
I am secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God

Well, this is something I write on a whim. To relax from my main fic. If you have problems with that? Don't read and save me the trouble and stress from reading your hate comments about why low quality? why no effort? why lolis? why this why that. I just wanna relax and write what I want damnit. Is it that hard to ask for? There is no clear path where it go and a wish fulfilment type of fic? MC not human obviously. But super OP and can stomp anyone because he is after all secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God. Schedule is 3 chapters per week. Every Mon, Wed and Fri, GMT +8. But I will keep at minimum 10 advance chapters in Patreon. If I have 10 or less advanced chapters, I will not post any until next one are posted there. If you enjoy my fic and wanted me to continue writing more or want to appreciate my work and effort, feel free to tip or support me here. https://ko-fi.com/lazy_kat_aoi or patreon.com/DaoistKittyKat

Daoist_KittyKat · Cómic
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139 Chs

Chapter 8 - New Home

The next morning, I woke up just before Asia woke up. She was hugging me while wearing only a thin nightwear. Being squished between dem tits make me unwilling to leave on my own and instead relish the moment as long as possible.

But I came to a grim and despairing realization. I should actually get horny in this situation. After all, under the guise of the cat and secretly a 12th Dimensional Eldritch God, I am still a healthy young man with perfectly normal libido. However, I don't feel horny at all.

Being squished between her mounds feels good. Don't get me wrong. But all I can feel from this is like being laid on the best and most comfortable bed instead of the body of a female.

'Fuck! Did my sexuality adjust to a cat too! Nooooooo! Gimme back my healthy, normal 20+ years old male sexuality!' I cried in my mind over the spilt milk.

"Ah, Ray… Good morning…" Asia greeted me.

Ahhh! Her voice and expression after just waking up is so cute I wish I had a camera right now to snap a few pictures.

"Good morning, Asia." I jumped out of bed and stretched my body before ordering the three servants to prepare the bath.

Then I wait until she rubs her sleepiness away while watching her cute action from the side.

But, I suddenly thought about the matter with the servants. I already decided to make the Fallen trio the servants but I doubt any of them have actual ability befitting as a servant like doing housework, laundry, cooking, etc.

My immediate candidate that came to mind is Grayfia. Competent maid and capable combatant that can double as bodyguard. There are few that are as good as her. But all of them already have someone they are serving. Forcefully demanding her wouldn't work since Grayfia aside of being maid is also the Queen of Sirzech peerage and his actual wife. So, I have to find someone else…


"Hmn? What's wrong, Asia?" I immediately snapped out from my thoughts and checked on her.

"Nothing. I was calling for you but you are not responding." She said worriedly. "Is there something wrong?" She asked.

Ah! Look at her being worried for my well being. She is just so precious and adorable that I want to hug her but unfortunately my body size does not allow it.

"No, nothing. I was just thinking about the future." I shook my head and replied as I thought about a certain time stopping, non-vampire, gray haired head maid.

"Alright. Let's take a morning bath then." Asia said before she hauled me up with her which made me panicked.

"Wait! Hold on a moment. Why are you bringing me along?" I asked and Asia replied with an innocent yet oblivious smile. "I'm going to give you a bath too." She said,

Normally, I should already have a nosebleed. No, maybe not that extreme. But I should have some reaction as the images in my mind are going feral. But I have no response.

'My lil' bro, did you really die? Why can't I feel any arousal!'

Carrying my limp body, Asia brought me to the bath with a wide smile and hummed happily as I stayed depressed the entire time thinking about my now deceased Lil' bro and my non-existent, healthy, normal 20+ years old male sexuality.


In the Occult Research Club's clubroom, two Satans gathered and nervously waited for the arrival of someone. To even afford such reception, the person they are waiting for should be someone of a very significant stature.

Then moments later, a shadow appeared on the floor of the clubroom and expanded into a sizable dome. When the dome of shadow unraveled, it revealed the guest the Satan's were waiting for.

Sirzech, who is meeting the unknown 'Primordial' for the first time, looks in wonder and turns to Serafall when he sees the cat was scowling rather deeply with displeasure. Not their fault of course. But they didn't know it.

"Welcome, sir." Sirzech greeted as he welcomed Asia to sit down and talk over some tea which Akeno served a moment ago.

