
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
193 Chs

Chapter 26 - Master (Complete)

Chapter 26 - Master (Complete)

The Cranber Soup Shop had a structure with a long table attached to the front of the owner's kitchen.

Should we call it a bar table?

"You've been through a lot since morning! We're in the same grade, but we'll sit together?!"

At the recommendation of the host, I sat next to Kaen because I didn't think there was any particular reason to refuse.

The menu asked for chicken soup.

When you go to a restaurant for the first time, it is right to try the most popular menu first.

As I sat down next to her, I felt Kaen's shoulders move.

'Excellent sense' was providing me with a lot of information without having to look directly somewhere.

'Is this your first time seeing Kaen up close?'

Since we were still in different classes, we didn't have the right opportunity to meet.

From Kaen's point of view, it is a situation where her identity and power are hidden, but it is ambiguous to find her first.

Anyway, now Kaen must be acting like an ordinary class C cadet.

"Ban, nice to meet you! Ever since the placement test! I've been watching you...!"

Kaen spoke to me in her brightest tone.

Her 'real' tone had to be seen as more serious than this.

It was a lot clumsier than Eisel's acting, but her acting is acting, so it's better to hang out with her.

"Oh, my name is Zeto."

I bowed her head slightly to Kaen, who was sitting next to her.

"My name is Kaen!"

Kaen greeted her, and her pink hair fluttered in response.

The emerald-colored eyes contrasted with her hair color, making it an eye-catching visual.

On the other hand, Sierra, who was next to Kaen, stirred her arms that penetrated her body, or suddenly stared at the crown of her Kaen...

There was an uproar over his bizarre behavior. I'm glad that only I can see it.

"I'm sorry..."

Cayenne, who was being closely probed by her Sierra, wrapped her arms around her own shoulder as she ate her soup.

"Why is that?"

It was a pure question.

Sierra wondered what effect her presence had on others.

"That's... Suddenly an unknown chill... Ahaha...! There's no reason for that..."

Kaen scratches the back of her head.


I guess it's similar to getting goosebumps.

She should tell Sierra to refrain from such things later.

Before the chicken soup she ordered was served, Sierra whispered to me that she had stopped looking at Kaen.

[Disciple, this woman is not an ordinary person. She's here... Uncharacteristic of her, she seems to be pretending to be normal. ]

Sierra couldn't answer her words in this place where there were people, so she listened moderately and passed it on.

Apparently Sierra noticed.

It seemed that the information that she was a disciple of the Sword Saint hadn't been reached yet, but she would know someday.

Each character had their own episode, and in order to lead the results in a better direction, they had to intervene, so eventually they will collide.

"This is the chicken soup I ordered!"

The owner, who finished making the soup, held the soup in front of me and said.

'It comes out very soon.'

I took a bite of the soup with a spoon.

"Ah, mister! Another bowl for me too!"

Kaen, who was watching me, shouted.

"I thought you were eating well since last time, lady!"

The owner, who was excited about the additional order, also shouted.

'One more bowl...?'

The Kaen I know has a short mouth.

I tend not to eat a lot.

If you're a glutton, Yuri tends to eat a lot more.

Then, due to Caen's calculative personality, he said he would stay by my side a little longer, but I don't know why.

It wasn't long before I noticed that she was secretly watching me, so she had no information.

If it was Kaen in the game, he should have acted as an ordinary class C cadet and not even showed his face in the game.

She acted without her presence as much as she did, and even if I tried to find her from the beginning of her game and talk to her, she didn't take it well. She quickly finishes talking and leaves.

"Cadet Zeto is blind, but he handles his sword well...! That must be the result of 'efforts'...?"

Kaen waited for her own soup, scratched the empty bowl with a spoon and told me.

"Um... It's thanks to having a good teacher."

As I continue to speak, Sierra, who was next to me, raises her face to me.

Whispers Sierra, who came close enough to cover the soup she was eating.

[Because he is a good master... This master has never taught a student swordsmanship yet. Unknown master... What a comfortable excuse. ]

Of course, I couldn't really hear it in my ears, but a languid voice that tickled my whole body rang in my head.

Sierra seemed amused by her pod at my excuse.

"Master... You seem like a good person!"

Kaen recalled the word she was a teacher, and then she smiled brightly and laughed wildly.

I nodded at her and took a bite of her soup again.

[ Puff... Both wearing thick masks and having a conversation seems like watching a play that's good to kill time. ]

Even Sierra noticed Kaen's acting. As she looked into Kaen's body, what the hell did she see?

Kaen and I ate the soup in silence after that.

