
I Became A Fake Blind Swordsman In The Academy

Piercing Eyepatch of Wisdom-[Legendary] -Experience gain increased by 500% -Weak spot detection skill level increased by 300% -Critical damage increased by 300% -Doesn't block the wearer's field of view ...In fact, I can see clearly. N/T: This is not my own novel or translation. I am currently machine-translating the novel, so please do not expect a flawless translation as I am using Google Translate. Also, if your brain dies reading this MTL novel, then it’s not my fault. Please don’t comment about the translation quality because, again, it’s Google translation. If you want to complain, then complain to Google.

PurePearl · Fantasía
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193 Chs

Chapter 156 - 156. The Ludwig Clan Is Twisted

In one corner of the room where a human male corpse was scattered, a Demon woman was hanging from the wall.

The woman's body had nails stuck everywhere so that she could not struggle, and one of the black horns growing from her forehead had broken off, and the demonic energy leaking out of her horns was scattering all over the room.

Looking down a little further, there was a golden spear with a pattern engraved on it, stuck in her abdomen.

The platinum-haired girl who was holding the spear in front of her once again channels her mana into her spear.

A strong electric current passed through the spear into her abdomen and spread all over her body at the same time.

ㅡ Kkeaaaaa!!!!!

A sharp scream reverberates through the room.

The smell of burnt organs.

The girl frowned at the repulsive smell that she had been exposed to for quite a while and hadn't gotten used to and still stung her nostrils.

Because the girl didn't stop channeling her lightning bolts.

The screams continued.

But even for a while.

"Kuaaaaa... Cuhehe... Kuhhehe... Hee..."

It's not long before the screams turn into laughter.

"It's my first time with electric torture... It took me a while to get used to it."

A low, hoarse voice of a woman exhausted from exhaustion.

The platinum-haired girl, Eisel, clicked her tongue and thought that there would be no point in further torture.

Ekis, the demon hanging on the wall, is sure to be different.

She was a woman far more distraught than Eisel expected.

Eisel was able to completely subdue her after a battle with her Ekisu.

Anyway, Ekis is a demon with black horns.

Originally, if it was Eisel's skill, Aisel should have been left in tatters, but as her regressor, she had already fought Ekis a few times, so she was used to Ekis' breathing, so she was able to defeat Ekis without much damage. There was.

It wasn't specifically torture to dig up information, but that doesn't mean the current torture was meaningless.

The torture that is carried out after leaving demonic energy to the point where life is on the verge of death so that resilience can be maintained.

"It's a pity... I finally got used to it, but now I can enjoy it... Hehe..."

Ekis interrupts him and cries and squirts blood from his mouth.

The end of her was in sight.

This was Ekis' way.

Death after torture performed right up to the point of death.

It was like the death of that unknown man in the corner of the room who had already died for a long time.

Eisel thought that if she died in her own unique way, she would be humiliated or humiliated, but contrary to her wishes.


Ekis looked very happy.

"...A crazy bitch."

"Can you stop looking at me like that? It's your work, right? Be confident."


"Look closely at my appearance now. Skin burnt out. Nails all over the body. Magic is almost gone now... Kuh... I'll be out of breath in a few minutes. With that, the 'work' is complete. It will be. I didn't know you had such excellent artistry..."

As Ekis said, after a few minutes, Ekis' breath would be completely cut off.

And that moment will be the moment when Aizel gets what he wants.

Ekis' death.

I had to feel a sense of accomplishment that I had succeeded in taking revenge or a sense of relief that my chances of survival in the future had increased.

However, Eisel was very uncomfortable with planting.

This wasn't what she really wanted. Ekis had to suffer much more than this and pour out her lingering feelings and regrets about her life.

Because that would be the best revenge.

However, things have already gone the way Ekis wants.

I wasn't relieved like this.

Eisel was in a bad mood because she thought that Ekis had played with her until the end.

In any case, further torture is pointless.

Eisel, who thought that this would be the cause of Ekis's death, pulled out her thunderbolt spear and aimed it at Ekis's neck.

"...Sheesh, I thought so. The ending is not good. Maybe it's clumsy because it's my first work."

"Shut up."

"What are you going to do by shutting up when you're already dead? You should at least talk as much as you want."


"Hey, Aisel. I have a question..."

Ekis was speechless.

Her last, final question was.

"...Why are you so angry?"

It was very silly.

At least it wasn't what she was supposed to hear.

"Is it because you were tortured during the experiment? But it's just because of that... The anger inside you is very thick. Anyway, the experiment failed... And you survived... Now I see you're going to make me like this. I've become strong enough, and as a bonus, I'm healthy..."

Why did you have such a deep anger?

Aisel pondered over Ekis's question.

Is it because they are demons?

The reasons she mentioned were her experiments and her torture enough to make her furious enough to exact her revenge.

Well, it was correct that it wasn't just that.

It was actually a question that could be answered very simply.

If you don't kill me now, I will die.

Because you guys have been killing me

Such a simple answer.

However, since she hadn't heard of the detailed plan to kill Eisel yet, she was able to ask this question.

Ever since Ekis learned of Eisel's survival, she had only vague thoughts about killing her someday.

Aizel noticed this too.

But she thought that there was no need to tell her that she was a regressor.

There were plenty of reasons to be angry with Ekis anyway.

Torture is torture, but above all... Isn't it strange to take revenge on those who slaughtered their families and clans?

"...That's right, you guys are enemies who slaughtered our clan. That's a ridiculous question. Have you really lost your mind after being tortured?"

