
I am Ouranus [RWBY\Plutonian(Irredeemable)]

Jaune had always known how different he was from the rest of humanity. But he still had a dream, an ambition. To be a Hero. But the main question becomes this. Is Remnant prepared for a walking nuke tucked inside a child who wants to play the Hero? (a Plutonian -Irredeemable- Fanfic)

vtorx_0867 · Cómic
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3 Chs

[Origins] #3

Mistral (Kuchinashi)

It was a Town of Darkness.

Placed in a mountainous site, set in a location hidden from the sun's luminescence - that town could truly be labelled as an ill-infested place.

In the night, the shadows seems to come alive. The alleys turned darker - croaked voices, strained whizzes, and death throes grunt echoing around.

A life taken or ruined just becomes another number.

Welcome to the city, where crime is an essential and having strength is the requirement. A place where only the most corrupt and depraved could go to and strut about the streets like gods.

Welcome to the City of Sin - a city of lein, guns, and pleasure.

Welcome… To Kuchinashi.


"Sun! Let's get out of here, before they catch us."

"Come-on, don't be a pansy, Neptune. We're Aura-users, Huntsmen-in-Training."

"… Really?"

"… Oh, alright. We haven't begun training 'formally' yet. But helping the innocents is what Huntsmen do, right? Well, we've got a trafficking warehouse to break-into, and captured victims that needs to be freed. Besides, who needs formal training when you can have experience...? Especially in a city like this."

Neptune stifled a groan... And an urge to give his Faunus friend a black eye. Silently, he turned back to keeping watch on the ongoing activities within the warehouse from a high vantage point - which was the glass opening from the rooftop.

Sighing, Neptune could not help but ponder about this series of (un)lucky happenstance - not like Neptune had the mind to walk away...

Not after he'd realized the purpose of this warehouse.


As a child from the Vasilias household that had a reputation of being powerful Kuchinashi enforcers - backed by Haven's Academy. Neptune has some form of immunity that banners him from any wicked eyes from the streets.

The last time a powerful gang tried to bring his parents to heel, by kidnapping him. The said gang found themselves utterly annihilated by his parents the next day - last Neptune heard of them, it was from word by mouth.

Most people, even the hardened gangsters took it as an unspoken warning that he shouldn't be touched.

Though the downside is that Neptune never did had a friend outside of his family... Ok, well Neptune did had one, only that 'he' is an idiot.

Sun Wukong. An idealistic child of the streets - not in any way fit for Kichinashi. A troublemaker who certainly isn't afraid of Neptune's family reputation to give him the black eye when he'd tried flaunting it – yeah, those were the days.

Anyway, after some fights where Neptune would win and lose some. He and Sun ended up being best friends. By friends - Neptune meant troublemaking duo with Sun as the spearhead.

Stopping a mugging, trolling thugs, interfering in gang fights...

Sun calls it, hero work. Neptune call it, looking for trouble.

Not like Neptune minded in the slightest.

Which brings them to this moment. It was all as Neptune had described it; a (un)lucky happenstance.

Just as he and Sun were seated on a roof at the top of a casino building, ready to enjoy the rare view of the sunset. They had caught a large 6ft well-fit man dragging a large brown suspicious sack towards a nondescript van.

The sack seemed to be struggling, which gave the impression that, what or whosoever is in there, isn't placed there on their own volition.

Naturally, they - as in Sun- decided to give the mean big man a good thrashing - they were both Aura Users, with high quantity and good physical specs.

After the, as Sun describes it; cathartic exercise. The sack was loosened up to reveal a young girl of 8 bawling out loud.

Unsurprisingly, Sun taken it upon himself to whop the already swollen eye man once again - honestly, Neptune had winced at the sound of the 'thwacks' and 'whacks' that Sun had been dishing out.

It's been quite a while since he'd ever seen Sun that furious...

Subsequently, with some good ole roughing up. The mean big man revealed that he is part of a trafficking unit from the Wave gang.

At that moment, Neptune wanted to give up and run.

The Wave gang was a well-organized mob with enough resources to have their headquarters in Mistral capital - in a higher floor than the common thug. Neptune parents possess connections much higher than that. But to utilize such connections effectively would take time...

Time, he was sure that his monkey-tailed friend wouldn't like wasting.

With the smug look on the man's swollen face. It seems like he was expecting a startled reaction for the shocking revelation...

Technically speaking, the mean big man was right to do so... From Neptune anyway.

Sun, on the other hand, looked apocalyptic. Punching out a few more teeth's – By the Gods, Neptune was sure that man would need a teeth surgery after this. Sun grabbed the man and forced him to reveal where he was about to take the kid.

It didn't take long for the 6ft bastard to squeal – Sun's 'I am going to feed you your teeth' look worked like a charm.

After sending the girl to Neptune's family home with a message and his insignia. The two 13year olds had decided to sneak into a warehouse guarded by over 40 hoodlums to break free over 25 kids who were apparently merchandise.

... How morbidly wonderful.


Shaking his head, Neptune withdrew himself out of his reverie and looked up, thankful to see the broken moon hovering above.

