
Hit up psycho priest first for training, then double cross him

His name was Kali of the YugaFan clan. He spent most of his life in the mountains being trained as an assassin. Then his time came and his target died instantly - kind Kali literally punched his brain out of his skull.

She was the favorite wife of the certain middle-eastern prince, so Kali's death was slow and painful. He was broken by the end of the first month, he was asking for death just a week later. Then his torturers became creative. Fortunately, his mental conditioning included a self-destruct program which activated after a one and half month of capture. One moment his brain simply stopped working.

He woke-up watching porn where an ugly fat guy (in commissar hat) was molesting his innocent busty intern. He probably should have assessed his current situation, but he simply didn't care whether it was heaven or hell or even purgatory, it was a nicer place than that middle-eastern zindan. And as he was watching and stroking his short penis, busty intern turned the table on her boss, stole a pair of handcuffs from his table, locked him and took away a set of shining keys.

Then she sneaked down to the dungeon, where four guards were raping four girls. She lured the guys away one by one, pretending that it's commissar's order and locked them in the cells. Then she freed her friends, who proceeded to transform into masked superheroes, released other prisoners and even brought one of the guards with them.

Kali expected some sort of torture and revenge, based on his own sad experience, but girls actually decided to turn him to their side with even better sex. Movie ended with that turned guard delivering bound, gagged, and naked commissar to some sort of dark queen, who appointed him a new commissar and turned old one into a pig.

Once the porn was over, transmigrator finally decided to check-out his situation. To his joy and surprise, he ended up in the body of 16 y/o Yamato Motohama, a member of "Pervert Trio" in Kouh academy of Kuoh town of Japan of the DxD-verse. The clearly remembered all the key figures. Based on baseless and happy attitude his friend Issei had today, it must have been the day of his death and rebirth.

Five minutes later his plan for the near future was ready, he decided to become an apprentice for the mad exorcist Fred Sellzen. That is why the next day right after school he went towards the "abandoned" church. Renegade Priest was there, he agreed to teach the boy hot to properly "deal with devils" once and for all. It was going perfectly, till he found himself in some basement, bound, gagged and being raped in the ass by a gang of tall dark muscular rouge exorcists. He was pumped full of aphrodisiacs and would have asked them to rape him more and let his suck their dicks. And only somewhere at the back on his head, Kali was screaming in horror and frustration, while the men around him only heard lewd moans of their new fuckpet.

I was writing original fic on QQ, then those trolls and advisors jumped the thread, derailing it, baiting and distracting me.

Both idea and the name are real, the backstory is pure fiction, so it must be a different person, right?.

Verynewcreators' thoughts