
I am insane, oh I know.

My name is Azreal and I'm a psychopath, genius, and I've been reborn with a system, I've read about these in novels yet mine is .... intriguing, It is the insane system, the so called most powerful system it introduced it self to me after I died, speaking of death, I don't care at all about my untimely death, I have a home and no family besides a brother named Max, I have the same name and I'm still a psychopath, I also absorbed all the memories of my successor, and I felt something else too, I felt something warm for my brother Max, I want to protect him and I will protect him, we live in the same house because he had no where to stay, he looks just like the man named Max from Black phone and has the same personality too, right now it appears to be 1979, and I am physically strong, but never mind that, let me check out this so called system,

*God level gift pack, reward because you created this system.*

Oh? I created it, maybe it was my subconscious merging with the energy of the omniverse absorbing it creating a beyond Godly system, anyways, I open my mouth and whisper, "receive rewards.", my body is morphing, my DNA changing my, body becoming better than Greek gods, and my mind, becoming faster than 100 supercomputers, my strength is immeasurable, this isn't just a gift pack, this gave me the abilities of a God, which from the system, I know don't exist, besides the true God, but no need to worry I shall be fine, *Ding*, hmm? what's this, a system notification? *system points received-error-recalibrating-error-Points given-"Infinite",*Stat points received-error-recalibrating-error-Points given-"Infinite", and so on over and over again, "open system shop" I whisper to myself, instantly I see billions of items, like the killing ability and knowledge of all the serial killers known to man combined for 100 million system points, "buy", I instantly gain knowledge I'd never think I'd have, yet I was still calm, as always, I bought more things like perfect control of my power, knife skills of every being to ever exist combined, weapon skills of every being, and martial arts, I fake smiled to myself, *smile skill- infinite- any being that sees your smile will be calmed instantly or terrified, woman, and gay men will go crazy over you.* useless but who cares, I need to get home.