
C29 °•○● 12 or 24?

Remembering Emily again, Eren felt even worse. He hadn't felt this shitty since his grandfather died half a year ago.

He detached Mel from his body and tucked his own pillow into the pretty girl's arms. The sweet elf girl, muttering in her sleep, hugged the pillow and squeezed it with great force. Then she turned on her face and held up her butt, which was covered by nothing but thin underwear.

After weeks of having sex with Emily in every shape and position he wanted day and night, Eren was now more daring. His body was now enjoying the pleasure.

Even his mind was filled with more expectations. Without a woman's touch, he could live his whole life. But not anymore.

Eren had changed.

He swallowed and clenched his fists as staring lower body of Mel for a few more seconds. It was painful to turn his head.

She is a child. Even if she doesn't look like it. Remember Eren. She is a child...

But it was hard for Eren to control himself while staring at Mel.

Seeing her hips he'd dreamed of squeezing with his palms, and the forbidden spot between her legs that it'd be so sweet to explore with his tongue.

As even more erotic thoughts began to form in his head, Eren realized that he had to leave the room now.

If he watched this vulnerable girl for one more minute, he might actually do something he thought he'd never do.


For the next hour, he studied both the bedroom wall and the bathroom door. The previously locked door was now open. It had become an ordinary door as if it had never been locked.

I guess I really have to say goodbye to my magical adventure in the Evon Universe.

Eren went downstairs and checked the refrigerator.

Most of the things inside were still usable. There were two kinds of cheese, olives, oil and a few eggs. He was sure that the eggs were spoiled, although it wasn't obvious from the outside. He threw away the other vegetables that spoiled in the refrigerator and left the house.

He walked to the big market down the road with slippers on his feet. He bought a bag of tomatoes, some cucumbers and new eggs.

Perhaps the only thing he wanted more than a good breakfast at that moment was a bath.

Eren went into his house and washed the dirty dishes in the kitchen. He collected the garbage he left in different parts of the house in a big bag and threw it in the trash.

Now I have someone in my house to live with me. I should be more clean and tidy.

Actually, is Mel going to be my kid or my sister in this house though?

Remembering the sight he had seen an hour ago and the reaction of his body, Eren closed this issue for now and prepared an omelet for breakfast.

Five minutes later some noises came from the second floor. Hearing noises from the stairs, he smiled, glad that he didn't have to go upstairs and wake Mel. But his smile froze when he saw the elf coming downstairs.

Mel still wore Eren's t-shirt and the thin yarn underwear Emily loved to wear too. If the t-shirt was long, it might have served as a long dress. But it was short enough to show almost all her waist.

Rubbing her sleepy eyes, Mel walked into the kitchen and looked at where the smell was coming from.

"Good morning, what are you doing?"

"Omelet. I've never seen you elves make it in your village. So I'm sure you'll like it."

"I'm excited to try it."

Mel sat down in a chair by the kitchen table, ignoring her clothes and her exposed plump body. She crossed her legs and watched Eren whisk the eggs.

"I'm not sure what we should do today. Just, I have a few things to test. Can you help me out in the backyard?"

Mel immediately smiled enthusiastically. She nodded like a little kitten.

Eren raised his hand and patted the innocent girl's head. His girlfriend on Earth didn't like being touched on the head. But Mel instead purred like a very happy cat.

It was a good feeling that someone wasn't bothered by his touch.

During breakfast, Mel kept asking different questions.

"How do people on TV get into it?"

"How can water flow through these metals without enchanted plants?

"How do liquids get to high places?" (Water pipe)


How does the metal tool we ride move?" (car)


After a quiet breakfast, they did a physical workout in the backyard all day. Eren also realized that the incredibly high numbers of stats his own body had earned were still working. He also found out that Mel was level 20.

As someone who started leveling up at 11 whose all base physical stats were average for elves, Mel had added everything to her Strength stat. She was now two times as strong and one and a half times faster than a normal human.

They wandered around the house for hours, visited the markets, joked among themselves and decided to have lunch with Eren's omelets.

Eren and Mel had no problem eating an omelet for the second time on the same day.

In the afternoon, Eren didn't want to leave the house. Even if they went out, he didn't want to go into crowded places with Mel when he remembered his experiences yesterday.

The neighborhood where he lived was a quiet and beautiful place. But other parts of the metropolis he lived in were not safe for an extremely beautiful elf.

It was more logical to stay at home right now and think about where he could use the high stats he had.

"Can I go back to working as a cashier in a grocery store?"

Eren, who thought about such questions, and Mel, who enjoyed spending time with him, lived together for two days almost without leaving the house. During these two days, they watched movies and videos from Eren's computer.

Mel still hadn't even asked about going home because of the music she listened to and the hours she spent trying to understand every new thing she saw. Already the young girl wanted to live in this world for at least a few weeks. She wouldn't be able to accept returning home too soon.

