
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
193 Chs

Chapter 178 - 178. Hi Jetto. (One)

The staggering Zeto caught my eye, and I ran frantically.


Fortunately, I was able to hold Jetto right before he fell to the floor.

Immediately, I leaned Jetto, who was staggering from weakness, against a nearby tree.

"...Can you hear...? Zeto...!"

Blood continued to flow from the punctured abdomen and the torn left arm.


I tried to stop the bleeding from his wounds somehow.

'Even if it's the arms... The abdomen... What to do with the abdomen...'

His head was messed up

My body didn't listen and stuttered.

Jeto had to be saved.

I didn't want to let her die like this.

It was desperate.

If you can't prevent his death this time too.

If you can't defy fate.

I didn't have the confidence to continue.


My eyes were hot.

Jeto's face was blurred by the tears that kept running down his cheeks.

Soon, Jeto moves.

He was sitting leaning against a tree, weak in his body, and turned his head toward me.

"...Miss Eisel...Is that..."

Jeto struggled to keep his voice going.

He smiled, albeit faintly.

"Yes, it's me. Jeto... I'm here. Because I'm here... So..."

...Everything will be fine now.

If the blood stops, if you get treatment quickly, you'll be able to live.

I hurriedly rummaged through the small backpack in my arms.

Are there any useful items?

'Something like a healing potion...'

This is not

This too.

Doesn't exist.

Why not...?


Unfortunately, there was no such thing.

It was because he thought there would be no time to drink a potion during a battle with them.

"Yes...! Cleric... If you're looking for a Cleric..."

I was about to get up out of impatience, but Jeto grabbed me and stopped me.

"...I'm OK."

"It's not okay... It's not okay at all... Why is Zeto here...?"

I didn't understand.

That Jetto was put in this situation on my behalf.

Not once, but twice.

What is okay

Why is Jeto here?

I must have pushed

You made sure to keep Zeto locked up so that this wouldn't happen.

Despite my resentful question, Jeto smiled lightly.

"Well, it seems that he set a new record..."


I couldn't help but laugh at his jokes.

Red blood trickled down from the corner of Zeto's mouth, who smiled lightly as if it was not a big deal.

If you leave it like this.

Jeto is.

Will die

The conclusion is reached and the mind becomes distant for a moment.

"It can't be if Zeto dies. Why Zeto dies, why Zeto dies? There's no need for Zeto to die. Zeto isn't going to die, rather I'd rather me... Rather me..."

Soon, Jeto grabbed his head and slowly reached out his hand to me, who was muttering frantically.

Eventually, his hand, still warm, touches my cheek.


Zeto's warm touch lifts my spirits.

"...Don't say that."

Saying that, Jeto tilted his head, coughed heavily, and finally poured out a large amount of blood.


"Write... Ha... I'm fine. I... I know..."

Jeto, who didn't even have the energy to wipe away her spilled blood, continued her words as he breathed heavily.

"...In this state, there is no way to survive..."

Jeto's kind voice that follows eventually makes us face the reality.

"So... You don't have to try."

His scars flash through his vision.

There was not a single sound place.

I knew too.

That no matter what I do, I can't get Zeto back to its original state.

That you can't save him.

His left arm, which had been hurriedly torn off his robe, had stopped bleeding... But there was nothing he could do about the huge hole in his abdomen.

It wasn't that the organ was damaged, it was that it was completely destroyed.

I'm bleeding so much.

I can't even imagine how much it hurts.

"Huh... Ugh..."

How can Jeto laugh?

Why can you show me that smile?

My To's smile in front of his eyes...

It was even more frightening because he was unchangingly friendly and kind. I was afraid that I would never see this smile again.

"It's not easy, that guy..."

Then, Jetto let out a laugh, haha, and his blood gushed.

"Don't overdo it...Don't overdo it. It's okay not to talk..."

I tried to stop Jetto in a hurry, but he slowly shook his head.

Even opening his mouth would be painful and difficult.

I knew it, but I couldn't stop him.

Because I could feel his strong will.

After catching his breath, Jeto asks me.

"...Wasn't it very scary?"


I lowered my head.

I could see right away what he was talking about and what the question meant.

It didn't matter what Zeto knew or how much he knew.

Just being comforted.

Tears flowed.

The hellish past that no one could understand quickly passed through my head.

Hot tears fall down on your knees.

"Yeah, I was scared... I was very scared..."

"Then you don't have to be afraid anymore..."


"Because I don't have to suffer alone anymore..."

Zeto groped the ground.

I grabbed his hand as he was looking for me.

When he lifted his head, he was still smiling brightly.

"...I'm so glad."

I wanted to respond with a smile to his bright smile, but...

My face was contorted from the tears that could not stop.

I'm sorry, Jeto.

You worked so hard

I'm still scared.

Don't tell me the truth

I'm the scariest right now

I'm so scared of losing you I think I'm going crazy

Now is the hardest

A world without you is no different from being alone.

