
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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370 Chs

I am rich, but don’t treat me like a fool.

"Zhang Menglong, we haven't seen each other for less than an hour, and you've made such big news for me again?" Not long after, Zhang Menglong received a call from Lu Yiyao.

  "Isn't this to protect you!" Zhang Menglong smiled, "I don't want my future girlfriend's private life to be monitored every day!"

  "You are so shameless. Who promised to be your girlfriend in the future?" Lu Yiyao said, "Ah, Sissy, go away and don't eavesdrop on me!"

  "Hahaha, it seems that your dormitory is very lively tonight!" Zhang Mengyu heard the chirping sounds of a group of girls.

  "It's not you!" Lu Yiyao said angrily, "You said you came to me, just come to me. You made such a big show of it, as if you were afraid that the whole world wouldn't know about it."

  "Aren't we worried that something will happen to you," Zhang Mengyu said, "By the way, why don't you ask your roommates to have dinner with me sometime? I'll bribe them, and next time we go out on a date, they won't leave the door open for you. !"

  "You think so beautifully!"

  "Wait, what did you say?" A burst of protest suddenly came from the phone, "Handsome Zhang! We heard what you said!"

  "Are you Guo Yuqian?" Zhang Menglong remembered that Lu Yiyao's roommate seemed to be called that name.

  "Yes, handsome guy Zhang has a really good memory!" Guo Yuqian snatched Lu Yiyao's cell phone, "I'll give you a chance to treat us to dinner on Saturday night. Maybe we'll be happy then, let alone deny Yiyi a door. , we got her drunk and sent her to your bed to chat!"

  "Hahaha! Yes, yes!" Several other voices came out on the phone, "I can even help you steal your household registration book!"

  "You guys, ah! I'm going to kill you!"

  "Fuck! Lu Yiyao, you dare to kick us? Your legs are amazing!"

  "Long legs are great!"

  "Ah! Sissi, don't mess around!"

  "Handsome guy Zhang, you have such a good figure, so soft!"

  "Sissi, you rascal!"

  "Tear..." Zhang Mengyu's head was about to have a picture. He originally thought that such a thing would only happen in boys' dormitories, but he didn't expect that girls' dormitories were even more messy!

  "Then it's settled. I'll treat you to dinner on Saturday. Remember to bring a bag with you. I'm afraid you won't be able to carry what I bribed you with!"

  "Haha! Definitely!"

  I don't know what happened in the girls' dormitory, and the phone was hung up immediately.

  "Life is so beautiful!" Zhang Menglong sighed, turned around and walked into the huge bathroom where you could almost swim.


  "Sure enough, none of these people took my words seriously."

  The next day Zhang Mengyu turned on his phone. Except for Unicorn Technology's products, all other websites and apps were still full of news about him and Lu Yiyao.

  Even several chairman and executives of Internet giants have publicly commented on this matter. They all agreed that Zhang Mengyu was trying to please others, and even made no secret of laughing at his seemingly ridiculous behavior.

  Not only them, but also the group of netizens are waiting to watch the show, because it will soon be 12 o'clock, and they want to see whether Zhang Mengyu is just bluffing or really has this ability.

  If he can't do anything by then, I'm afraid the whole Internet will laugh at him.

  "Hong Yi, let's start!" Zhang Menglong sent a message to Hong Yi.

  "Yes, Mr. Zhang, as of today, the market value of Weibo is US$9.212 billion, 30% of which is held by a domestic company called Redwood Capital, and 70% of which is held by some domestic and foreign venture capital firms. In the hands of institutions, the shareholdings range from 1.4% to 17.3% respectively."

  "I don't understand these things, you just need to be responsible for helping me acquire them."

  "Okay Mr. Zhang, give me two hours."

  As soon as Zhang Menglu put down the phone, Wang Ling called.

  "Zhang Mengyu, what are you doing? Have you run away?"

  "Why are you running away? I'm busy!"

  "Excuse me, you put on such a big show last night, it's almost 12 o'clock, let's see what you say then!" Wang Ling knew that Zhang Menglong was rich, but acquiring a company was not that simple at all. First of all, In any case, you have to agree to the other party selling the shares to you.

  For example, in Wanda, most of the equity is in the hands of Wang Ling and his son. Even if Zhang Menglong is rich, if they refuse to sell until death, he has no way, unless he uses some commercial competition methods to force them Selling shares, but the cycle may be very long.

  "What do you mean you are busy? You are busy acquiring Weibo!"

  "What? Acquire Weibo?" Wang Ling suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, "Weibo's market value is close to 10 billion U.S. dollars. You want to acquire it?"

  "What's wrong? Isn't it possible?" Zhang Menglong asked.

  "You're awesome!" Wang Ling had nothing to say, "Are you serious?"

  "Are you serious? Won't you know it soon?" Zhang Menglong smiled. Although he didn't know what method Hong Yi used to acquire Weibo's shares, he knew that Hong Yi would definitely be able to do it.


  In less than an hour, Hong Yi called.

  "Mr. Zhang, now we have completed the acquisition of 85.25% of the shares, and all of this part of the shares are owned by people you can completely trust.

  "What the hell, so fast?" Zhang Menglong didn't know anything about this, but with 84.25% of the shares, this Weibo has almost become his voice, because the shareholders who hold shares represent Zhang Menglong will, "What about the rest?"

  "The rest are all with a European venture capital company called Camorra, but that group of people is very oily. We only used 15% of the increased market price to complete the acquisition of the 84.25% of the shares, but Camorra When we went to venture capital, we offered a stock market premium of 30%, but they didn't intend to sell, and they obviously wanted to open their mouths."

  "There are always people in this world who don't know how to be satisfied." Although Zhang Menglong didn't know what the acquisition price of 30% of the market premium was, the acquisition of other shares was completed with only 15%, which shows that this The ratio shouldn't be too small.

  "Mr. Zhang, the person in charge of Camorra Venture Capital now wants to speak to you. If you are willing to answer, I will transfer the call for you."

  "Take it over, I want to hear how greedy these old cowards really are."

  Following a busy tone, a greasy middle-aged man's voice soon came from the other side.

  "Hellow, is that Mr. Zhang speaking?"

  "Don't speak any English to me," Zhang Menglong said, "Do you speak Chinese? If you don't speak Chinese, get out!"

  Although Zhang Menglong didn't know how to kill this small venture capital company, he believed that he had 10,000 solutions with the resources at his disposal.

  "Zhang...Mr. Zhang, I am Chavi, the head of Camorra Venture Capital."

  "What? Zha Zhahui? Forget it, it doesn't matter. I want to buy the remaining shares of Weibo you hold. You can set a price."

  "Mr. Zhang is very happy," a burst of laughter came from the other side of the phone, "I just got the news that except for our shares, the remaining shares have changed hands not long ago. It should be acquired by Mr. Zhang's people, right? "


  "I think Mr. Zhang is not short of money. I am a businessman, so naturally I want to get higher profits. I am willing to sell this part of the shares to you at 100% of the stock market premium."

  "Doubled?" Zhang Mengyu thought that this old man would only increase it to 50% at most, but he didn't expect that his appetite would be so big.

  "Zha Zhahui, right? I'm rich, but you'd better not think of me as a fool! I'm 100% afraid that you're just dreaming!"