
I Am The Peak

In a normal world of mortals, Saber was a special existence but, this all changed when he was sent into different worlds, meeting different things, and being revealed to cultivation... Well, at least this was what he expected but, it never changed. He was still special in the end, not that he complained. The endless world of cultivation is filled with ruthlessness and scheming. But, not everything is as it seems. This isn't the story of Saber, but of a being who should have transcended everything... This is his second chance at it...

Slewpy · Fantasía
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308 Chs

Why Are You Evil?

Saber walked toward the body of the dead man with confidence after hearing the words spoken by his master.

Though he did not fully trust the man who claimed to be the Chained One, Saber still knew that he could have faith in whatever that bastard name Zeno created. And if his system which was created by Zeno, said that his master didn't have ill intentions, then it was most likely so.

Placing his hand on the old man's chest, Saber was left confused by the fact that nothing happened. He expected something grand or at least something to happen. But, absolutely nothing changed with his surroundings nor did anything change to him.


But, as soon as he was about to ask the weird kid behind him what was up with this, an intense pain coursed through his body.

It began from his hand which rested on the old man's heart region, and then clawed its way through his arm and into the rest of his body. The pain kept on increasing as he felt as if something was trying to brand itself into his very soul.

He felt as if a snake was slithering throughout the inside of his body. Wherever this snake went, only pain was felt causing his mind to become numb. A mind-numbing pain that he had felt only when he absorbed the eight tail bloodline of the nine-tail fox species.

Saber's whole body felt as if he was being bathed in boiling oil. He felt as if he stood over charcoal while still having a normal mortal body. H felt as if someone force him to drink boiling water that was ripping apart his insides.

But, as he was in the middle of experiencing such excruciating pain, Saber felt as if his body was being forcefully sucked into something. With great difficulty, Saber opened his eyes, only to see where his hand was placed, a hole a few inches in size was sucking anything from his surroundings.

Before he could even process how or what was happening, his vision turned blurry as he was somehow pulled into the hole that was a few inches in size.




Standing in a field of silvery flowers, Saber remained unmoving with eyes that spilled confusion. It was mainly because even if his master explained what was to happen, appearing in a field of flowers without even knowing how. It was something that could confuse any being.

But, just as he was at the peak of confusion, he then saw a figure in the corner of his view. Darting his gaze, he saw the scene of an old man sitting on a white mat with a cup of what seemed to be hot tea.

The fragrant smell of the tea assaulted Saber's nose, causing it to twitch. Not one to bother about appearances, Saber immediately walked up toward the mat and sat down on his knees similar to the old man while he stared into the old man's eyes.

"So, are you the mysterious old man that is lying on top of a bed without life?" Saber asked with an unimpressed tone.

Even if the old man in front of him was once a being who was completely outside his current comprehension of power, at this current moment in time, wasn't Saber the one alive?

Saber saw no point in being respectful especially when he was the one that will kill this old man's precious memories.


The old man casually asked. The question confused Saber to the point that he tilted his head to the side with his eyebrows perked. Seeing Saber's expression, the old man then went on.

"Why are you so evil. I have watched you ever since you entered this spaceship." He said. Saber's confusion is even more potent and the old man saw this so he continued.

"Hmm, ok. The sword that your eldest disciple pulled from the ground is my greatest creation. When someone touches it, they'll immediately be teleported here inside my spaceship. When that happens, I will be able to sense and even watch their every action.

What I want to know is, why are you so evil. Why do you kill and then even eat living lifeforms? Do you not have any morals?" The old man asked. He then waved his right hand in the air, causing a cup of hot steaming tea to mysteriously appear.

The tea then floated into Saber's outstretched palm. Bringing the cup closer and sniffing the sweet scent, Saber nodded his head in satisfaction. Thereafter, Saber raised his head as his cold eyes landed on the calm eyes of the old man as he replied.

"Before I answer your question, I want you to tell me why you act as if I am evil and you are good. Not only have your creation caused the deaths of lifeforms, but you now act as if you are a saint.

To me, you sound like the ideal personification of a hypocrite!"

Saber's voice rang out in his surroundings. Soon after, the surroundings formed cracks that looked familiar to how a piece of glass would when filled with spider cracks. The aura around the old man then became darker as he replied.

"Hmm, it seems that you are an arrogant fool!" He said. The very air became hard for Saber to breathe in but his eyes remained unfazed as he replied.

"Hmm, it seems that you are the arrogant fool! Not only do I and only I have the potential to rid the world of your enemies, if they're ever even was someone nearly half as talented as me to be birthed in this world, it isn't going to be anytime soon.

So, I ask you, do you truly want to wait and find out if you'll ever find someone as talented as me before your enemies find this world and more importantly...the location of your greatest creation?"

Saber's voice once more rang out. The face of the old man that was previously dark, now changed into a smirk as he voiced out.

"Hahaha, it seems that my luck is good. At least my disciple can accurately analyze situations and is also one with backbone!!!"

He shouted boisterously. The aura around him became more approachable as the very landscape around them changed into a white room.

Saber realized that he was now sitting on top of what seemed to be an oversized chessboard. A few hundred meters behind the old man were black chest pieces while the same distance behind Saber were white chest pieces.

"Now, to answer your first question. You asked me why I make it out to sound as if you are evil and I'm good. You said that I seem to be the perfect hypocrite. But, you're wrong as I've never thought of myself as not an evil person.

I was merely interested in someone who I seem to have no knowledge of." The old man said, greatly confusing Saber because of his choice of words. The old man then quickly followed up by saying.

"You are very interesting because you are different. This universe we live in is much bigger than you can currently possibly comprehend. You are currently not even the most powerful in this universe... yet you are somehow the most mysterious being living in it." The old man said.

His eyes seemed as if it was able to pierce behind the secrets of the very universe.

"Bro...you haven't even answered my question yet." Saber said with an annoyed voice.

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