
I Inherited 5000 years of family property

Family Property I Inherited for Five Thousand Years: How much wealth should a family that has inherited five thousand years have? Sometimes you will never know how rich your family is unless you force your parents to do something! Only after Zhang Mengru inherited his family's five thousand years of wealth did he realize that the happiness of rich people is so simple and unpretentious. Bank President: Mr. Zhang, please come to our bank to deposit money. You have the final say on the interest! The richest second generation in China: The whole world belongs to your family, right? The richest man in the world: I feel like a poor man! European Royal Family: Mr. Zhang, do you still lack a girlfriend? If it's missing, would you mind finding one? If there is no shortage, would you mind having one more? What do you think of our country’s princess? Later, Zhang Mengyu discovered that the college his parents left him was the most awesome thing. In fact, being a dean was even happier than being the world's richest man!

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Half of NMG belongs to his family.

 "Mr. Zhang, what do you mean by this?" The police officer frowned, seeming to hear something in Zhang Mengyu's words.

  "Mr. Police, can I ask you a question?"

  "Of course, Mr. Zhang, just say it."

  "If you were a millionaire, no, if you were a billionaire, and someone paid you 100,000 yuan to bribe you to do something that might put you in jail, would you do it?"

  "Hahaha, of course not!" The police officer laughed. If a person has hundreds of millions of assets and takes risks just for 100,000 yuan, then there is probably something wrong with his brain.

  "Look, no normal person would do such a thing, so don't you think this is suspicious?" Zhang Mengyu said.

  "Of course, if a billionaire does such a thing, it would be worth investigating," the police officer said, "But Mr. Zhang, your roommate is just a student from an ordinary family. According to our investigation results, 10 Ten thousand yuan is not a small number to him."

  Zhang Menglu is rich. This is something that everyone in China knows, but his money is his business and has nothing to do with his roommates. It is impossible to average the billions of assets per capita in their dormitories. Bar?

  "This is just what you think," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile, "If it hadn't been for these things that happened recently, would you have known me?"

  This sentence immediately stopped everyone. Yes, before this year's National Day, no one knew about Zhang Mengru.

  Even before Wang Ling, the second-generation richest man in China, became popular online, he didn't have much popularity.

  From these points, it is not difficult to guess that there are actually many invisible rich people crouching tigers, hidden dragons throughout China.

  "Mr. Zhang, you mean that your roommate is also a billionaire?"

  "Billionaire?" Zhang Mengyu laughed again, "Yulei, do you feel offended? Someone actually insulted you for being a billionaire."

  "Ah?" Sun Yulei was confused by Zhang Menglong's words. In fact, he didn't know that Zhang Menglong would come with two lawyers today.

  And according to the normal process, shouldn't the two lawyers verify the details and then start thinking of ways to prove his innocence? Why did the painting style suddenly change like this?

  As for the people from Nas Holdings, they were even more confused. What does "insulting you as a billionaire" mean? Has "billionaire" become an insulting word?

  "I'm afraid you can't even imagine the assets of my roommate's family!" Zhang Mengyu said, "Yulei, I know that you are a low-key person and don't want to expose your family's background. In addition, in order to let you blend in with everyone, your family members You deliberately pretend to be an ordinary herdsman, but it's time now, so stop pretending!"

  "I...I..." Sun Yulei was confused by this sudden "billionaire". His family was really just an ordinary herdsman family!

  "Mr. Police, I have asked the lawyer to bring some things over, which should be able to prove my roommate's net worth." Zhang Mengyu said.

  The two lawyers stepped forward and handed the police officer a piece of information, "Mr. Police, this is the property certificate for a residence of my client, Mr. Sun Yulei, in Jiangnan City."

  "Real estate deed? How much money can it have?" The policeman opened the real estate deed, but after a moment, time seemed to freeze. If the corners of his mouth were not twitching slightly, people would even misunderstand that he was under the immobilization spell.

  The property certificate is the address of a villa area by the West Lake, with a total construction area of ​​1,400 square meters. According to the housing prices in that area, this house alone is worth more than 100 million Chinese dollars!

  The name on this real estate certificate clearly belongs to Sun Yulei, and the ID number also completely matches his!

  "Oh my god! Sun Yulei is actually so rich?"

  "Damn, I see he is dressed so plainly, it turns out he is just keeping a low profile!"

  "A house costs hundreds of millions. Who would do such a thing for 100,000 yuan?"

  "That's right! He comes here to work, probably just to experience life, right?"

  "But isn't his family a herdsman? How can a shepherd have so much money?"

  "Friends," Zhang Menglong said with a smile to several employees around him, "You may not believe it, but his family does graze, but most of the cattle and sheep on the NMG grassland belong to their family!"

  After saying this, Zhang Menglong suddenly showed a heartbroken look, "You don't know how pitiful this beast pretended to be when he first went to college. He said that in order to support him in college, his family bought a sheep and a cow. , it sounds like they have emptied their wealth."

  "You don't know how much we took care of him at that time. We often invited him to eat, wash his feet and watch movies, just because we were afraid that he would feel inferior!"

  "Last year we went to his house and saw tens of thousands of sheep and cattle in one of the pastures. Only then did we know that tmd had been fooled!"

  Zhang Mengyu finished all this in one breath.

  "Most of NMG's cattle and sheep?"

  "Nima...how rich do you have to be?"

  "No wonder people can afford such a big villa in Jiangnan City!"

  "It's empty talk. Isn't this real estate certificate fake?" Wu Yun's face became a little ugly.

  "There seems to be no way to prove it," the police officer said. "Otherwise, it's not far from here anyway. We can tell by looking at where we are."

  "Okay, then I'll arrange a police car immediately!" the police officer said.

  "It's okay. I drove the car. It won't be a problem to carry a dozen people."

  "Okay, your legal department can send someone to go with us to collect evidence."

  "Comrade police, I also want to take a look, okay?" Wu Yun said, and it was obvious that he was very worried.

  "Okay, since you are his boss, you must have more contact with him, so you can learn about his situation."

  Walking downstairs of the company, a Rolls-Royce was parked downstairs. Zhang Mengyu glanced at the old police car and said, "Brother, we people's police have to pay more attention to appearance in their work. Please help me contact your director when the time comes, and I will donate 50 million to provide a batch of better cars to our Jiangnan City police officers!"

  "In this case, I would like to thank Mr. Zhang on behalf of our unit first!" The police officer looked happy. Although the money could not be used for other purposes, the money came from the case he was responsible for. As the person handling this case, This is definitely a highlight on his resume! There is hope for promotion this year!

  Thinking of this, his attitude towards Sun Yulei became extremely cordial.

  "Menglong, what are you doing?" Sun Yulei whispered in Zhang Menglong's ear.

  "It's nothing. From now on, you are a billionaire who owns half of the NMG grassland," Zhang Mengyu said with a smile.

  "But where do I have half-NMG cattle and sheep?"

  "I said you have it, you have it!" Zhang Menglong patted Sun Yulei on the shoulder, "Okay, we're here!"

  The car parked next to a villa. Anyone who knows a little bit knows that anyone who can afford a villa in this place is worth at least billions!

  At this time, a man who looked like a housekeeper came out of the villa and bowed respectfully to Sun Yulei.

  "Mr. Sun, you came back so early today! Do you need me to prepare lunch for you first? Your chef prepared the freshest gold caviar for you today."

  "This..." Sun Yulei looked at Zhang Mengyu, "What is going on?"