
I Hate The Word Love

When love comes from hate it becomes powerful than anything. Jason, son of a billionaire businessman falls for an ordinary yet confident girl Zendaya who sexually abused by her step father and likes Crane, a cute and sweet guy of campus, only competition of Jason. Jason can pass any boundary to get Zendaya. Three leads, hiding their secrets while trapped in a love triangle. In this love game, whose love will become mortal?

Cyeda · Adolescente
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8 Chs


"People say falling in love with someone is the most precious feeling anyone ever had. I neither fell in love in these 19 years of my life nor I want to. Because I found this stupid, true love is a myth. We just attract the one we want, no one will waste their lives for just a person. It's only happened in stories, romance novels and in movies. Where everything stopped when we found love, a romantic music started in our ears and everything felt beautiful because of that particular person. In this world we have to think practical because living in stories and movies can't help you to face reality. Expect that the Prince Charming comes to you and treats you like Cinderella. It's just fictional/ imagination. In this world we can't even have true love from our parents so why expect love from strangers. In my school I believed that true love exists but when I saw the love of my parents, they loved each other and we were a happy family but when I turned 14 I realized they both were cheating on each other because of their lust. They acted like they were both deeply in love with each other in front of each other and the world but reality was opposite of what they acted. They both couldn't fulfill each other's desire in bed, that's why they started to find their peoples who fulfill their lust. Love is just a lust of the body, love is bound in beauty, wealth and lust. But still I had a little hope of love and I liked a guy in my school very much. He proposed to me and I accepted because why not? I liked him for a long time but after a month I found that It was just love for one month and he got bored of this and cheated on me with my best friend. Then I realized that love doesn't exist in this world. Now it's on you what you want to do—that's all I want to say" a girl named Zendaya gave a speech on love in front of her friend Raven who just experienced heartbreak and looked at Zendaya with an open mouth.

Raven and Zendaya are colleagues because they work at the same restaurant for three years. Raven's boyfriend cheated her because of her poverty and made fun of her in front of his rich girlfriend. She came to Zendaya and told her everything and then she got a speech from Zendaya about love.

"Oh God! How could someone think that much negative about love? Just because you experienced a horrible past doesn't mean love is a myth or lust etc etc" Raven said while hitting gently at Zendaya's forehead.

"But that is the truth. You still believe in true love when your boyfriend just left you because of your poverty, unbelievable!" Zendaya said with a sarcastic smile while wearing her apron.

"Just because I met the wrong guy it doesn't mean that true love never exists in this world. Look at my parents, whenever I saw their love I believed in love more" Raven said while standing behind Zendaya and helped her to tie the string of her apron.

"Huh! Whatever, I didn't believe in the love—novels and movies showed, that's it" Zendaya said as she tied the string of Raven's apron tightly.

"Ouch! Want to kill because of suffocation, huh? Don't release your parents or step father's anger on me" Raven said while losing the string of her apron.

"Sorry! And if your defense in the case of love ends, so should we start our job for which we paid every month" Zendaya said when she saw the first customer of the day.

"Yes, whatever" Raven rolled her eyes and took her notebook to note the order.

She comes out from the counter and about to go to take orders when she stops and leaning towards Zendaya.

"Now what?" Zendaya asked with a blank face.

"I will pray that you fall in true love soon and then I will ask the same question about love because I know you still have little faith in love" Raven said teasingly and winked at Zendaya.

"You…!" Zendaya leaned towards her to hit her but Raven quickly went to take an order.

After the busy day they both changed and were ready to go home, waiting for the cab they booked because they lived near each other's house and always came and left together from the restaurant. Finally the cab arrived and they sat in the cab.

"By the way, tomorrow is our first day of college. Did you prepare everything?" Zendaya asked.

"Yes! Everything" Raven excitedly said.

"Why are you so excited? You didn't like to study and also from tomorrow we will become so busy first at college and then at the restaurant" Zendaya asked in disbelief.

"I am excited because I heard that the college we joined has many sexy, handsome, heartthrobs guys. What if someone falls over my beauty and personality? So excited" Raven said while pushing herself on Zendaya in excitement.

"Ugh! You and your fantasies" Zendaya smiles while shaking her head in disbelief.

Zendaya arrived at her home and entered inside. She stopped on her way when saw her step father Daniel standing in front of the door. Zendaya rolled her eyes and didn't show any interest towards her step father.

"You came late, where were you?" Daniel said as he crossed her arms.

"Why would I tell you? Don't try to become my father" Zendaya rudely said and made a face as she felt disgusted while talking to him.

Daniel becomes angry and comes close to Zendaya and grabs her jaw harshly with one hand and on the other hand he closes the door.

"I said where were you, when I was waiting for you here?" Daniel asked while tightening the grip on her jaw. She whimpers in pain and knows what is coming to her.

"I… I worked at the restaurant and came home w… when I was free from the restaurant. Today we got s… so many customers that's why I came late" Zendaya said in pain.

"Then why did you show me your attitude?" Daniel again tightened his grip on her jaw and a tear escaped from her eye because of the intense pain.

Then Daniel pushed her face to the other side and freed her jaw. She grabbed her jaw gently because of the pain. Daniel comes close to her and sniffs her neck and she pushes him—feeling disgusted.

Daniel smirks at Zendaya's behavior and whispers in her ear "Take a shower and come to my room" and leaves.

When he left Zendaya ran towards her room and locked the door. She started crying, sliding her back on the door and sitting on the floor while grabbing her hair.

"Mom! When will this end?" Zendaya shouts.

After a few minutes she got up and went to take shower. She half dried her hair and opened the door while wearing a bathrobe. She went to her step dad's room as he ordered and knocked on the door.

"You don't have to take any permission, come in sweetie" Daniel's seductive voice came from inside.

Zendaya takes a deep breath and opens the door—enters the room.

Daniel bite his lips seeing Zendaya in a bathrobe. He comes close to her and pulls her by her waist. He slid down his hand on her butt and he squeezed her butt. He expected a moan from her but got nothing but her blank face. He smirked and squeezed her butt with his full strength which made her let out gasp in pain.

"I don't know why in past years till yet I never get bored with you" Daniel seductively says while biting her earlobe and she hisses in pain.

"Disgusted…!" Zendaya murmured but loud enough to hear Daniel.

"The more you feel disgusted, the more I feel excited," Daniel said with a devilish smile.

"Just one more day and you will see what I will do" Zendaya said in her mind.

Daniel comes close to her "Leave the talk, now let me do some action" he said while biting Zendaya's neck and leaving a dark mark on her neck.

He pushed n*ked Zendaya on the bed and removed his own clothes. He hovered over Zendaya and 'did' it forcefully. There is nothing just lust for Daniel. Zendaya lying beneath him as a body without soul, blank face, no emotions. Daniel abused her for years and now she doesn't even feel anything. Daniel tiredly threw himself on the other side of bed and fell asleep. Zendaya puts on her bathrobe and goes to her room, locks the door—pushes herself on her bed lifelessly.

"Don't cry. It was last time, tomorrow you will leave this hell for forever" Zendaya said to comfort herself.

She got up because she felt disgusted and went to shower. She crazily rubs her body and the marks Daniel gave her. After shower she starts packing her important things and lays on the bed to sleep.

Zendaya is freed from the hell her step-father made for her but who knows that her fate already set up many other problems for her in future...

My first work at webnovel. Hope you all will enjoy my stories

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