
Chapter6 The ungrateful man who sold his sperm to pretty Lilac can never be my father (2)

"They are still children, Kiara" The woman muttered. Kiara smiled weakly at the two girls. When she first knew about her pregnancy, she thought her life had been ruined. She had visited up to twenty hospitals but they had said the same predicament.....she would die due to her short lifespan if she tried abortion.

Warily she gave up the idea and gave birth to them. The minute her eyes met with them, she cried all through that day. 

How could a baby nurture another baby?!!! She had no one. She wasn't in her contact with her family, she even got depressed with the death of her elder brother. For a whole year, she wasn't herself, she didn't even care about the babies.

That was until when An Bai Su came into her life. The woman she met coincidentally on the plane.

"They are both acting childish" Kiara said as she palm faced herself

Bai Su shook her head at the twenty one year old woman. Childish!!!! Aren't they just children?

"You know you are the one acting childish" The woman spoke. Kiara widened her eyes and yelled out "Me!!! How am I the childish one uh?" She pouted her lips. Her beautiful crystal eyes brightened as she widened them. Bai Su chuckled, she pinched the woman's cheeks and cried "You are so adorable...I can't believe this little girl has given birth to two cute girls"

"Ouch! AN BAI SU!!!"

The latter laughed out and gestured the two kids to look at their mother burning face. She was blushing beet red so hard that she could fry potatoes.

"Little Mian, why is mummy's face red?? Should I blow it for her?" Ayra slapped her face, she really underestimated her little dumb sister.

"She is blushing not burning" Ayra corrected. Little beauty puffed her cheeks in annoyance and embraced her mother. She moved further to sooth her red cheeks.

"Mummy is really burning ok...I know what I am saying, isn't that right sexy aunty??" Bai Su tried to hold in her laugh when she saw Kiara's disturbed face. A baby petting another baby, how great!!!

"Little beauty your sister is right, I am ok" Kiara said as she cubbed the girl's face. Alvina became upset, she wriggled out of her mother's embrace and ran to Bai Su.

"Sexy aunty, mummy doesn't love Little beauty, she only cares about Little Mian. Am I nothing to her??" She repeatedly blinked her eyes and sulked. An Bai Su squatted down to the girl's height and patted her chestnut hair.

She whispered inside the girl's ear "She is just sad because of your dearest father. You know how sensitive she gets when you mention it"

Alvina whispered back "My Papa, is mummy going t take me to father?? Yay!!!!!"

An Bai Su giggled inwardly. She felt a hard gaze on her, of course she knows who that is. Who else and not Kiara???

Alvina excitedly danced around joyfully at the thought of seeing her father. Ayra thought her sister had been possessed while Kiara glared at the other woman. What did she say to her??

"Sister Ayra, we will meet papa...I am so happy" She cried excitedly. Ayra sneered at the thought of the man called father. Angrily she blurted out "The ungrateful man who sold his sperm to Pretty Lilac can never be called my father"



Kiara was the most shocked out of them.

The ungrateful man who sold his sperm to Pretty Lilac can never be called my father!!!! She threw daggers at the woman opposite her laughing her guts out.

"Ahhh, you are the man....hahahahhahaha" An Bai Su continued to laugh. 

Ayra crossed her arms around her chest and left the room with puffed cheeks. Out of them all, she was always against the word "Father". She was smarter than a six year old and spoke like she knew what and how the world is but dhe was just a three tear old child. She was the only child that didn't want a father, when her classmates would talk about their father and how loving he is, she would always fret. There was a time she was told to speak about her father after she won the best candidate in a spelling bee competition. Her exact words amused the audience.

' A papa is someone who takes care of you and           loves you every seconds and minute of your life.      

A papa is someone who feeds the family, his               wife and children.

A papa is every child's role model. But I am sorry to say, I don't have a papa and I don't feel bad about it. All I know is that a man had sold sperm to mummy and that came about my sister and i. Thank you.'

The parents who were there could not help but twitch their lips in shock most especially the fathers. 

Kiara became extremely annoyed with what Bai Su did. She followed her daughter to the room in fear of destroying the place.

"Just tell them about their father already, its been four years since you left the city. Can't you at least pity the man??"

"I have my reasons not to" Kiara cried back. Alvina noticed her mother and sexy aunty were about to be in a serious argument. Not understanding the adult world, she ran to her room.

"You are scared he will take them away from you but believe me he won't. I have known him since we were a child...why don't you understand?"

"I don't want to understand, all I know is that I was the only one who catered for their upbringing and he did nothing. I had to suffer because of him, you can't just defend him when you know nothing about how much I endured in this goddamn cruel world. My parents didn't even for once think to call and ask how I have been doing. No one cares about me just because I am stupid and easily used" She yelled. An Bai Su regretted bringing up the topic when Kiara's face twitched in pain

"I am sorry" She mouthed. Kiara slumped against the sofa and cried "I want to be alone"

"Oh OK" An Bai Su left to the kids room.