
I Am Uchiha With A Son System

He thought he could prevent madara from leaving the village, but even after he manage to save Izuna they still defect from Konoha. So Setsuna (MC) ran away from Konoha after his system was activated. Living with Uzumaki members. He then married wives and after a few years, he return back with his family. How could Sharingan red eyes colour turn into white? Hyuga Clan tried to seal birdcage on my son, they ultimately failed.  My red-haired son has awoken Rinnegan and Mangekyou Sharingan.  Other villages tried to destroy Uzumaki, but Uchiha Setsuna launched his GUNDAM SUSANOO.  Madara and Black Zetsu tried to find nine tails but didn't find them until they were actually sealed inside Uchiha Setsuna. This novel is not chinese fanfic, but inspired by their genre. 

ZoroTraineeWriter · Cómic
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81 Chs

Chapter 21: Tobirama Schemes

To read advance chapter you can join me in patreon or buy me a coffee, currently there is only 3 advance chapter. But i'm planning to at least have 20 advance chapter. 




One month had passed since the last Senju clan meeting, and another gathering was scheduled, attended by clan leaders and their deputies. Setsuna, owing to his exceptional intellect, was also part of this meeting. However, the atmosphere took an unexpected turn when Tobirama, in front of everyone, declared that Setsuna should cease attending these high-level meetings and enroll in the academy.

This announcement left everyone bewildered and irritated the Uchiha members. They perceived Tobirama's decision as belittling Setsuna's capabilities and standing within Konoha. Tobirama, with his characteristic stern demeanour, proceeded to explain the rationale behind this seemingly peculiar decision.

He clarified that Setsuna, despite his strength and accomplishments, was only 13 years old. The academy was established for individuals under the age of 14, and Tobirama insisted that Setsuna needed to set an example for others by attending school. The notion was to emphasize the importance of education even for those with exceptional abilities.

Setsuna, faced with this unexpected directive, weighed the situation and, in the end, reluctantly agreed to enroll in the academy. Little did he know that this decision was part of Tobirama's calculated scheme to limit Setsuna's participation in future high-level Konoha meetings.

Tobirama, saw this as a strategic move to control Setsuna's influence and prevent him from shaping the direction of the village. The academy, in Tobirama's eyes, was a way to keep Setsuna occupied and perhaps divert his attention from the intricate workings of the village leadership.

The next chapter of Setsuna's story unfolded in the academy, where he found himself surrounded by younger students, many of whom looked up to him with a mix of awe and curiosity. While Setsuna navigated the dynamics of academy life, the larger political landscape of Konoha continued to evolve.

Tobirama, content with the success of his maneuver, kept a watchful eye on the developments within the village. The Uchiha, though reluctantly accepting Setsuna's enrollment, harbored a growing discontent that simmered beneath the surface.

As Setsuna adapted to the routine of academy classes, he couldn't shake the feeling that his every move was being orchestrated. Little did he know that his presence in the academy would become a focal point in the intricate web of Konoha's internal politics. The chessboard was set, and each piece, including Setsuna, played a role in the unfolding saga of the village hidden in the leaves.


On the first day of the academy, Setsuna encountered two intriguing individuals: a pair of Hyuga twins, a boy and a girl. They were orphans, their parents having sacrificed themselves to protect the main branch of the Hyuga clan.

The boy introduced himself as Hiroyuki Hyuga, and the girl as Haruko Hyuga. They belonged to the branch family of the Hyuga clan. Setsuna was struck by the tragic story of their parents' sacrifice, a common narrative among the branch members.

As Setsuna observed Haruko, he couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty. It was a rare sight, surpassing even the renowned elegance of the Uchiha and Senju. Her presence left an impression, and Setsuna found himself drawn to her unique aura.

Quickly forming a bond, the trio became fast friends. Setsuna's reputation preceded him, making it easy for him to connect with others. The Uchiha boy, known for his exceptional looks, warm smile, high intelligence, formidable strength, and the awakening of the legendary Mangekyou Sharingan, became a figure of interest and admiration among his peers.

The academy days unfolded with Setsuna, Hiroyuki, and Haruko navigating the challenges of learning and growing together. Little did they know that their friendship would play a significant role in the events that awaited them.

(A/N: Yeah Haruko Hyuga is the one of his future wife. I plan to do a polygamy but the limit is below then 4. I don't want this story turn into harem)

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