
I Became an Extra, and to Survive, I Must Kill the MC.

Jin Wei, a Mafia leader, dies during a gang war. However, right after his death, he opens his eyes and finds himself inside the body of a young vampire who came to Earth for exploration. As he accrues the memories of his previous owner, he realizes that he is in a novel world he used to read in his free time before his death. In this world, the MC considers anyone besides humans as evil. In the future, the MC will destroy the entire vampire race. Since Jin Wei was a vampire, he needs to do everything in his power to kill the MC, or he is screwed for sure. --- (Author's Note: Jin Wei is not a hero who will go around saving the world for justice. He is a villain that might destroy the whole world if he thinks it's necessary. Jin Wei will have a big harem as the story progresses. If you're not a fan of this type of MC and story, it might not be the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is a work of pure fantasy, so our usual common sense might not apply to this novel.)

Stellar_NYX · Fantasía
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133 Chs

Chapter 49 True Vampire Transformation

"How dare a mere goblin mock me!!!" Jin Wei shouted, enraged. In both of his lives, Jin Wei had never been mocked, and if anyone did, they never lived till the next morning to tell their deeds. But now, even this mere goblin dares to mock him. This was unacceptable.

In a fit of rage, Jin Wei's body began to emit a red aura, and his eyes completely turned pitch-black without any iris. This caused Jin Wei to close his eyes in pain as blood began to leak from his eyes. As he opened them again, his eyes gleamed with deep crimson, against the darkness of his sclera.

Just by looking at his eyes, anyone could tell they weren't the eyes a human could possess, even with advanced cosmetic surgery. He truly resembled a monster of the night, with eyes befitting his appearance.

But that's not all. His skin turned even paler than before, his nails sharpened like claws, and his fangs grew larger like a Siberian tiger's and sharper like a black mamba's. Even his fallen teeth regrew by themselves. His ears also grew a bit, but they weren't pointy like an elf's. His current look now truly befitted the appearance of a real monster that haunts the nightmares of young children.

The transformation Jin Wei underwent just now is called, 'The True Vampire Transformation.' Depending on the level of purity of a vampire's bloodline, the transformation can vary.

The bloodline ranks of a Vampire are divided into 5 ranks: Mixed, Ordinary, Noble, Pure, and Royal. A Vampire with a mixed bloodline is called a mixed-blooded Vampire or a Vampire with a Mixed bloodline, this same applies to other ranks.

Mixed-blooded vampires are those who just got turned or are in the process of being turned by an Ordinary-Blooded Vampire. Halfling and Dhampir can be considered mixed-blooded vampires.

Ordinary-blooded vampires can be created in two ways. The first is to get turned by a Noble-Blooded Vampire. If a Noble-Blooded Vampire turns someone, they would instantly become a Vampire with an Ordinary rank bloodline, and they can completely skip the two evolution stages, Halfling and Dhampir.

The second way is if two mixed-blooded Vampires mate, their Vampire genes get mixed up, creating a complete Vampire and almost destroying the other two genes. By this, a Vampire with an Ordinary rank bloodline is born. Besides that, if two Vampires with ordinary rank bloodline mate, the product would also be a Vampire with an ordinary rank bloodline.

But the problem is, the Ordinary rank bloodline is quite impure because a Vampire with an Ordinary rank bloodline still possesses some of their parents' or their own, previous race blood in them.

And generation after generation, the more Vampires with ordinary rank bloodline mate, the more complicated their bloodline becomes. The more complicated a bloodline is, the lower the talent for cultivation they possess, and it's extremely difficult for them to evolve due to the complexity of their bloodlines.

Unfortunately, Jin Wei falls into this category. Due to this, his talent for cultivation is extremely low, and the chance for him to evolve normally is non-existent.

The only way he can evolve is by taking the bloodline purification pill. This pill is made from the blood of the first King of the Vampire, in short, the Progenitor.

But the problem is the bloodline purification pill is extremely precious, and even if he works his ass off for his whole existence, he won't even get the chance to see it, let alone use it to purify his bloodline and evolve one day.

The only reason the previous him agreed to come to earth for exploration is that the higher-ups promised to give a bloodline purification pill to the one who brings the most important information to them about Earth and its habitats. The previous him saw this as a chance and agreed to come here, even though it was practically a suicide mission considering his strength.

After Ordinary Blooded vampires, there comes Vampires with a Noble rank Bloodline. A Vampire with a Noble rank bloodline has almost non-existent complications in his bloodline.

They possess a high talent for cultivation. And unlike mixed-blooded Vampires or Ordinary-Blooded Vampires who can be killed easily if their head or heart gets destroyed once, a Vampire with a noble rank bloodline is extremely hard to kill. They can only be killed if their heart and head are crushed at the same time more than 7 times. So in a sense, all noble blooded Vampires possess seven lives no matter their ranks.

After that comes Pure Blooded Vampires. As the name suggests, they are what we can call a Vampire in the true sense. They possess power that ordinary-blooded vampires like Jin Wei can never even hope to achieve in his life. Pure Blood Vampires are those who got turned by the king himself or by the Royal Bloods.

No one can kill a Pure-Blooded vampire by damaging them physically. Because their body is, in a true sense, immortal. They can do many things that even noble-blooded vampires can't do, like walking under the sunlight without getting weakened, having no need for blood to live, controlling blood as they please, and many more.

Even if their body gets destroyed from the atom level, they can still regenerate back to their peak. No matter their cultivation rank, but depending on the cultivation rank the speed of regeneration can vary. They can never be killed, physically. The only way to kill them is by destroying their soul and body at the same time. Which is extremely hard to do. Since you need strong holy equipment to damage their soul.

After Pure-Blooded Vampires, there comes the Royal Blooded Vampires. Royal-Blooded Vampires cannot be created normally like others. Only the children of the first King, their children, and so on can be called the Royal Blooded Vampires. Usually, the difference between a Pure-Blooded Vampire and a Royal Blooded Vampire is non-existence; they both have similar levels of strength and have practically no weakness.

The only difference is that a Pure-Blooded Vampire is restricted from doing everything the King and the Royal Bloods tell them to do, while Royal Bloods don't possess this restriction. This means the Royals can betray the king if they want or even not follow his order to their liking, while Pure Blooded can't do both.

Just like how Victoria can never betray Jin Wei even if she wanted. But later if both have children, there is a possibility he/she might betray them if they wish to.

But in normal circumstances, this doesn't happen. Because even if there is no restriction, there still exists the bond of bloodlines and parental love, just like the bond a human child possesses for their parents. So normally there is nothing much to worry about.

Every Vampire in their life must obey only two people even if they don't want to, one is the king himself and the other is the turner that turns them into a Vampire. Other than that, no one else can command them to do something they don't want.

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