Asia takes a seat but still holds the cat on her arm. Both Serafall and Sirzech felt uncomfortable since the cat was scowling and obviously looked angry and they naturally assumed it was their fault.

"Ray, it's not nice to keep them waiting." Asia softly chastised the unknown Primordial which made the two Satans wonder what's the nature of their relationship.

"Oh, sorry. I was thinking about something… unpleasant." Ray, the black cat said after he snapped out of his scowl.

"It's nothing to be apologized, sir." Sirzech quickly said and Serafall nodded rather frantically to reassured.

The cat seemed to chuckle a little instead before escaping Asia's hold and sat on her lap.

"Before we talk about the compensation. Surely there is something you want to ask? I'll humor your question, Devils." The cat said with a smile.

"Thank you for your understanding, sir." Sirzech nodded before he asked his first question. "Then allow me to ask, what is your purpose and intentions in Kuoh Town?"

"Straight to business, eh?" The cat raised an eyebrow which made Sirzech and Serafall a little worried if they accidentally offended the unknown Primordial with their questions.

"Hmn, that's quite simple yet a little unbelievable, I reckon." The cat started before he brought his right paw to his chin and rubbed it in a thoughtful manner. "I didn't appear at the park willingly. It was just a coincidence as my ward was sent here after her exile by the damnable Church." The cat spoke of the Church with quite a venomous tone. Which made the two Satan a little surprised and happy of course.

"I had a glimpse upon her future and saw her death here in Kuoh Town in the hand of the band of misfits holing up in the abandoned church up the hill at the edge of the town. The idiotic Fallen Angel covets my ward's Sacred Gear, the Twilight Healing." The cat continues and his words shock the two Satan a lot especially the part about him able to glimpse into the future which a very rare few divines are capable of such feats.

This also makes Sirzech and Serafall very angry. The mismanagement of their sisters almost let loose a catastrophe on the living world. It's obvious to them what length the unknown Primordial will go for his 'ward'. If she was killed in this town, they'd be lucky if Japan was still on the map by the time he is done.

"Then, my next question is what is your relationship with Asia Argento. I am curious because it is unheard of for a god much less someone of your stature to be guarding a specific human." Sirzech asked next and his words seemed to shock Asia as Asia had no idea what Ray was until this moment.

"Ray is a god?" Asia was in disbelief. Obviously she knows Ray isn't the god she prayed to and worshiped.

"Sure, I am a god. I didn't really care about it. It didn't matter anymore." Ray shrugged.

The Satans immediately thought of Ray being a Primordial from a forgotten pantheon and nodded understandingly but Asia is thinking about this differently. In fact, she is conflicted because she thought Ray was a Pagan God of other religions.

"What? Do you hate me now after the cat is out of the bag?" Ray joked, pun intended too.

"What! No! I would hate you!" Asia looks horrified and quickly tries to correct her mistake. "It didn't matter anymore. I am now an exile and a witch branded by the Church." She said and brought me to a hug. "Ray will always be my friend and my witch's familiar."

"Well, there you have it. I am her friend, familiar and guardian." Ray answered Sirzech and Serafall while being squished by Asia's hug.

Perhaps because of the heartwarming scene, the two Satans now look less terrified of the cat and nodded to his answer.

"A familiar, huh?" Sirzech shivered. What kind of witch will have a random Primordial God become their familiar. If this is indeed true, the Witches would have become the existence everyone fears.

After that, there were no more questions from the Satans and they handed Ray and Asia the compensation from their side. They were brought to a place close to the academy, just a ten minutes walk away. A big giant european style mansion surrounded by a sizable plot of land enough for Asia to plant anything she wanted.

After handing Asia the key and a credit card with basically no limit. The Satans left the two to their own devices.

"Yeah, I definitely need a whole crew of servants to take care of this place." Ray whistled while checking the place out with Asia before he summon his three sla– *cough* eternally indentured servants to start their job.

The mansion is definitely well furnished, thankfully. Save them the time to furnish everything themselves.

It's fun to see Asia's reaction each time they explore a new room. It's Woah! Woah! And more Woah! As everything is a luxury she can never feel before. She is the happiest about the giant, soft and fluffy bed. That girl legit melted on that bed and cannot climb out because of how comfortable it felt compared to her previous beds which mostly are cold hard floors. So, her expectations are already low.
