
I hate You and love You, Alpha

I was an ordinary girl waiting for that magic that life gives you (of course if you are a lycanthrope) I was looking forward to the day of my transformation, so I could get away from this stupid town and my hateful family, it was what I longed for the most but things Sometimes they don't turn out the way you want, right? That fateful day I knew how cruel a man blinded by love can be, it's a pity that love was not for me, only death awaited me with his rejection

Mikeyla_Roberts · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

"I woke up in pain, a lot of pain, I didn't know where I was. I could hear voices, one of them sounded familiar, it was Henry who was speaking."

"No, it can't be, Ana can't bear it."

"Thank goodness she didn't die, even though the cut was precise, she could have died. The fact that she's alive is a miracle."

"Can't you do something for her?"

"I did everything I could, Clara. It all depends on whether she wants to wake up to her reality."

"What reality?"

"Ana?" (In unison)

I tried to sit up and couldn't. I opened my eyes with difficulty, they stung, and my body was no better. A trailer ran over me without contemplation.

"Don't exert yourself, the stitches might open."

"What stitches? Be clear, Henry, I don't understand."

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm your doctor, Terry Castelblanco. The stitches are what you did when you cut your omega gland. You need to take good care of yourself. Now you are..."

"Just a simple human, without scent or her wolf, without strength to fend off any disease that comes her way. I'll be as fragile as a doll, that's what the doctor is trying to say."

"It's incredible, it's the first time I didn't have to explain anything. You're excellent, Anastasia, everything you said is correct."

"Don't worry, doctor, I knew what I was doing. It was either that or die, and I don't want to die yet. I have many goals in mind, and I wasn't going to let them go because of an insensitive person."

"Ana, behave, the doctor is also part of the pack."

"Well, I'm not, Clara. Remember that I was rejected, and that's a repudiation in the pack. I was banished, and I can't go back."

"You're very sensible, young lady."

"I'm not, doctor, I'm realistic. In this life, ever since I was born, the worst has fallen on me, and I intend to change that. I won't let anyone trample on me."


"My body ached; it was an effect of what I just did. How is that girl doing? Something in me stirs with concern when I remember what she did."

"You're finally awake, Alpha. How do you feel?"

"Mr. Lafebvre, thank you for taking care of me, but... what are you doing here?"

"I am the only one who can take care of you. You need to recover as soon as possible to sort out the mess you created."

"I don't understand, Mr. Lafebvre. Please explain it clearly."

"It's been six days since you were appointed Alpha of the Silver pack."

"Six days? Did I sleep that long?"

"After being appointed Alpha and publicly rejecting your destined mate, you not only caused a disruption in the pack but also caused it to yourself for someone who only deceived you."

"I still don't understand, Mr. Lafebvre."

"Your rejection not only affected you but also the entire pack. That beta deceived you, and I'm surprised she was able to do it. You are an Alpha class 1, one of the very few, while she is a low-ranking beta, not dominant, and not of pure blood. She could never bear your child; that was the first deception. The second is that she is indeed pregnant, but it's from another beta who studies with her. And lastly, you rejected your destined mate, turning her into a fragile human, and on top of that."

"What are you saying, Mr. Lafebvre? Naomi deceived me. Where is she? I'll kill her with my own hands."

"You must rest, Alpha. Naomi is under arrest, along with her family, for aiding in her deception. The only one not detained is her sister, who was not involved in this mess and is still in the hospital, trying to recover."

"Who is her sister? Why is she in the hospital? I want to see that woman and demand an explanation!"

"You really don't know who Naomi's sister is?"

"No, I never met her, only some... damn it! I cursed myself for being so foolish. That woman, that woman..."

"The woman you rejected, your Luna, she is the sister of the woman who deceived you."

"It can't be! No, no! That can't be! She can't be... Wait, are you saying that woman was my Luna?"

"Alpha, calm down! As the Alpha leader, she was your Luna and destined mate. That's not the worst part—when you reacted to her pheromones, it means she was in her heat, and you were in your rut. She... she..."

"What about her? Speak up already."

"She may have become pregnant, but we can't confirm it yet. It's only been a few days."

"Help me up, I have to see her, I must apologize. I can't lose her, she drives me crazy just by looking at her, her scent turns me into a beast. I can't lose her."

"Alpha, you can't get up. Breaking the bond that connects you two has left you very weak. You could die!"

"I don't care, Doctor. I have to get her back."

"Who do you have to get back, Andrew?"

"Terry, help me. I have to get her back."