
I Got Reborn in a Fantasy World

In this story the main character name Yanagi Ryuu unfortunately died due to overworked one day a beautiful lady appear name Miyazu Yuki the goddess of reincarnation she wants to reincarnate Yanagi Ryuu in a fantasy world we're all monsters, dragons,and kingdoms and Yanagi Ryuu wants to reincarnate but he requested to be reborn because he doesn't want to be a baby so he wanted to be reborn in a 20 years old body and he can enjoy his second life on this amazing fantasy world.

Hitatsu · Fantasía
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16 Chs

CHAPTER 14: Gods and Overpowered skills

When I'm open my eyes I'm back to the room were all white walls and white ceilings.

"Are you here goddess?" I said with a loud voice.

"Yes I'm here Yanagi-kun" the goddess said with a happy face.

"Why are you so happy goddess?" I said.

"Because I've missed you Yanagi-kun" goddess said.

"So why I'm here again?" I said to the goddess.

"Well the other gods are been interested in you Yanagi-kun" goddess said.

"Ehhh there are more gods" I said with a surprised face.

"Yep there are more gods like god of sea,god of world,god of war,god of love,god of fire,god of wind,god of nature and Etc." The goddess said to me with a happy smile.

"Wow There are so many gods and goddesses huh" I said with a surprise face.

"And all the gods are wants to see you Yanagi-kun" goddess said.

"Huh why?" I asked.

Because why are the gods and goddesses are wanted to see me.

"well all the gods got interested to you so" goddess said.

"So? you want me to go to see all the gods right?" I said.

"That's right I'm going to take you to see all the gods" goddess said.

well I have no choice but to see all the gods.

"Fine I'll go to see the gods so where are they?" I said to the goddess to where the gods are.

"Well all the gods are on the gods tower were all the gods are so let's get going then" goddess said with a smile.

Hmm its kinda make me nervous to see all the gods that they want to see me in person and makes me kinda worried and why the gods are so interested to me.

"So were are we going to go to the gods tower then" I said.

"Well you know soon" The goddess said.

When the goddess raise her hand and flick her finger a portal suddenly appear in front of me.

"Lets get going then" the goddess said.

And so i followed her and when i entered to the inside of the portal a beautiful scenery that i didn't ever see before like a beautiful plain grass and when i see the right side i finally see the gods tower.

"Wow so thats the gods tower" I said with a loud voice.

"This is your first time seeing the gods tower Yanagi-kun?" The goddess said to me with a smile on her face.

"Yeah this is my first time seeing it and it's so huge" i said

The gods tower is really huge like it's compare to the tokyo skytree where i live before i got reborn to this world.

"Yanagi-kun shall we get going to the entrance all the gods are waiting" the goddess said.

"Oh right let's get going" I said.

But im still nervous to see all gods because why the gods got interested in me?.

when we enter the gods tower all the gods are sitting in a large throne cover in gold.

"Welcome Yanagi-kun to the gods tower hahaha" the God laugh.

"Uhmm thank you god-sama" i said with manners.

"There's something I want to tell you before that drop the formalities of us gods" the god said.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's because being in formalities is not my type" the god said.

Huh there's some god are hate in formalities well being in formalities it's kinda hard to.

"I will keep that in mind" i replied to the god.

"So what are you going to tell me?" I said.

"Ohh right do you know why we all gods called you?" The god said to me.

"Hmm why did you called me to come to the gods tower" I said.

"The thing is we gods like to give you a special skills and abilities" the god said.

"What?" I said with dumbfounded face.

"Like getting a new skill in games that your playing in your past" the god said.

"I Know what skills and abilities are the only thing I concern about why all of you gods like to give me a new skils and abilities?" I said to all the gods.

"Well we've been watching you for a while and before you got to the new world that are your living now" the god said

"So you give me a new skill and abilities only you watched me for a while now?" I said.

"Yeah" the god said with a straight forward face.

"Huh I don't get it around you gods you give me a skill and abilities just like" i said.

"Hahaha im just joking because it's not the time for you to know why we gave you a skill and abilities so we will tell you in the future" the god said to me.

So gods can make a joke to huh.

"Ohh Miyazu-chan can you escort Yanagi-kun to the exit" the god said.

"Uhm is that all you want to say to me" i said with curiousity.

"There's plenty to tell you but our time is running out so until we meet again young lad" the god said.

"This way to the exit" Miyazu said.

So i followed her and i was thinking what is the exit looks, when we arrived the exit.

"Huh what the why there's a exit sign on the top and a red door like it's from my past life?" I said to her.

"Hehe well were so astonished to your past world so we create this exit door with a exit sign in the top so that it's easily to read" Miyazu said.

"Oh ok" i said.

So i went to the exit and i heard Miyazu saying to me.

"Until we meet again" she said.

And i replied back.

"Yeah until we meet again to" i said.

So I proceed to open the exit door when I open it it is all white so i walked and I waved back to Miyazu to say goodbye and when see her she waved back and she smile and so I smile back to.