
I became a Nanobot, in a fantasy world, luckily with a system.

John woke up one day as a nanobot in a fantasy world, confused and lost in a abandoned underground facility. being small and alone, with a system that came luckily with him, he must advance to protect himself and create a place for himself in a world of magic and dragons.

Heated_Rogue · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Nanobot is weak alone

John was a slacker in school and enjoyed his days only playing games, sci-fi or fantasy, in the evening and weekends while sleeping at school, only aiming to pass grades with his scores.

One day, while he was sleeping in class, he dreamed of the catastrophic end of a powerful technology empire.

The dream was short, and only images were to be seen. No sound, no motion, like a quick-moving slide show.

"Hmmm... Weird dream," John mutters as he opens his eyes lazily, only to be stunned.

He was drifting in an illusionary space, and in front of him appeared a box like in the RPG games.

Name: J4592 (John)

Primary unit: 1

Secondary unit: 0

Status: Rebooted nano unit, in progress updating systems… Failed to update. (due to incompatible hardware) Generating a new system from scratch (good luck) System generated successfully. (With an 85% chance of failure, aren't you lucky?)

Weird. John thought as he looked at the out-of-place text on the window.

Ignoring that, he quickly went through the information again.

"So I am a Nanobot, and I just got rebooted... With new hardware? And has a new system? Which I was lucky to get with such a high failure chance? I was always a bit lucky. Is this a dream?"

Confused, John still doesn't know how he became like this, only that he either died or his soul got Transmigrated. Either of the two he doesn't know and feels like a bad dream.

Putting this aside, there were 3 other windows as well as 2 3D virtual boxes, one of which looks like a map with a white glowing dot in the center on a transparent flat floor with gray dots all over the glowing white dot.

The other box has a mechanical bug-like 3D model; this should be his body. There were also stats about it, and according to the stats, he understood that it was clearly weak and that a lot of secondary units were required to strengthen it.

As for the windows, the one in the center is what he believes to be the overview. The other two are blank at the moment.

Nanobots are really weak on their own.