
I Got Reborn in a Fantasy World

In this story the main character name Yanagi Ryuu unfortunately died due to overworked one day a beautiful lady appear name Miyazu Yuki the goddess of reincarnation she wants to reincarnate Yanagi Ryuu in a fantasy world we're all monsters, dragons,and kingdoms and Yanagi Ryuu wants to reincarnate but he requested to be reborn because he doesn't want to be a baby so he wanted to be reborn in a 20 years old body and he can enjoy his second life on this amazing fantasy world.

Hitatsu · Fantasía
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16 Chs

CHAPTER 3: Monster Hunting and Making Food

When I get up on the bed i proceed to the first floor to eat some breakfast and the meal I have today is a bread and a milk so this is only they have in the morning when I taste the bread it's so plain and the texture is it's so smooth like a marshmallow and when I drink the milk it's so tasty and delicious and so warm and when I finished my breakfast im going to the outside to take a breather and the wind it's so windy and it's cold and i see Sylvi practicing a wooden sword to train herself "good morning" I said. and Sylvi replied "good morning Yanagi" she said. when I looked at Sylvi she's full of sweat so she is practicing hard." So Yanagi do you have going to do after this"Sylvi said.and i replied to her"yes there are I'm going take some mission on the guild" I said."oh can I tag along" Sylvi said."yes you can" I said."wait I'm going to change some clothes then"Sylvi said.and I replied"ok take your time" I said. when she finished changing her clothes we went to the adventurer guild to take some mission in the bulletin board and i realized just now that I can read some language in another world so this is the work of that goddess and i looking some mission in the bulletin board hmm what about this a giant rock golem that lives in the abandoned ruins nah it's to difficult to kill a golem and the reward of that is 5 gold coins yep not gonna take that."ummm Yanagi what about this kill some 15 goblins and the reward is about 10 gold coins"Sylvi said."ok let's take" I said. hmm goblins huh they live on a deepest part on the forest and they formed a group to kill the enemy huh so I just need fire magic to kill the goblins and take the cores out huh it's a win win then "let's go Sylvi to the deepest part of the forest to kill some goblins"I said to Sylvi."yes let's go Yanagi" she said.when we arrive to the base of the goblins we sees a around 15 goblins the 5 goblins are patrolling the are so I asked Sylvi to sneak attack the 5 goblins are patrolling "Sylvi can you sneak attack the 5 goblins are patrolling" i said. "ok it's pretty easy to me" she said. when she killed all the 5 goblins that are patrolling it's my turn to kill the remaining goblins I cast a big fire ball at them and they got burned and died easily and it's a easy win for us and I cast some water spell to kill all the fire so that we can retrieve the monster cores for evidence that we subjugate all the 15 goblins when we get all the monster cores we proceed to the adventurer guild to sell it and we get 10 gold coins and we split the 10 gold coins into 5 so 5 gold coins to me and 5 gold coins to Sylvi when we are done we are going to leave to the adventurer guild and I said to Sylvi "Sylvi you go first the inn because there's something I want to buy in the market" I said."alright please be safe Yanagi" she said. when Sylvi are going back to the inn I want to the Market to buy some ingredients to make my self and Sylvi some meal when I arrive at the market I buy some grounded meat it cost 15 silver coins and bread it cost 5 bronze coins and buy some eggs I cost me 10 bronze coins as expected of another world it's so cheap when I arrive at the inn i borrowed the inns kitchen and a chef question me "say young lad what are you making?" he said."oh I'm making a hamburger with egg" I said."ham... burger with egg?" he said with a confused look."just watch me how to cook the hamburger so you know about it" I said."ohh ok young lad"he said to me.so I began cooking first I taking the ground meat and make a flat circle and put into the frying pan and cook the eggs and I took the breads and sliced into half and when the flat circle ground beef cooked I put the ground beef and egg on to the sliced bread and put the half bread on to the top and done I finished making hamburger and when Sylvi smell the hamburger I give her a hamburger one for me and for last one is for the chef so we take a bite and when I see Sylvi taking a bite she said "so delicious" she said.and same for the chef "it's really delicious" he said. and I'm so very happy that they liked my cooking "say who's the one cooked this ?"Sylvi asked."umm it's me Sylvi" I said. "woah you really know how to cook Yanagi" she said.and I replied"thanks"I said

"say chef I can give you the recipe if you want" I said to the chef.and he replied "thanks young lad you're a very great help for me"he said with a big smile.when we finished our food I'm going to go to my room and thinking to go to the library to study some magic and I'm going to sleep for today and it's so much fun and I said "good night" and I go to sleep now.