The soup was moderately well seasoned, and it had a moderate taste and made the stomach warm, so it was good enough to eat several times.


Suddenly, Kaen, who was eating her soup, is seen struggling next to her.

Looks like a very full stomach.

'Why did you eat more when you're not going to talk much...'

My meal was over, and I was about to leave the table for Kaen, who was struggling to eat more.

"Come again next time~!"

I was about to say hello to the lively owner and leave the store.

Someone rushes out from behind me.

"That... Cadet Zeto...!"

At the sound of hasty footsteps, she turned around to see Kaen gasping for breath.

"Wouldn't you like to have a sparring with me next time? I'm a swordsman too... It's not enough, but I want to learn!"

Caen's unintentional request for sparring.

It may be possible for her to find her own deficiencies by putting her swords together, and improve her skills...

Kaen is a disciple of the Sword Saint.

To put it bluntly, she, like Eisel, is someone who doesn't even need to attend this academy.

Even Sierra was watching Kaen's questionable match request.

[Hehe. It's funny, bro. What are you doing? Please accept it ]

I pondered deeply as I listened to Sierra's words.

'Kaen is Sierra's target, a disciple of the Sword Saint...'

If Kaen didn't only use the swordsmanship of the swordsman, how could she possibly pass by?

It doesn't seem like Kaen has been requesting her sparring in order to defeat me anyway.

There was no way she would reveal the swordsmanship of the swordsman in such an ordinary sparring.

"...Okay. Let's try putting swords together sometime."

I accepted Kaen's offer.

Kaen couldn't tell if she was delighted or surprised.

"Then, I'll come find you when I have time!"

Kaen smiled brightly and waved at me.

We might need to use this as an opportunity to find out Kaen's intentions.


I saw that he had moved away and stopped putting on a bright face.

Since he was a blind man who couldn't see anyway, a bright expression would have no meaning to him.

It was just my nasty habit.

He lowered the corners of his mouth and opened his eyes calmly.

'Was he watching me too? Since when?'

How did they find out that I had become a regular going to that soup shop every morning?

It was a while ago.

Judging by his behavior, it seemed like he was visiting this store for the first time.

'Is it simply a coincidence...'

For that matter, he noticed my surveillance. After that, he tried to write a more intimate 'Shadow Erasing'.

I thought it was okay, but to find me in reverse.

He sat down next to me and shamelessly gave off a sense of pressure.

'It's true that you're hiding your power. Are you sure.'

After he sat down, the chilling aura I felt after that was a chilling aura that couldn't be explained in words.

I didn't like it from the timing when it appeared in the store.

He came to visit me when I was about to empty my soup, so I ended up forcing myself to eat another bowl of soup.

'I'm full...'

It's humiliating.

However, I had no choice but to ask him for sparring.

'Still, accepting sparring requests so easily... It's a waste.'

All cadets' sparring is pure competition, but the cadets who are attracting attention are different.

I plan to secretly spread rumors before this sparring takes place.

It was so that many cadets came to visit Dalian.

'It makes him reveal his strength in front of the cadets' eyes.'

You can't lose to a C cadet by becoming an A cadet. If you adjust it appropriately and make it so that you can only show your strength, it will end there.

I also reveal my hidden power, and I monopolize the attention of the cadets at once.

It was a vicious plan, in my opinion.

'How dare you hide your power from me? A thousand years is too early, Zeto...'

I've been doing all sorts of things to hide my power.

I came all the way to Innocence Academy to get more thrilling pleasure.

It was going to take several months of hard work, but I don't intend to sit still and let him keep quiet.

'But, it seems that he accepted sparring too easily...'

It was not a choice like someone who hid their power.

It takes that

Currently, it is judged that he is hiding his power in order to seduce women.

A few days ago, I remember witnessing Cadet Eisel entering the men's dormitory for him.

I waited for Cadet Eisel to appear just in case, but Cadet Eisel did not leave the dormitory until morning.

I couldn't figure out what that meant.

His face still burns when he thinks of that day.

'What a shameless...'

Thanks to that, I stayed up all night, so I fell asleep in class that day and got scolded by Instructor Kaliman.

Cadet Eisel was not the end.

Maybe the cadet glass, who is close to him, is also dangerous.

'I can't believe... I'm also targeting...?!'

I sensed that his demonic hand was reaching out to me.

After all, I was also a woman.

'Whether it's a cool woman, a cute woman, or a strong woman, are they all just the same woman to you?'

I vowed to firmly step on him in Dalian.

'I'll finish my grandfather's swordsmanship as long as he doesn't use it, Zeto.'