
I have the all for one quirk in a superworld society.

I was a normal person until something changes my life forever... Join our MC in a world of super-powers where most people have a superpower and most that do may use it to protect people and benefit society or do whatever they want and worsen it. Some parts of the story may be too dark for the squeamish and are advised to skip through it.

Logical_Playz · Fantasía
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2 Chs

The all for one incident.

"Six months ago citizens of society witnessed a terrifying incident which has now become known as the battle of bomber. Also known as the battle of el bombordeo, where he planned to commit a large scale act of violence on the golden gate bridge luckily however his plans were thwarted by grace gold. The heroic metronome today and we are honoured to have her here today on our show" spoke the news reporter.

A round of applause was later followed.

"I would like to ask a question on everyone's mind is bombordeo dead because his body is yet to be found?" questioned the news reporter.

"Yes Serena and I defeated him I am certain of it." said grace.

"Ok well that made everyone sigh especially the people in America and we all greatly mourn the loss of Serena who was killed in the battle" replied the news reporter.

"Thank you her sacrifice is what turned the tide in the battle, thanks to her the world is safer once again" Grace spoke deeply saddened.

"Indeed crime rates have gone down considerably with this event" said the news reporter.

"Any last words that you would like to say before you go Grace" told the reporter.

"Those doing good keep at it and be the best version of yourselves and those who commit crimes just know that heroes will stand in your way." exclaimed Grace.

This was all being watched at a cafe.

"Sure is nice that people like Grace keep us safe"

said the cashier worker. "Well that be 5.80" spoke the cashier worker.

"All right let me just grab my card" replied Scott.

He looks down to grab it then suddenly a bolt of lightning hits the cashier and knocks him out.

What just happened and am I next thought Scott. He turned around to where it came from.

"Less crime huh what a joke" shouted the criminal in the cafe.

Everyone in the cafe turned around and looked at him and then saw a body laying on the floor.

"Oh my God" screamed someone and proceeded to bring out his phone to record.

"No phones!" exclaimed the criminal knocking him out too.

Everyone was silent and nobody dared to make a move as this guy could easily kill them with his superpower if he wanted to. (most people have a superpower but most are quite bad for example just having a stronger kick then usual but can be trained to kick down a building).

"Don't worry your all in luck, I don't feel like hurting anyone today all I want is the cash from the register." declared the criminal saying this toward everyone but mainly to the other worker.

"You said you didn't want to hurt anyone but you had no problem electrocuting that gy just a minute ago" Scott angrily saying this to the criminal.

"Excuse me who do you think you are talking to me like that." stated the criminal slowly turning around to look at him.

"I know I'm not anything special but at least I know I'm not a degenerate." told Scott

"All right you asked for this" Shouted the criminal while firing even more electric bolts than the 2 other victims before this.

Scott blocked it but as soon as it touched him it went away almost like he drained it away and leaving him with a slight tingle in his arms.

"Why isn't it working, what did you DO TO ME!" Declared the gy.

"I don't know." said Scott bewildered

"Your going to die for this!" yelled the criminal and proceeding to run straight at him.

Suddenly someone appeared behind the criminal and hit him really hard in the head leaving blood flying out of his head as he fell.

"Come on we gotta get out of here before the police start asking questions" spoke in a rapid voice.

They both started running out the cafe and they were both out of breathe once they stopped.

"So what exactly happened back there" talked the stranger.

"I don't know but I feel more alive than I ever have" replied Scott.

"You wanna get a drink and tell me what happened" said the stranger.

"Sure" spoke Scott in a happy voice.

They arrived at another cafe and started talking about what happened.

"Thank you for knocking that gy out, otherwise I might have died" said Scott.

"No problem and I just realised we haven't introduced our selves yet" exclaimed the stranger.

"To be fair we were caught up in all of that" told Scott.

Slight chuckle from the stranger but not loud enough to notice.

"I'm beau and you?" questioned Beau

"I'm Scott." said Scott

"So did you know you could take super powers like that *cough* *cough* I mean borrow." questioned Beau.

"I had no idea and I just assumed that I was superpower-less like some of the population" replied Scott.

"right right maybye it was your fear that activated the superpower or something along those lines" asked Beau.

"It could be I guess" replied Scott.

"Have you ever heard of the notorious villain in Japan called All for one?" asked beau.

"Of course I have and I am pretty sure that most people have as well" said Laurence.

"Well I think you have the same superpower as him" spoke beau.

"I s-share a superpower with a villain?!" questioned Scott in disbelief.

"Don't think of it like that as villains are just, misunderstood heroes, but aside from that your power is a brilliant opportunity to bring about immense good as well" said beau

"I guess so" replied Scott

Scott pulled out his phone to check the time realising he has to go but exchanged phone numbers to call each other whenever and said goodbye to Beau.

"see you" said Scott

"Yeah see you,(Scott leaves the cafe), yeah see you real soon" ominously said beau.