
Meeting The Honored One

As his voice traveled through his room, the air around him seemed to hum as a Divine-like pressure appeared around him.

It made the wooden floor beneath Alistar creak as visible dents spread across its surface —making it look somewhat caved, the cement that had been used to keep the bricks in place had what looked like thin cracks running through them —giving the impression that the room could collapse at any moment, Alistar's bed looked smaller as the pressure that had descended in his room had compressed it to the limit —threatening to burst it.

As for Alistar, he remained unaffected by the god-tier pressure that descended upon his room. Akin to a ghost who could pass through everything, Alistar could only stare wide-eyed at the scene before him.

With a mixture of fear and deep respect slowly etching its way into Alistar's heart, he subconsciously thanked whatever it was that made him accept The Honored One's invitation lest his fate might have been similar to the things around him —squashed.

He would've been squashed into a bloody puddle, without traces of his flesh or organs. Stripping him of his right to even have a proper burial.

Closing his eyes, Alistar let out a sigh of relief as he tried to calm his beating heart. The pressure might not have affected him but he was clearly spooked by it.

"I'm glad I was able to make the right decision." He murmured with a relieved tone while trying to stop envisioning himself as a blood puddle.

Calmly waiting for the pressure in his room to disperse, Alistar didn't dare raise a sound when he saw that his things were gradually getting ruined.

He was sure that The Honored One wouldn't go as far as to make his room collapse just to show his might.

After waiting for a few seconds, spatial distortions began appearing in Alistar's room as the pressure around him seemed to lessen.

Of course, Alistar couldn't tell since he wasn't feeling it but the lessened creaks made by the wooden floor was enough proof.

Gradually, the hums around Alistar ceased as visible ripples appeared all around him —slowly encompassing his whole room.

And when these ripples came in contact with Alistar, it felt as if his mind would blank out for a second or two before he regained consciousness.

It was an extremely irritating experience as whenever it happened, Alistar felt like a part of his memory was missing giving him a headache and the nauseous feeling that came afterward made it even worse.


After about a minute of constant torture, Alistar finally lost consciousness —making him slam head-first into the caved wooden floor beneath him.

Unmoving after having his forehead almost implant itself in the wooden floor, the ripples around Alistar slowly disappeared —bringing the room back to its quiet atmosphere.


"Uh? Where am I?"

A voice filled with uncertainty asked, staring at the pitch-black all-encompassing darkness that threatened to consume him.

"Oh right, The Honored One requested for my presence." The voice said after getting his thoughts in order.

Looking around him, he muttered under his breath. "But this is nothing like I expected."

Honestly, Alistar had expected something grander since the title of The Honored One should come with peak elegance or something right? But here he was, going to meet with someone who ruled over this Universe in a pitch-black space.

"Of course, it would've been grander if you weren't so weak." An indifferent voice replied to Alistar after hearing his words. Despite sounding indifferent, there was a clear trace of mockery in it.

"This pitch-black shit hole is your Sea of consciousness." Before Alistar could voice his question, the voice had already replied to him before it added. "Or simply your consciousness space and you still clearly lack the Sea part."

As the entity's voice traveled through Alistar's Sea of Consciousness, the figure of a very handsome man materialized before him.

The man didn't have a solid form as he looked more like an apparition but his handsomeness was as clear as the day. His body was made from copper, purple, blue, and red colored wisps.

His mesmerizing colors coupled with his yellow eyes and angular jawline made him absolutely stunning but sadly, this man could never get laid. A hefty price to pay for peak handsomeness.

Not knowing how he should respond, Alistar just kept staring at the man in front of him with unblinking eyes.

"You humans are really something else." The Honored One said.


Forcefully taking control of Alistar's consciousness, The Honored One made Alistar's pitch-black consciousness space light up akin to a bulb —revealing Alistar who was sprawled akin to a salted fish to the eyes of The Honored One.


With another snap of his fingers, The Honored One made a grey throne materialize behind him before elegantly sitting on it.

"Get on your feet." He said in a calm voice that sounded more like a command than a request.

But did Alistar have a choice? No! Since they were in his consciousness, The Honored One could easily kill him since their Social standing in the Universe's hierarchical order was millions of light years apart.

Heck, it was even more since the one he was facing was the person who ruled this Universe —someone who the Universe's Hierarchy meant shit to— and not some fire-breathing Lizard.

Standing on his feet, Alistar gave The Honored One a deep bow before saying. "I'm sorry for disrespecting The Honored One in such a way."

Casually waving his hand, The Honored One said calmly. "Have a seat. It's time we begin our discussion."

Caught between calling him Boss, Sir, or Your Honor, Alistar gritted his teeth and said whatever came to his mind.

Damning the consequences, Alistar closed his eyes tightly and said. "Yes, Elder."

"Oh... Elder?" The Honored One said in an amused tone while looking at the mortal child in front of him.

Immediately after the amusement on his face appeared, it was replaced by a frosty expression in less than a second as The Honored One coldly asked. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you."

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