
I am the Calamity

In the year 3023, humanity was wiped out by a catastrophic event that left the world barren and desolate. For eight hundred years, the earth remained uninhabited, and nature took over, reclaiming the land that once belonged to humans. But deep in the ruins of what used to be a great city, a small group of people survived. They had managed to build a community and, over time, developed a unique way of surviving in this new world.

Puppet_i0p · Fantasía
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18 Chs

The Stranger

Ava's heart was pounding as she bolted upright in bed. She had been dreaming of the fire again, the one that had spoken to her in the cave. But this time, the flames were different. They were aggressive, twisting and turning like a living creature, and they had spoken to her.

walking into the kitchen Ava happened to over hear a conversation between her father and Jeanne, who was leaning in through their open window, the scout master.

"I don't trust him," her father said, "There's something strange about him. I heard he's been asking a lot of questions about the ruins."

Ava felt a chill run down her spine. She had been the one to explore the ruins, to find the flame that had offered her powers. Was it possible that the stranger was looking for something similar?

Jeanne nodded in agreement, "you're right, somethings fishy, he might be a spy from Egnield, I plan on following him later," rolling his shoulders Jeanne turned to leave, "oh right, check up on Ava for me, she ran off for a bit into some kind of cavern, it shouldn't matter, but im a bit worried anyway,"

nodding until Jeanne left, Ava's father sighed painfully,

"Be careful," her father warned, turning to Ava, aware she had overheard. "I know you won't talk about what happened in the ruins, but I'm still your father I don't want anything to happen to you. so if its related to this stranger-"

"Dad, you don't have to worry about it, I just had a look around the cave." Ava cut off

"...Alright, but still, be careful,"

Ava nodded, her mind racing. She knew she had to be cautious, to keep what happened a secret from anyone who might seek to use them for their own gain. But she couldn't shake the feeling that something big was about to happen, something that would change everything...


Later that day, Ava was working in her father's shop when she heard a commotion outside. Curiosity getting the better of her, she peeked outside to see what was happening. She saw a man in his mid twenties with blond hare tired in a braid that hung from his ear. he was surrounded by a group of villagers, some of whom were brandishing weapons.

"Leave our village at once," one of them shouted. "We don't want any trouble here!"

Ava almost pitied him, the villagers were still cautious with wanderers, after the minor conflict with Egnield, a much larger group, the village had become hostile to outsiders

The stranger held up his hands in surrender. "I mean you no harm," he said. "I'm simply a traveller passing through. I was interested in the ruins, that's all." he was soft spoken, but the way he spoke was charismatic and clean, if the villagers hadn't already decided they didn't like him he most likely could of convinced them to calm down...

Ava's heart skipped a beat. The stranger's words confirmed her suspicions that he was after the something in the ruins. could it be related to the flame? What was he hoping to gain?

After the commotion with the stranger had died down, Ava couldn't focus on work anymore. Her mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the ruins and the powers that lay within.

Without telling her father, Ava left the shop early and made her way to the scouting leader's office. She had met him before, during her first excursion to the ruins, and he had been impressed with her skills and bravery. She hoped that he would be willing to let her join the scouting party again.

When she arrived at his office, Ava found the scoutleader in the midst of a heated discussion with some of his scouts. They were planning their next expedition to the ruins, but there seemed to be some disagreement about the route they should take.

"Excuse me," Ava said, stepping forward. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Jeanne turned to her, his expression softening as he recognized her. "Ava, what brings you here?"

"I want to join the scouting party in their expedition to the ruins again again," she said, her voice firm.

The leader raised an eyebrow. "You know the dangers of the ruins, Ava. It's not something to be taken lightly."

"I know," Ava said. "But I've been there before. I know what to expect. And I have a feeling that something big is about to happen. I want to be there when it does."

The leader looked at her for a moment, considering her request. Finally, he nodded. "Alright, Ava. You can come with us. But you have to promise to follow our orders this time. no wandering off into mysterious caves today, understood?"

Ava felt a surge of excitement and gratitude. She had been worried that the leader would reject her request, but she was glad he had seen her potential. She promised to follow their orders and left the office, feeling more determined than ever to uncover the secrets of the ruins.