

I checked the time only to realize that it was 3 a.m. in the morning, letting out a deep sigh, I close my laptop shut and put it aside. One more day and I'll officially be basking in the summer sun. I smiled at the thought and rested my head against my fluffy pillow. I wonder how junior year will treat me. Or how high school will change. Before I knew it I dozed off to sleep, only to be woken up by my obnoxious alarm clock.

"Dammit." I mumbled as I rolled over to turn off, what seemed to be a deafening siren.

Then I reached my hand over my circular glasses and held them tightly to make sure they were indeed my glasses. I yawned a few times before forcing my body to sit up. Maybe it was a bad idea to binge watch random YouTube videos until 3. But eh, you only live once. I yawned once more before sluggishly walking over to the bathroom.

I took off my glasses and placed them on the counter. Then I turned on the faucet, running my hands under the lukewarm water and slapping it on my bare morning face. I reached for the nearest towel and began to pat my face dry. After that I caught a glimpse of my reflection and flinched.

"You are one ugly thing." I said to myself before making an ugly face and laughing it all off.

Leaving the bathroom, I go over to my vanity and put on my usual makeup. B.B. cream, a light sparkly peach eyeshadow, concealer, curl my eyelashes, mascara, lightly fill in my brows, and use a slightly tinted chapstick. Now I look less oogly. I chuckled at myself shameless. Then I grabbed my contacts and quickly put them into my eyes. After that I brushed my hair and hopped over to my mess of a closet.

Oh what to wear on a day like this. What would give off a see you after three months of no hell type of vibe? I rummaged through my entire closet before settling with a white skater skirt, a strawberry red cropped t-shirt, and some Addis's. Once I finished putting on my outfit, I swung my overweight backpack over my shoulders and ran downstairs.

"Oh? Look how's up bright and early for once?" My little sisters teased as I rolled my eyes and took a piece of toast from our kitchen island.

"You're lucky that I'm in a good mood or else I would have seriously beat your a—" before I could finish I could feel both of my parents eyes stare sharply at me. "...beat your awesome self to all this great food." I said before shoving some fruit into my mouth and headed towards the door.

"Byer Lob Yor  (bye love you)." I yelled, still trying to chew the random fruit that I managed to put in my mouth.

As tired as I was, I could feel like something was going to happen today. Something important was going to happen to me, so I couldn't let myself thinking negatively when something great was going to occur. I stood by the stop sign at the end of my street and waited for the bus. 5 minutes, the bus didn't come. 10 minutes, the bus was nowhere to be seen. 20 minutes, okay the bus driver gets an extra day off and I don't?!? 30 minutes later and still no bus. There were no cars on the road either so I assumed there was traffic.

Unable to wait any longer, I decided to walk across the street to buy a snack as I waited. I began to walk across the street when all of a sudden I got a text from my friend.

"Hey you are coming today right? You're like 45 minutes late." Her text became blurry and I felt my weight shifting towards the ground. Lights and sirens muffling in the distance. Did I just get hit? I could barely see anything. The last thing I saw was a man how came out if his car, talking to a police officer.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"How did this happen?"

"My poor daughter."

"Sis I'm sorry for being such a jerk. Please wake up now it's been two months now. Please."

I heard voices, familiar voices. Ones that felt like home, although I couldn't see, I was able to recognize the voices and pictured my family in my mind. Thinking of them made me feel safe and I couldn't help but wipe the tears taht were forming from my eyes.

"Guys! She's awake!" My sister Sara yelled as she wrapped her tiny arms around my now incredibly small waist.

I rubbed my eyes one more time and squinted a bit, unable to adjust to the all bright lights in the room. So I was hit by a car, was in a coma, and woke up two months later? Great. Two months of summer gone. I was too caught up about living school free for three months that I forgot about how lucky I was. I woke up from a coma.

My family members all looked at me with warm smiles as the tension on their face subsided. They came closer to my and hugged me as tight as they could, nearly knocking the wind out of me. Should I tell them that they could put me in another coma? I shook my head, which caused them to loosen their embrace and stand beside me.

"Jisoo-yah. It's a miracle that you were able to recover. You are truly your fathers daughter. Strength and all." My dad said with a proud smile as he ruffled my hair, my mom shaking her head at him.

"We know you need to rest a bit more but before we go, there is something that your father and I wanted to tell you before you had...this accident." My mom said as she sat on the medical bed. Oh please don't be pregnant again. Two annoying siblings are enough and they keep bullying me and hitting me please no pleaseeeeeee.

"We were wondering if you would consider going to school in Korea." Korea? Why all of a sudden Korea?

I could didn't really know how to feel about my parents offer so I sat there staring blankly at them both. Moving to Korea will do what for me? I already have great friends, a good home, and established a pretty decent reputation. Why go there when I can't even speak Korean? My thoughts said one thing but my actions said otherwise.

"H-how long would I be there for?" I said while squinting again.

"Until you graduate high school." My mom replied in a rather happy tone. So she's trynna get rid of my huh.

"But won't I have to be in high school for four more years since the system is different in Korea?"

"Smart girl. Technically yes but that's because the education is more vigorous and young kids like you can learn to be adults at a more suitable age." My dad said as be ruffled my hair again.

I carefully thought about it for a good 10 minutes, then placed my hand over my mom's.

"Fine I'll go." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"That's our girl! You will get to learn more about your culture and grow to become a beautiful and successful woman." My mom said before she walked out the room to go find the doctor. Soon after that very interesting reunion with my family, I was discharged from the hospital and slowly made my way towards my family car. Cars need to learn not to hit humans. Two months of my youth are gone. I let out a small sigh and make my way into the back seat of the car as my dad drives us home.

As I stepped foot onto the front lawn of my house, I noticed that the flowers had already bloomed, the trees have started to change color, and the grass smelled stronger. Summer truly passed me by.

"Are you coming inside or what?" My sister snapped.

"Geez! I'm coming! I just got out of a two month coma you know." I said to her before she followed behind me murmuring the words I had said.

The house was pitch black until my dad turned on the lights and I couldn't believe my eyes. Two suitcases, duffel bag, and a smaller bag was right in front of me. I assumed that those were my bags for Korea and i happened to make the right assumption. During dinner, my parents told me that at the end of the month, which was in 5 days, I would be flying to Korea by myself to a school I have never been to.

I felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, I had always wanted to travel and discover the world on my own and Korea was a perfect place to start. After finishing my 김치찌개 (kimchi stew), I placed my dishes in the sink, thanked my parents for the food and quickly rushed up stairs to my room. I'm gonna be with my kind. I'm going to live on my own at fifteen like all of those cool youtubers.

Before I knew it, those five days flew by quicker than ever and i was hugging my family goodbye bye before I headed towards my terminal and boarded the plane. From New York to Korea, here I go. The plane took off and I waved goodbye to my family one last time. My new adventure started now.