
Chapter 1

<>Only used of void

<Ah... you up kid?> Arthur heard a women's voice as he regained his consciousness.

[Black?, if you are able to summon my soul after my death then you have to a god. But what's up with this black decorum? shouldn't it be white?]

<Please don't compare me with those children. I am far more superior.

[Who the hell are you and why did you bring me here?"](Black hair and eyes approx.180 cm in height she looks more charming than that goddess of love but the aura she is emitting is that of a existence far more powerful that the god of creation. Who the hell is this women)

<"Oh my Arthur you are making quite the scary face you're making. Oh well I can tell you but tell me how does it fell to lose to a demi god?"> She asked with a snicker.


<"Heh"> She looked at Arthur with amusement.

At this Arthur whose pride had already been hurt due to losing to the demi god he snapped and he moved his had to cast a spell. ["MAGIC MISSILE"]

<Don't even bother. My specialty is erasing whatever I fell annoying and that includes you're magic too. Even creation don't stand a chance>

[who the hell are you and what do you want?]

At this the women snapped her finger and a pitch black chair appeared. She walked towards the chair gracefully and sat down. She looked elegant yet dangerous at he same time. Arthur couldn't take his eyes of her her he couldn't look at her

<Well if I have to explain in simpler terms, I am the beginning yet the end. Before God said let there be light it was only me. That dammed loser brother of mine invaded my private space and stared scattering all his toys it's annoying you know. Especially mortals. You fragile beings fighting with each for no good reason and some genius tried to replicate us and the rest of the gods are noisy thanks to its existence>

(What the hell is this women going on about? is she introducing herself or nagging about her annoying family? Well I can't blame her since all family members are annoying especially cousins and if they are all powerful gods I can't even imagine)

[Look here lady although it might have been tough could we get back to the matter at hand, shall we] I said with an awkward smile.

She looked at me with a blank for a few seconds as if thing about the reason why I am here.

< Ah... yes ,sorry, it's been a long time since talked to some.. Anyway I am Void, like my name suggests I am the goddess of nothingness. God of creation is my dear younger brother Bara.>

[And why did you summon me here?]

<You're asking way too many questions. At least look surprised or shook or even doubt>

[Yeah, why did you summon me again?]

<Tch. The gods killed you and you're friends then summoned all of you to the celestial plane and then turned you and you're friends into their apostle so that you can kill Apotheis the demi god for them. You trained for a hundred years and still failed am I right? Arthur Noha the great water mage.


<Oh my were are my manners> SNAP.

Suddenly a black yet elegant tea table and chair with tea and cakes appeared in front of them.

<Then shall we discuss the reason I summoned you over tea. I am famished> she said with a smile

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