Don't leave me alone

Please don't leave me


"...Please don't die... Huh...? I'm begging you..."


Jetto was silent at my earnest request.

Didn't answer.

No, I couldn't answer.

That's... It was a request I couldn't grant.

Jetto leaned his head against a tree.

Warm sunlight was streaming through the leaves.

"...I'm sorry, Miss Eisel. I made you go through this...But..."

That there was only this way

Jeto said so.


Blood spurts from Zeto's mouth.

Upon closer inspection, the negative energy that had been lurking in his body was getting stronger.


The curse that had been eating away at his heart hadtened his death.

I asked urgently.

I wondered if I could make him feel a little more comfortable.

"...Jetto, do you love me?"

"Suddenly, what kind of question is that..."

I was well aware that this was an ill-timed question.

"...Love me...?"

But I wanted to confirm.

Because this might be the last time.


Jeto shuts his mouth and ponders.

I wondered why he had to worry, but soon his mouth opened and I could see why.

"Then... Miss Eisel, why do you think I did this?"

I followed Jeto's voice and looked around.

The forest has become a mess in the aftermath of the battle.

Albed and Murka were decapitated.

For me.

To keep me

Jeto fought.

He fought fiercely, risking his life.

It was all for me

Jeto said so.

If you didn't love me, would you have done this?

Only then did I understand this, and I carefully embraced Jeto in his arms.

I immediately put my face on his lips.


Jetto let out an embarrassed cry, but I didn't stop.

It was to release the curse.

Now that it's all meaningless.

I knew it was too late, too late.

But little by little.

I wanted to free him from the pain, even just a little bit.

As an incompetent regressor, this was the best I could do.

Soon, Jeto's lips met mine.

Jetto couldn't move his tongue or resist my movements.

His hot breath was entwined through his mouth.

Maybe this is the first proper kiss.

But I was neither happy nor happy.

Only tears flowed.

Yes, because Zeto's hot blood was flowing to me through his mouth.

I slowly explored the pain he must be feeling.

Please, for this moment, the pain will be forgotten.

May his pain subside.

Hoping and hoping again

Finally opened his mouth



Silence passed.

A strange atmosphere passed before death, but soon a change appeared in Jeto's body.

The ominous aura of the curse was slowly disappearing.


Only then could I be relieved.

Still, my efforts were not in vain.

Jeto really loves me.


What came after a very momentary happiness... Was a greater despair and loss.

The person I love

Someone who loves me

Because he was dying right in front of his eyes.

Could be easily noticed.

Noticeably slowed breathing.

His right arm stretched out.

I could see the strength slowly draining from Zeto's body as he sat leaning against a tree.

That the time given to him now was really short.

Zeto's voice echoes in my ears.

"Ms. Eisel... Are you still there..."

"...Yeah, I'm here. Jetto."

I grabbed his hand and brought it to my cheek.

Didn't go anywhere.

Won't go anywhere

I will always be by your side

Zeto's arm was shaking.

He moves his fingers to wipe away my tears.

But there were more tears that he could hardly wipe away.

"Lastly, I'd like to ask you something..."

"Yeah, I'm listening."

Jeto's breathing slowed down.

He spat out the last and last question.

"...Did I protect you before?"


I was so surprised that my eyes widened.

"That... That... How did Zeto...?"

"...You made it clear from the start, haha..."


How Zeto knows my return.

Can I ask about previous episodes?

It was very confusing, but that didn't matter now.

I answered him on time.

"...Protected me. Jeto saved me... By the way... By the way... Uhhh... Uhhhhh..."

"...Are you okay."

I couldn't stop crying, and Zeto smiled contentedly.

"This time..."

Zeto's voice gradually diminishes.

"This time..."

Jetto murmured softly.

The warmth of Zeto's hand that was caressing my cheek slowly disappears, and soon even his voice is completely cut off.

He could no longer speak.

"Huh... Hhhhh..."

I sobbed and cried like a child.

My world

My everything

The reason I live

The reason I was able to move forward.



'Today is the entrance ceremony... Isn't this the first time I've seen it?'

All the memories I had with him passed before my eyes.

'The sea you liked... I hope we can go see it together next time.'

It hurt.

I couldn't breathe properly.

'...Do you have anything to do with me?'

My eyes were blurry and I couldn't see.

Even though the sun was up, the world felt so dark.

Had Zeto always lived in a world like this?

'This time...'

Two encounters.

And two deaths.

The incompetent regressor couldn't change anything in the end.

"It hurts... It hurts so much... Jetto..."

He patted his chest, which had already drained all the warmth.

He was resentful

If you leave those words behind

The life you saved...

You can't lose

Why did Zeto save me again?

Why doesn't Jetto resent me?

If you disappear like this

I can't be any more happy

Despite repeated questions, Jeto did not answer.

He was just smiling as always.

This morning he wanted to show me.

The future he wanted to convey to me was tomorrow.

He was kind like the warm sunlight.

At the same time.

It was so cruel.