
Celebration of the king new son

The next day there was an announcement made about the king's newborn son Loren Chandler and that there will be a celebration held on this day.

The people cheered with excitement and began their preparation for the celebration.

"So a celebration will be held in the honor of your new son's husband." the queen asked.

"Yes it is what I intend for such an event to happen like for my two sons." the king answered his wife.

The two of them were walking around the castle together like a happy couple while the servants within work themselves to prepare for the celebration that will start tonight.

It may seem that way to everyone inside the castle, but in reality, they wished to not be around each other.

"Tell me, my love, do you even care how I feel or how you two sons will feel? Surely they will find it as a sign of disrespect to be related to a bastard."

"Dear wife, you should watch your mouth when speaking about my son." the king warns her.

"Are you telling me that I should keep my mouth quiet to not say how I feel to you, my husband fathering another child with another woman behind my back?"

The king does not say another word to his wife as she felt disrespected and hurt that she left him walking away in a different direction with the castle.

"It seems the queen is not too happy about you having another son that was not from her, my king."

"Ah Jordan Rogers my good old friend, how good it is to see your face." the king smiled at the captain guard.

"That is kind for you to say my kind."

"Oh come now you can drop the kingly manner as it is just us for now," he tells Jordan.

"Very well Vernon, so care to tell me how the queen feels about this celebration you're having for your new son."

King Vernon sigh then spoke to Jordan.

"She is not pleased about it nonetheless that women can do nothing about it."

"Yet the woman is not powerless, Vernon , do not forget." Jordan remains that man.

"Power she can not use against me, my friend, but let's talk about something else, so come walk with me."

King Vernon wraps his arm around his best friend Jordan as the two walk side by side talking with each other like the old days when they were younger.


After some time night has come as the people inside the kingdom began celebrating in the honor of their new prince.

They were having a great time drinking and eating as the same was happening within the castle of king Vernon.

Where many nobles have come to the party to contract the king on his newborn son even to the mother of the child.

King Vernon and his wife the queen were among the crowd talking with the guest while their twin sons played around.

Loren's mother was also only paying attention to her son who was sleeping soundly in his crib where the guest could come and see him.

"Here my lady you should have a drink while you stand by and watch your son."

The guard captain Jordan offers the woman a drink.

"Oh thank you, captain, for the name Melanie." She took the cup from his hand and drank from it.

the man took the chance to look at the baby.

"He is a lovely boy who looks just like his father." Jordan make a nice comment on Loren.

"Thank you, I am happy to hear, I learned that you became a father again not too long yourself."

"That right a little girl who looks like her mother and I am happy about that lady Melanie."

"You don't have to call me a lady, I am no one that special."

Jordan removes his attention from baby Loren to face Melanie.

"Well, it should be the way I must speak to you as you are the king-."

"Mistress," Melanie said before Jordan can finish speaking.

"It is not something I wish to say as it is disrespectful."

"Yet it is true to you and everyone here, but it isn't something, I plan to become captain when I come to work in the king castle."

Melanie walked up the crib looking down on Loren.

"But it is not something I regret as I have been blessed with a child whom I will love dearly."

Jordan looks at Melanie respecting her after saying that and the man knows this woman had no intention to use the king to gain anything from.

The man is king and could have another woman before meeting her, but it has never happened until now.

"I should warn you Melanie about the queen." The man thought it was the right thing to do.

"I know that woman is not happy about me having the king's son, she won't even allow his brother to see him.

"Yes she is not so pleased about it, but that is not the point that matters."

Jordan stops, then brings himself close to Melanie to whisper in her ear.

"That woman comes from a powerful family and it may seem she could not do anything now, but I have a feeling at some point she will find a way to harm you and the boy."

Melanie turned her head to look at the queen who was talking with some nobles.

She knows queen Luann Maureen Nicholson can do anything to her and the baby, but Melanie won't let that happen as long as she lives.

"Thank you for the warning captain." she thanks him as the man nods his head to her.

That when something interesting happens within the part as everyone turns their head to see someone special has come.

Melanie and Jordan follow them to see who has come to the party

"The old sage," Jordan said in shock to see the man had come to the party.

The old sage has never come to visit the king's castle in a long time, not even to the celebration of the twin birth as the man spends most of his time in his tower within the kingdom doing whatever he does in there.

No one in this party knows the reason why this man has now shown himself to celebrate Loren's birth.

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