
I became a Nanobot, in a fantasy world, luckily with a system.

John woke up one day as a nanobot in a fantasy world, confused and lost in a abandoned underground facility. being small and alone, with a system that came luckily with him, he must advance to protect himself and create a place for himself in a world of magic and dragons.

Heated_Rogue · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Well, its better than nothing

"Ow ow ow ow ow, FUCK!" John awoke with pain, as if shocked. It didn't last long, but his entire being felt numb. After calming himself, he couldn't help but ask himself, "What the hell happened?"

"We just experienced that our energy got converted into another, similar energy, and this energy seems to be a constant flow. It's clearly stronger and purer; should I check the system hub for information?" responded VAS to John's own question. The sound of his voice even sounded a bit worn, as if VAS also went through the pain.

"No, see if we can somehow track and find the source; if possible, we can take that source for ourselves. Do we have enough energy to create limbs and travel to the source?"

"Yes," replied VAS, and on the Virtual model display, the cylinder nanobot grew four spiderlike limbs and another pair at the back. The two pairs on the frontal part of the body are used to push the obstacles in front of it aside while also moving with the obstacles on the back to travel between obstacles. The 3D map starts showing a blue line from the white dot that represents J4592, going upwards, as well as a hazy blue covering the area.

VAS also made a command for the cylinder nanobot to follow the source, as VAS was busy tracking the route and displaying it on the 3D map.

"What is this blue haze around us?" Asked John, pointing at the blue haze on the map.

"It's the energy we are absorbing around us," Replied VAS, and John responded with just an 'Oh'.

It didn't take long for the nanobot to arrive at the source; a mountain of blue energy was displayed on the map. Due to having no program for sight at the moment, John could only use the map to 'see'.

"I detected that we can enter the source and use the energy detector I modified to survey this source internally. Should we proceed?" Asked VAS, as the map went through a change, among the mountain of energy, a scar of purple appeared, representing the opening.

"Sure, but is there a way to cover this opening? like using the dead nanobots somehow?" John asked, and as he stared at all the gray on the map, he already knew they were dead nanobots.

"Yes, but it requires energy, which we can only gain after entering." VAS replied.

John nodded, and the J4592 entered the mountain. As they entered the map, started to zoom out and reveal a humanoid form of blue energy. At the area where the heart lies, the blue energy pulses at a slow rhythm, repeatedly cycling between bright and dim. It is probably producing the energy. At the brain area, a bright blue light was gathering and disseminating energy to the body. There is also energy leaking from the body in five places: the head, left arm, right leg, abdomen, and neck.

John was frustrated, he found a source, but it's clearly time-limited now.

"Well, it's better than nothing."