
I became a Katana and a Monster

Currently on Haitus Do you like soul eater? Then this is not for you. Do you like Pokemon? Then this is not for you Why? Because I put the fucking two!!! This is a Soul Eater and Pokemon mixed together with a bit of gore, this is a story of a man who has to get stronger, yeah it's cliche, so I beg you not to read it! This is all about fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting, a nonsense synopsis. Are you interested? Then go read it! Burn your eyes to the core then rate this one-star after, Gawdamit!! I don't accept any rating except one-star! If it's not one-star, then it's a troll! Show and Tell? I don't care about that, and for those who wanted to read an immersive plot, this story not for you!! ADVANCE SIXTEEN CHAPTERS: https://www.patreon.com/Puji_maki Warning: -I can't promise you high-quality content since I write two other stories, I can't put all my time here. - You may found some errors here in there but I'm confident that this novel will be readable. -If I don't like the performance of this novel, I will drop this after hundred chaps. -I only accept a one-star rating. -I will update 5× a week. -I will put all of my shit here in this story. - Please leave a shitty review.

pujimaki · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
97 Chs

Chapter 3

Kabanata 3

His jet black hair swayed by the wind, his golden eyes stared ahead although all he saw was flat land. His figure advanced in the middle of the plain wasteland. He didn't know if he was lucky or not, the place was plain and devoid of Nightmares and better than the desert. Still, because he couldn't find any Nightmares, he couldn't fill his hunger. His stomach grumbled stating its need of intake, Keenan tapped his sobbing stomach, trying to soothe it. 

"This place is really dangerous… when you can't see any Nightmares, this only means that a powerful Nightmare is around, perhaps Class-B or Class-A. I hope it's not Class-S or higher, I will surely die. Although even Class-C will be hard for me."

Keenan walked and talked to himself, he usually did this to calm his anxious mind, but it seemed like it created the opposite reaction. Keenan shivered thinking that perhaps a powerful Nightmare was living here, it would be bad for him. 

"Damn it."

Keenan paused and sat on the ground, the sun was setting down announcing that the night would come. Keenan found that the direction he took was right. He traveled northeast to find the mobileship, his eyes were always set on the sky looking for the ship. However, his eyes dried by the burning sun without seeing his teammates, even the shadow of the ship didn't show up. Keenan didn't think of any bad scenarios because he didn't want to jinx it. He believed that his friends would find and save him from this freaking flat land! 

He panted and touched his ribs, he gritted in pain as his ribs still hurt like hell. Even a simple touch gave him a stabbing throb. On top of that, he couldn't breathe deep because the pain kept striking him. This was the reason why he couldn't travel a long distance. Whenever he was tired and inhaled deeply, his ribs would remind him to fuck off. He only traveled 18 kilometers, it was a great distance yet he was not impressed. His priority was to escape this place. Netherworld is always dangerous, the more he spent here the greater the chances of him encountering strong Nightmares. 

Especially now that the sun was ready to dip below the border, this was the moment that he tried to escape. He kept walking even though his ribs continued stabbing him. When night comes, Nightmares were going to show themselves, a lot of species were nocturnal and active when the evening rose. Keenan didn't want any of them, so he pushed his body to advance. However, it seemed like he had to stay in this forsaken land for the night.

"The worst thing is that I can't find any place to hide, this land is purely flat."

Keenan was Class-C Arma. He could use his first Skill but he knew that it was not enough to thwart Nightmares. Especially if they were Class B and higher. Besides, his Skill was only for a one-on-one battle, he couldn't use it for multiple enemies. Keenan sighed frustrated with the situation he got in, his past life helped him to ease his anxious mind but there's a limit to how he could contain it. It was actually a blessing that he already experienced death once, he was not afraid anymore although he was filled with regret.

Regarding his promise to the girl, the girl he pledged to become stronger to protect her. They swore that they would become powerful Nightbreakers and prevent tragedies. They didn't want any children to experience what they undergo. They lost their parents in a Rift Distortion where millions of Nightmares poured out and slaughter lives. 

Keenan chuckled remembering that moment. His snot kept dripping together with his tears, he yelled at her that he would become a great man but he failed. Even now, he failed her, he was here in this wasteland waiting for his end. 

" I did become a Nightbreaker but my utmost limit is Class-B, my talent can't reach higher than that."

A growling of a beast echoed, it was staring at him, its eyes were crimson red representing blood. A Zviera started approaching him, its fangs glinted mirroring the shining moon. A wolf-like monster walked on fours and gradually approached him. Its saliva dropped on the ground, it was hungry and devoted to eat him. 

"So they appeared, I am really fucked up."

Keenan commented although no one replied. It was ironic how he didn't feel any fear staring at the Nightmare in front of him. His heart was steady beating and no ripple could be heard, he was waiting for the monster to get closer. His left hand slightly tremble to postpone the transformation, Keenan's concentration was in its utmost state. As a man who experienced countless killings, he didn't feel any impatience and fear, his eyes set on the Zviera. 

The Zviera growled to scare him, its motive didn't reach Keenan, the man was in a high state of concentration. His body positioned a killing stance, he lowered his body just like a crouching lion waiting for his prey. The Zviera felt like something was odd but its hunger defeated its reasoning. The Zviera dashed and widely opened its mouth to tear off Keenan's neck, the wolf-like monster leafed lunging at him. 


Keenan charged, his left hand transformed. His hand brittled like fine sand and rearranged forming into a sword, his hand slowly took form and became a blade. He didn't blink even though the Zviera was in front of him, aiming his next. Keenan swiftly moved his hand. He turned around and escaped the lunging monster. Together with his rotation, his hand strived and slashed its stomach. Their exchange happened in a second and the winner was obvious. The monster fell on the ground, its stomach spurted blood and organs, it struggled but its life was rapidly diminishing. 

Keenan looked at the monster, he didn't feel any mercy even though life was writhing in pain in front of him. 

"How can I feel compassion for the monsters that took my parents away from me?"

Again, Keenan spoke to himself. He stared at the dying creature, he watched it suffering. After a few seconds, the monster stopped moving, it died because of blood loss and organs ruptured. 

Keenan approached the monster, he kicked it to make sure that the monster won't bite back. When he confirmed that the monster was really dead, he bent his knees and checked the Zviera. His left hand was still in the blade form, the blade went in the chest of the Nightmare. Keenan wanted to get an item inside the monster, the N-core.