
I Got Caught Lying To A Domineering CEO

After running away from home, Guan Ju accidentally picked up a drunk domineering CEO on the streets. She needed a place to stay for the night while he needed to vent his frustrations. It was a night of passion and they were unusually compatible, so they decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and got married. After their marriage, Guan Ju was considerate, sensible, and flirty. She never asked the domineering CEO about his work, and just stayed at home and be his decoration. The domineering CEO surprisingly doted on her, showering her with expensive gifts every day. But Luo Han always liked to pretend to be miserable in front of his wife. “I’m just a worker who helps his boss manage the company.” One day, Guan Ju was flipping through the financial news when she saw the domineering CEO’s photo. Luo Han returned home to a dark Guan Ju with the interview article placed beside her. “Care to explain?” Luo Han felt guilty. “He might be my twin brother who was cast out on the streets.” Then, Luo Han was schemed by bad guys, and his wife came to his rescue, displaying maximum combat ability. She could even remove bombs with her bare hands! Everyone was wailing, but Luo Han hugged his wife and explained on her behalf, “My wife is weak, so none of you can bully her!” Back at home, the domineering CEO pressed his wife down onto the bed and asked in a low voice, “How should I hold you accountable for lying to me?”

Cold Charm · Integral
Sin suficientes valoraciones
40 Chs

Liking His Warmth

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In response to Bai Wen's outraged question, the police captain coldly uttered, "Miss Bai, you are suspected of kidnapping and trafficking children. Please come with us quietly."

Bai Wen's eyes suddenly widened.

How did the police find out?

Who betrayed her?

She looked at the subordinate in charge of money laundering in panic, but he had also been detained, and the police had covered his head with a black cloth.

Bai Wen was brought to the police station just like that.

In the secret base, Guan Ju quietly watched the surveillance footage in front of her. She watched as Bai Wen was handcuffed and escorted to the police car. Guan Ju lowered her eyes and her tone was slightly cold.

"I originally wanted to let you go and leave you a way out, but you went too far."

Since she had committed such sins, she was courting death.

Since Bai Wen had already been caught, Guan Ju clapped her hands and looked at Feng Yuan.

"Send me back."

Luo Han should be back by now.

Feng Yuan drove her back to the entrance of the villa.

Guan Ju had just entered the doorway when she saw Luo Han pounce on her and hug her tightly.

He lay his head on her shoulder, his warm breath sweeping across her neck, creating a numbing sensation. A deep and magnetic voice echoed in her ears.

"Ju'er, I'm sorry. I came back late."

"It's okay." Guan Ju patted his back and explained softly, "Those people were making a lot of noise, so I left from the backyard to hide."

"I know, the head of the bodyguards told me." Luo Han released his hold on her gently and looked into her eyes with yearning heartache.

"Were you scared?"

Guan Ju had not been afraid, but she still buried her face into his chest and rubbed against it. His strong heartbeat could be heard beside her ear. She sniffled and deliberately answered in a muffled voice.

"I was indeed a little scared."

Luo Han's heart ached even more as he tousled her hair.

"Don't be afraid. I'm here now."

Guan Ju did not say anything.

For some reason, she felt very safe in his arms like this.

He was her refuge.

Luo Han comforted Guan Ju for a while more, after which he lifted her chin with his fingers. When he saw her red eyes, he gently kissed her forehead.

"Alright, don't be afraid anymore. Your eyes are as red as a rabbit's."

"That's not true." Guan Ju pouted and retorted, adding silently in her heart.

'My gentle side will only be shown to you.'

When he saw that her emotions had returned to normal, Luo Han let out a sigh of relief. "Ju'er, I returned home and saw that you weren't around. I thought you couldn't take it lying down and..."

He did not continue what he was about to say.

Luo Han was really afraid.

Before the video had been posted, he had been in a meeting at the corporation to determine the future development path of the corporation. As soon as he left the meeting room, his assistant hurriedly passed him the news of what had happened at home.

When he found out that Guan Ju had been blockaded in by the villa owners, who had threatened to expel her from the neighborhood, Luo Han was extremely flustered.

He could not do without her!

Fortunately, she was fine.

"I'm the one who made you worry."

Guan Ju lowered her head. Luo Han could not see her expression. Thinking that she was still blaming herself, he hugged her again.

"No, it's my fault. I didn't rush back to your side at the first moment. Ju'er, don't worry. No matter what happens, I will protect you," Luo Han spoke calmly and held her hand.

A warm current flowed from his warm palm straight to the depths of Guan Ju's heart.

Guan Ju smiled at him.

"Han, you don't have to worry about me. Actually, those people can't hurt me." She pulled him over to the sofa and explained to him slowly, "You also know that I possess great strength. During those years when I was lost, I learnt martial arts from a master. I can protect myself."

Martial arts?

Luo Han looked at her in a daze. He thought about the time Li Lian came to his house, when Guan Ju had shattered the plastic mannequin with a single punch.

That punch was indeed not something that could be achieved with just pure brute force.