
I am the Calamity

In the year 3023, humanity was wiped out by a catastrophic event that left the world barren and desolate. For eight hundred years, the earth remained uninhabited, and nature took over, reclaiming the land that once belonged to humans. But deep in the ruins of what used to be a great city, a small group of people survived. They had managed to build a community and, over time, developed a unique way of surviving in this new world.

Puppet_i0p · Fantasía
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18 Chs

The Oncoming Storm

Ava was nervously fidgeting with her fork, twirling it around in her hand while her father ate his dinner silently. Finally, he spoke up.

"So, Ava, how are things with Sam?" her father asked, looking up from his plate.

Ava's heart jumped at the question, but she tried to remain calm. "Um, things are good, Dad," she replied, trying not to sound too enthusiastic.

"Good," her father said, nodding slowly. "He seems like a decent enough boy."

"He's more than decent, Dad," Ava said, unable to hold back a smile.

Her father raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yes," Ava said, taking a deep breath. "I really like him, Dad."

Her father looked at her for a moment before nodding. "Okay. Just remember, Ava, I love you and I'll do whatever it takes to protect you. If he hurts you, I won't hesitate to take care of it."

Ava's heart sank at her father's words, but she knew he meant well. "I know, Dad. But Sam would never hurt me."

"Okay," her father said, his expression softening. "Just making sure you know where I stand."

Ava nodded and went back to her dinner, feeling both grateful and slightly frustrated with her father's protectiveness.

"Dad-," started Ava, freezing before finishing her sentence

"Yes Ava?"

She had been nervous to tell him about the talking flame, but she knew she couldn't keep it to herself any longer.

"Dad, I need to tell you something," she started. "I encountered a talking flame in the forest the other day. It offered me a contract, but I declined."

Her father's eyebrows raised in surprise. "A talking flame? That's... unusual."

Ava nodded

"Are you sure you didn't just imagine it, Ava?" he asked.

"I'm positive, Father," Ava replied. "The flame spoke to me. It told me things that only I would know."

Her father leaned back in his chair, still looking unconvinced. "I find it hard to believe that a flame could talk," he said.

Ava sighed, feeling frustrated. She had hoped her father would believe her, but it seemed like he was determined not to. "I know it sounds crazy, Father, but it's true. I don't know why it spoke to me or what it wants, but I know it's important."

Her father looked at her for a moment longer before finally nodding his head. "Well, regardless of whether or not it was real, I think you made the right choice by staying away from it. We don't know what kind of things talking flames are into."

Ava nodded, feeling relieved that her father at least acknowledged the seriousness of the situation. She knew she couldn't tell anyone else about the talking flame, but she was glad that she could confide in her father, even if he was sceptical.

"Ava...," started her father

"Yes, Dad?"

"...Don't worry about it, you should get some rest, we have the festival tomorrow."

Ava nodded before taking her leave


Sam arrived at Ava's doorstep with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. As Ava opened the door, he nervously cleared his throat and made a joke, "Wow, Ava, you really did your best to make yourself presentable for me," he said.

Ava rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure that's it."

Sam quickly apologized. "Sorry, I'm just really nervous. I wanted to make sure you had a good time at the festival."

Ava smiled, "Don't worry, Sam. I'm sure we'll have a great time."


The stranger chuckled. "She's quite interesting, isn't she? I've never met someone who would turn down a contract with a demon."

The tall, strong-looking figure looked at the stranger with a serious expression, or so he assumed, it was difficult to tell through the black silk that obscured its vision

"She is not to be underestimated. She may have declined Surtur's offer, but she possesses a great potential that could prove useful to our cause."

The stranger rolled his eyes. "Our cause? You mean your cause. I don't really care about all that."

The figure ignored the stranger's remark and continued. "We must keep an eye on her. She could become a valuable asset, or a dangerous threat."

The stranger smirked. "Relax, she's just a kid. What's the worst she could do?"

The figure fixed his gaze on Ava and Sam, who were now joining in the festivities. "Only time will tell. But mark my words, she is not to be underestimated."

As the two continued to watch Ava and Sam, the stranger couldn't help but tease the mystery man. "You're taking this whole thing way too seriously. It's just a little human girl."

The figure turned to the stranger with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Do not underestimate her. She could be the key to our success, or the cause of our downfall."

The stranger rolled his eyes again. "Whatever you say. But if you ask me, she's just a lost little lamb in need of some guidance."

the creature was silent for a few seconds before responding, "do you intend on being her shepherd?"

"you take all the fun out of it, my friend, no, I'm merely going to make her understand that she is already a player in this game... whether she rolled the dice or someone did for her," responded the stranger, his eyes gleaming a sky blue.

And with that, the two continued to observe Ava and Sam as they enjoyed the festival, unaware of the dark forces that were watching them from afar.

As the figure disappeared into a burst of light, the stranger turned to leave, only to be confronted by Ava's father. He was a sturdy man, with a thick beard and piercing eyes that glared at the stranger.

"What are you doing here?" he demanded, clear anger rising in his voice

The stranger feigned ignorance. "I was just passing through. Is there a problem?"

"Don't play dumb with me," the father growled. "I saw you watching my daughter. Stay away from her."

The stranger smirked, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "And what if I don't?"

The father's fists clenched, and he stepped forward, his voice low and menacing. "I'll make sure you regret it."

The stranger chuckled. "Is that so?" Without warning, he lunged forward, his movements fluid and precise. He landed a solid blow on the father's chin, sending him stumbling back.

"You shouldn't have threatened me," the stranger snarled, his eyes ablaze with malice.

The father tried to fight back, but the stranger was too quick and too skilled. Blow after blow rained down on him, until he was battered and bloodied on the ground. The stranger stood over him, his chest heaving with exertion.

"ah, I got a bit carried away," muttered the stranger before turning on his heel and disappearing into the night.

chunky chapter because of the ones I've missed recently, exams are almost over so well be back to daily updates in a bit.