? If so, I'm afraid we will have to launch additional investigations into Wu Yun." The police officer said seriously.

The amount of money involved is so large that a special investigation team may need to be set up! It's just that they can't think of anything that a company's project director can do that can make someone spend 100 million.

"Oh, I just did some checking. That amount of money belongs to me. I accidentally entered the wrong account number."

"Sure enough!" This result did not surprise them at all. According to Zhang Mengyu's character, he might really be able to do such a thing.

"Should it not be illegal if I transferred money to the wrong account?"

"This...should not be illegal," Wrong account number? Only ghosts believe you! This is 100 million, not 100 yuan. Don't you check it several times before transferring money?

But there is no way to characterize this thing. Zhang Mengyu refused to admit it and said that he had dialed the wrong account. What could be done to him?

"Then this money... I'm sorry Mr. Zhang, because this is funds remitted from abroad, and we need to understand his origins.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just sold a batch of crude oil to Siberia from an oil mine in Africa. The funds were transferred from them. I can provide transaction records if you need it."

"Haha, I think there is no need for this," the police officer swallowed. There is actually a mine in this hazy image, and it is an oil mine! Maybe this is the master of human beings!

"Mr. Zhang, about the donation you mentioned before..." the police officer hesitated and hesitated to speak.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot!" Zhang Mengyu slapped his forehead, "Don't Wu Yun have 100 million on him? You don't need to take it out and give it back to me, just transfer it directly to your account!"

"Mr. Zhang, you said 50 million. There is 100 million here. For the remaining 50 million, which account will we transfer to you?"

"Huh? Did I say 50 million? How do I remember that I said 100 million?" Zhang Menglong looked at Sun Yulei, "Yulei, did I say 50 million?"

"You kid is pretending to be your own horse!" Sun Yulei directly gave Zhang Mengyu a "black tiger takes out the heart".

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, you are such a noble person and forgetful about things." If you can convert a donation of 50 million into 100 million, it is estimated that only Zhang Mengyu can do this kind of thing.

"Forget it, there's no need to look for the 50 million. If you buy a few more duty cars and prepare more equipment, I can make some contribution to society."

"Mr. Zhang, I'll see you off."

"No, we can just go on our own. Our lawyers will handle the rest."

"Then go on your way..."


Sun Yulei and Zhang Menglong walked out of this unpleasant place side by side.

"Let's go, call Xu Li and the others, let's have a good meal tonight to celebrate!"

"Menglong, it's all thanks to you this time!" Sun Yulei was always an honest person, and this time he was able to wash away the injustice. He knew that all this was due to Zhang Menglong's help.

"Dad takes care of his son, as he should!" Zhang Menglong said in a tone that didn't deserve a beating.


"Zizzizi!" The hot pot is steaming. This is a hotpot restaurant in the square opposite Jiangnan University of Technology. It is not expensive and is very friendly to the people. This is the place where Zhang Menglong and his dormitory have often come to have dinner in the past few years.

Although we don't have the delicacies at home, this kind of friendship cannot be bought with money.

"So you kid just bought that company and transferred it to Lao Sun?"

"Yeah, you don't know that Wu Yun's expression at that time was as if he was the only one in the entire household!"

"By the way, Menglong, did you really transfer this company to my name? Are those documents real?"

"Of course it's true," Zhang Menglong said, "If they really find out that all the information is false, let alone you, I will be in trouble."

"So I really have so many shares in Nas Group?"

"This equity certificate is with my assistant. Do you want to show it to you?" Zhang Menglong said with a smile.

"Forget it, forget it, I can't afford this thing. It's worth hundreds of millions of dollars. I'm afraid my hands will tremble in my hands. You'd better take it back quickly." Sun Yulei said.

"Take it back? Why take it back?" Zhang Mengyu said, "I will divide these shares equally among the three of you, and you can just run this company and have fun!"

"What did you say?" the three people said in unison.

"None of you have a job yet. Even if you find a job, you are still a wage earner. When you come in and when you are fired are just a matter of words from the boss. How can you feel comfortable opening your own company?"

"This is worth hundreds of millions, this is no joke!"

"That's right. We are just college students who have just graduated. We are still studying materials. It's okay for us to do experiments. But running a company, isn't that nonsense?"

"Is Gou Fugui just talking about it?" Zhang Menglong was unhappy, "My brother Zhang Menglong can't just be a wage earner. Don't worry about the company's affairs. I will find a few professional managers when the time comes. I'm here to guide you, as long as you are willing to study hard, you will grow up in no time."


"But you guys!" Zhang Mengyu didn't give them a chance to speak at all. "I have the final say on this matter, and I have also acquired the remaining shares of this company. Now one of us holds a quarter, how about you?" You have to manage it well for me, and if you owe anything, you can die to apologize!"

After listening to Zhang Mengyu's words, several people suddenly felt sad. Did they save the entire universe in their previous life? I unexpectedly met such an amazing roommate.

"Okay, just say this to you, we have to risk our lives to run this company for you!"

"This is right!"

Zhang Mengyu picked up the cup and clinked it with several people.

"By the way, Mengyu, you just said that half of NMG's cattle and sheep belong to our family. Are you kidding?" Sun Yulei suddenly remembered Zhang Mengyu's boast, "You are really good, you have to have this half of NMG." How big!"

"Who are you kidding?" Zhang Mengyu put the cup on the table, "I can't say half of it. Almost two-thirds of the pastures are contracted by my family. Most of NMG's cattle and sheep are still here. It's really mine!"
