
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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He just likes me.

Anyone who has received higher education knows how depressing the financial crisis was, and the harm it caused caused the economy to set back years or even decades in an instant!

  During that crisis, hundreds of iron furnaces were destroyed around the world, hundreds of millions of acres of cotton fields were destroyed, hundreds of millions of bags of coffee were destroyed, and millions of livestock were wiped out.

  In the United States, even tens of thousands of gallons of high-quality fresh milk were poured into ditches, forming a milk river. This is a huge and disastrous consequence of the economic crisis.

  As for inflation, large-scale population unemployment, and the overthrow of social systems, this is even more common. However, there was something elusive to historians at that time. During that period, China's economy grew steadily without any impact. The impact of the world financial crisis.

  Not only China, but even those countries that maintain close cooperation with China have easily survived this disaster one by one, as if an invisible hand protected them.

  In just a few years, the difference in technology and productivity between China and the developed countries of the world, which lasted for hundreds of years, was shortened to only a few decades.

  But who would have thought that all of this was actually done by Zhang Mengyu's grandfather!

  If this thing is true, it can solve a mystery that has puzzled historians and economists for decades!

  But this is something that is scary to think about. It can easily control the global economy. What kind of force should be behind this?

  "This...how did my grandfather do it?"

  "I don't know about this, but I heard that the economic crisis is more closely related to the shortage of raw materials around the world, especially the crisis in crude oil. Dozens of major crude oil importing countries around the world have almost cut off supply! "Poladi said.

  "Not only that, during that period, capitalists all over the world started to develop production like crazy. The accumulation of products far exceeded the purchasing power of the international community at that time. Then it was a vicious circle, and the world economic crisis naturally began. Erupted.

  Regarding the causes of the economic crisis, Zhang Mengyu recited a lot when he was studying politics in high school. In fact, the economic crisis is an inevitable thing. It is like a cycle that repeats in a certain period.

  But as long as there are some external forces, the cycle of this cycle can be shortened artificially. Of course, such external forces naturally need to be so powerful that it is unimaginable.

  "Mr. Zhang, you may not have been born at that time, but I am from that time. Do you know what happened during that time?"


  "90% of the crude oil supply in developed countries was cut off. This is just one of the things. The most terrifying thing is that all the large banks in the world received huge withdrawal orders at the same time!"

  "What do you mean?" Zhang Mengyu didn't seem to understand what Polati said.

  "In just a few weeks, the cash flow of banks around the world and even international banks was almost completely wiped out!" When Polati said this, his eyes were still shining with reverence. "Did you know that that year? , the total GDP of the world is only about 5 trillion U.S. dollars, but during that period, the cash in banks around the world was 10 trillion U.S. dollars less!"

  "My grandfather did this?" This number is unbelievable even today.

  "Mr. Zhang, you should know more about your family's wealth than I do." Poladi did not say it directly, but it was obvious that he acquiesced to this statement.

  "Starting from the bankruptcy of banks one by one, the world's economy collapsed instantly, and what followed was a series of butterfly effects."

  "Old Zhang, your grandpa is so awesome!" Wang Ling was dumbfounded. As a master of economics and finance from an internationally renowned university, Wang Ling naturally had a better understanding of the world economic crisis than ordinary people, but he didn't expect that, Behind this, there are actually shadows of Zhang Mengyu's family.

  "I didn't know my grandpa was so awesome!" Zhang Mengyu's expression was exactly the same as Wang Ling's. He was not proud that his grandpa did this because he had not recovered from the shock. Come to your senses!

  "Mr. Zhang, do you know how long this economic crisis has lasted?"

  "It seems like ten years." Zhang Mengyu said based on his memory.

  "And do you know what happened the year after the crisis ended?"

  "This...I don't study well, why don't you tell me about it." What Zhang Mengyu hates most is rote memorization of history. He, a liberal arts black hole who scored 21 points in the history test at the end of the first semester of high school, can understand This way, he wouldn't end up choosing engineering as a path of no return.

  "I know!" Wang Ling suddenly thought of something, "I remember that a large number of lost cultural relics appeared on the northwest border that year, all wrapped in uniform red silk, while a large number of ghosts appeared in the coastal areas. The boat was also filled with a lot of lost things."

  "As expected of Mr. Zhang's friend, Mr. Wang is really knowledgeable about the past and present." Polati said with admiration. If he hadn't had such a chance encounter with Zhang Mengyu's grandfather, he would not have known these things, let alone Not tying those two things together.

  "A top student!" Zhang Mengyu gave Wang Ling a thumbs up!

  "Low-key and low-key!" Wang Ling said with a smile, "So this is Hazy Grandfather's bargaining chip to end the economic crisis?"

  "As far as I know, yes!" Poladi said. "Since then, large sums of money have flowed back into the banks, and the world's raw material supply chain has been restored. After a long period of recuperation, the world economy has slowly recovered."

  "Then how did you know my grandfather?" Zhang Menglong asked curiously.

  "That year I was still making a living in the financial market on Wall Street. Because of a wrong operation, all my funds were lost," Polati said. "Later, I was chased by a group of creditors and met your grandfather. and his servants."

  "Then what?"

  "Your grandfather said that he needed someone who was familiar with Wall Street. He said that I was more pleasing to the eye and helped me pay off my debt. He asked me to take him to the Bond Center on Wall Street to help him do something."

  "Is it more pleasing to you?"

  "Yes," Poladi smiled bitterly as he said this. Originally, he thought it was some of his own characteristics that made Zhang Mengyu's grandfather, Zhang Mo, choose him. After asking about it afterwards, he got such an answer.

  "What did he do there?"

  "In three days, he destroyed the entire Wall Street currency market, and my job was just to help him find a suitable entry point for funds, because I understood this place and knew what the projects with the highest trading volume every day were, although I was I don't understand the Chinese language, but I noticed that every time he issued an order to his people, a market project collapsed."

  "A few days later, he had complete control over the entire Wall Street. He could easily depreciate or appreciate any currency. Even the official power could not compete with him. This is the power of the market!"