It was then that Eisel's sharp answer followed and she was about to thrust her spear into her throat, thinking that there was no need to talk further.

"Puhew...! Eisel, what do you mean by that?"

Ekis burst into laughter as she uttered her meaningful words, so Eisel stopped her arm from thrusting into her spear.

"Slaughter the clan? We?"

Ekis tilted his head.

Eisel frowned at her.

"Yeah. I didn't even know that..."

Ekis cuts her off before Eisel can answer.

"...I'm not kidding, are you really thinking that way? Hehe... It's fun, it's fun. It's likely that you've forgotten your memory... No, it's highly likely that you erased your memory on your own due to mental shock. Because your condition at the time wasn't quite normal."

"...Tell me more."

"When we found you, don't you remember?"

Ekis asked with a light smile because he just enjoyed Aizel's confusion.

"When you find it...?"

Eisel heard Ekis's voice as her breath stopped. Perhaps she had to search for the oldest memory among her memories.

"...On the floor... Blood on the floor..."

For Aisel now, Eisel slowly pointed out the memories that were fading because it was quite a long time ago.

"Yes. There was blood on the floor. The bodies of the Ludwig clan were all over there."

"It's all your work..."

Wasn't it the horror of the massacre committed by the demons?

Eisel tried to recall her memory of stretching, but she felt that her memory had been cut off for some reason.

The before and after process was not clearly recalled.

I couldn't remember the scene where the demons slaughtered the clan and killed them.

At that time, such a question passed through Aisel's mind.

'Rather than that, how did I survive...?'

Was it to be used as a test subject?

Eisel said she couldn't remember how she had survived the massacre, as she was only a tiny child at the time.


Before her death, Ekis gives a mean laugh at the thought that she got a good caliber.

"...Eisel, should I tell you something interesting? It is true that we were ordered to exterminate the Ludwig clan. To suddenly find out where the Ludwig clan is hiding... It's nonsense, it's impossible. I thought. But we found it. We really found it."


"By the way, what we found was a tiny little girl. Yeah, as you know, you're the only survivor left. For us, that's made things easier."

"You guys...You guys are like that...?"

In the midst of the collapsing truth, Eisel denied this.

"It's okay to deny it. No, it seems like it's always been that way, as long as it's comfortable for you. I won't stop you.

"Then... Then... Who of our clan..."

"Remember. Over the corpses of the clan... Who stood in their midst?"


With a sudden headache, Eisel grabs her head.

Even so, Ekis continued to speak without hesitation. Because she had no more time left.

Right before his death, Ekis, who was breathing heavily at the thought of getting a good view, opened his mouth.

"You were there. Eisel."


Eisel murmured, looking down at her own hands.

Ekis's words became her trigger, and the forgotten scene in Eisel's mind, where she erased her memories herself to survive, began to vaguely emerge.

A place that looks like an "Altar" All around in pure white.

Platinum hair the same color as her hair was lying there.

I did not know their names, but I could be sure that they had the surname Ludwig at the end of their names.

Red blood flowed from their bodies and gathered in one place following the patterns drawn on the altar floor.

There was a girl in the pool of blood in the center.

The girl, whose name was Eisel Ludwig, stood blankly for a long time, gazing at the scene.


Eisel puts a hand on her forehead and lets her breathe heavily.

'Why do I have these memories...'

Did I forget

"Albed said it seemed like they sacrificed themselves. I don't know what the whole family did by giving their lives... But anyway, you stood at the center of it. Maybe you'll know better about that 'reason'. You may know."

Something that everyone in the clan would sacrifice their lives to obtain.

Eisel had one thing to point out about this.

"Lies, all lies... Yes, you guys messed with my memory during the experiment..."

Nevertheless, Eisel, who did not want any further collapse, continued to deny it.

However, Ekis' indifferent refutation immediately follows her denial.

"Memory manipulation... That's a fairly convenient story. That's why we conducted the experiment on you in the first place. The experiment was unplanned. If we had to conduct an experiment on the Ludwig clan, why would we leave you alone? Should I let it go? If you think about it simply, the more samples, the better, right?"


Ironically, Eisel couldn't continue her words any further due to Ekis' logic.

Seeing Aisel like that, Ekis laughed madly.

Ekis, who had been filling her room with laughter, vomited up blood, and soon he shook his head and uttered a sad voice.

"Ah, Eisel. Your despair and pain reach here. It's a good expression. If I could just cut off your breath right now, it would have been a perfect piece... What would be a good name for the piece..."

"Shut up..."

"The title of the work is... So, what about 'The Distorted Clan'?"

Ekis let out a fishy smile.

End with that smile.


Ekis' head is cut off.

ㅡ Fluffy.

Just like that, Ekis' neck fell and at the same time, Eisel sat down on the floor.

Legs were weak.

Ekis's voice, which had been tormenting her, could no longer be heard. Even so, she was still suffering.

As the truth she knew about her collapsed, an uncomfortable truth she could not deny took its place.

The Ludwig clan was not slaughtered by the demons.

They chose to sacrifice themselves.

He offered himself as a sacrifice without hesitation.

All for one girl.

Eisel believed that her regression was caused by an experiment she was subjected to by demons, but she was not like that.

Her return was obtained at the cost of the lives of all members of her clan.

"What the hell would you do such a terrible thing for..."

As of now, Eisel couldn't understand their choice.

Ekis's words were correct.

Her family... The Ludwig clan was not normal.

They were very twisted.