Mel was fascinated, trying to understand everything about this world. She didn't understand anything she was watching because she didn't know the languages ​​of this world yet.

But she had Eren, who she could always take on his arm. He had no trouble translating everything to elvish for Mel.

On the morning of Eren's fourth day on earth, along with the day he spent in the hospital, Mel woke him up with her charming voice humming the music of a Britney Spears song she learned yesterday.

At an uncertain hour in the night, she lay next to Eren and fell asleep hugging him.

And at breakfast on this fourth day, something happened that surprised Eren.

"Why do you avoid looking at my body so much?"

"What?" Eren dropped his fork onto the table with the sudden question. He didn't know what to say as he stared at Mel's innocent expression without ulterior motives.

"I mean, although I'm not as pretty as Emily, am I so ugly that it would be painful to look at?"

Eren still didn't know what to say. "You're not ugly. But in this world women cover their bodies more. It's also considered shameful to look at someone else's private parts, like their breasts.

Besides, you're a child and you're safe around me."

"Oh, I mean I'm a kid huh." Mel thought for a while, looking Eren in the eyes. She thought for half a minute, then smiled. "Now I get it."

With bright eyes, Mel moved her chair a little closer to Eren's side. Eren's heartbeat quickened and he began to feel danger. Events were shifting to subjects he never wanted to get into. Because Mel's next sentences were just as he had expected.

"How old do you think I am?"

Knowing the answer, Eren answered without hesitation to the elf staring at him who was right next to his body.


Mel shook her head. "I've been alive for 12 years, but compared to blonde elves like Emily, I'm 24.

"Emily may not have told you, but the elves in our village are divided into two. Green-haired ones like me grow faster and time flows differently for us as we are closer to the plant element. We grow exactly twice as fast. Both physically and mentally.

At the age of 9, we leave childhood and become adults. So you can look at me and my body as long as you want. Besides..."

Mel gathered all her courage and touched Eren's right leg with her white left knee. It was a momentary touch, but it felt as if this young man's body had been electrocuted.

"...I don't want to be safe with you. Emily may be unfamiliar with elven customs, or she may have wanted to make me look like a child in your eyes, I don't know which one. But you'd better start seeing me as a woman and not a child."

While he was injured, Eren had always seen Mel's fragile, fearful, and anxious state. For the first time, he realized that this girl was daring and strong. Probably because of this strong and confident personality, she didn't hesitate when the door between universes opened four days ago.

"Okay. I'll see you as an 'adult' in the future."


After breakfast, Eren tried to open the door to the Evon Universe a few more times. But no matter how hard he tried, nothing worked. Because he had no mana.

I don't feel like my mana is 0. But it's like I can't access the system. It was noon when he finally gave up. He felt his smelly body and realized the hot room. Despite the open windows, the air was swelteringly hot on the upper floor.

"I am gonna take a shower." He yelled downstairs.

"I'm coming too."

Eren froze again, unable to use his brain.

No matter how much he wanted to act like a normal and decent adult these days, Mel was doing things that would break his will.

He walked into the bathroom and watched the girl following behind him take off her clothes without hesitation.

I wonder if my +40 charisma has worked on this girl while she's been in the same bed as me for the past three nights?

Although Eren guessed correctly, there was nothing he could do. Besides, if what this girl said was true, he should really see her as a woman, not a child...

He entered the bathroom with a big question mark on his head. And he looked at a naked elf maiden who followed him with both breasts dangling. The sight he saw and the fact that their bodies were almost touching in the tiny cabin was thrilling.

No matter how much Eren wanted to stay loyal to Emily or his lover on this planet, an already broken part of him was whispering to him like an evil demon.

Mel had a scent and body that made her feel younger and fresher compared to Emily. Her breasts were slightly smaller, but they were well above average. Her waist was very thin and her legs were longer and more beautiful.

Her neck looked so long and sweet that Eren could imagine too many things he wanted to do on that neckline. But despite everything, he just got hold of himself and shampooed his hair and body.

Emily started imitating him with a shy face.

At one point, when Eren had completely rinsed his body with water, he noticed that Mel was looking at him like a little kitten.

"Will you soap my back?"

If it weren't for the eager look in Mel's eyes, Eren might still be able to continue an innocent cleansing activity. But those eyes, that sweet face and plump cherry lips...

There was no chance of returning to the Evon Universe anyway. How could he betray someone who was in a different universe?

What he had thought before for his lover on this side, he now thought for the other side. It was as if a broken part of him had already taken over him in success.

All of Eren's plans not to betray Emily were shattered in his mind. He forgot both Emily and his lover from Earth, Melisa. He got rid of all unnecessary thoughts and grabbed the shampoo and got behind Mel.

Just as he was about to eat this little girl like a wild wolf, he heard something.

"Why is there no mana in your body, Eren?"

Turning her head and looking sweetly at Eren, Mel still had eager eyes and asked in an innocent tone.

For the third time since returning to Earth, Eren was stunned by something this girl said.

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