'Alright. This isn't all hopeless.' Neptune thought. 'The lights in the warehouse is dim, and considering the fact that Sun is a Faunus, then, he should be able to sneak around comfortably... But there is a possibility that any of the security could also be a Faunus... What to do. What to do.'

Nodding, Neptune was about to inform Sun of his observation... Only to find an empty spot where his friend is supposed to be.

With dark blue eyes twitching in a spasm. Neptune watched as his friend grinned while sneaking up on one of the guards.

'T-T-That idiot!'

Neptune ran a hand over his face as he followed after his friend - deciding that if they were caught; he would ask his –would-be- killers to give him time to murder Sun.


Sun crept towards the female guard in bated breath. Looked around to confirm that there was no one else on this partition of the higher floor. Sun counted 1 to 3... And suddenly darted towards the unsuspecting Guard in blurring speeds.


A hand dropped down in a karate chop unto the skull of the guard and it was lights out.

Catching the guard before she fell down, Sun dragged and placed the guard on the shaded corners of the wall.

"Phew... 1 down, approximately 39 more bad guys to go." Sun muttered, while rubbing his forehead in satisfaction.

"I swear to the Gods, Sun. If they catch us, I'll wring your neck before they kill me."

Sun turned to the source of the belligerent words with a wince – Neptune, who had just landed was strutting towards him bearing a pissed off look.

'Oh damn.' Sun thought.

"Hey, Neptune... W-Wonderful evening, huh."

"... ..."

"Ah, right. Sorry for going off on my own, again."

"... ..."

"Ok, cut it out with the dark look. It's creeping me out. I said I'm sorry bro."

Sighing, Neptune pressed the bridge of his nose.

"Just like how you said sorry before, and how you're gonna' be saying the same thing, next time."

Winking, Sun replied with a beam. "Admit it. I'm starting to grow on you~"

"Tch..." Neptune clicked in irritation. "Wither is more like it, hot-blooded dick."

"Damn, bro. You better wash that mouth when we get back."

"In a city like this? Thanks, but I'll curse however I want to... Hah~ alright. Chitchat's over. Since we've already made it this far, let's see how long we can go on rescuing the trafficking victims."

Sun smirked and raised a fist, to which rolling his eyes, Neptune bumped back.


Slowly, the two –would be- vigilantes moved - Pausing, they quickly hid behind a corner wall upon sighting a torchlight coming by their spot.

Their hearts thumped like crazy as they held their breaths, desperate not to make a sound. The light stayed at their spots for a few seconds before continuing on.

Letting out a breathe, they had been unknowingly holding in, Neptune and Sun nodded at each other as they moved on ahead - with Sun in the lead.

"On the outside, they use the poor lighting as cover, while inside, they're jealously guard their merchandize... These guys are good." Neptune noted in observation.

"Well, they haven't caught us yet, so that means we're a whole lot better." Sun replied, vaulting down a flight of stairs.

While Neptune in didn't vocally retort to that - he had to keep moving, after all. He didn't quite concur with Sun's reply.

'For a supposed trafficking unit, their security is too lax despite earlier observations... Or is it something else? Gods above. Something doesn't feel right about this...'

Unfortunately, it was too late to turn back.

Startled at the sudden touch on his shoulder, Neptune watched to see Sun coolly pointing up ahead.

Set before them was a cleared space, and at the utmost end were stacks of bar cages stacked together which were locked with thick padlocks.

But it was ultimately the contents within the said 'cages' that made Neptune's face turn pale.

Humans and Faunus - they were stuffed within the cages.

All the cages appeared to be congested - Neptune could see the apparent discomfort on their faces, hear their uncomfortable moans, as they were jam-packed within the ferrous confines.

To make things even worse, they were all kids his and Sun's age - from 4 to 15 years.

It was truly a sick sight.

"Come on, Neptune." Sun's tone didn't possess any joviality. "Let's get them out of here quickly."

Neptune nodded back, and both boys set out to the cages to free the captives.

Still... Even with their objective clearly in sight, something about all this didn't add up in Neptune's mind.

'Is this really all there is to a well-guarded warehouse?'

Upon taking note of his surroundings, Neptune's eyes dilated in shock, as he slowed into a halt in an unsettling comprehension.

"Neptune, what are you doing standing there like a mummy? Let's get them out now." Sun harshly whispered.

But at this moment, Neptune simply couldn't deign his friend an answer...

'... A warehouse of over 40 hired personnel. Only 1 had been taken out, but even that could be the bait. The torchlight that passed us earlier... Was that some sort of hidden signal? And then there's this area... An unguarded merchandize? Bullshit. But that could only mean... Tch, we were foolish enough to fall into their trap.'

Sighing, Neptune scratched his blue hair with an annoyed look.

"Hook. Line. Sinker, huh. Dammit."

"Neptune, what's wrong with you? Come help me bro." Sun said as he began to move ahead...

Only to let out a yelp as an intense dazzling light beamed upon him.

"Yeah, give it up, Sun." Raising his hands as a sign of surrender while retreating towards his friend, Neptune said. "As you can see… We're trapped."

With a loud *clank* the lights of room brightened for both intruders to see - and they certainly didn't like what they saw.

Around the upper floors, and the entrance they had just passed, were guns pointing menacingly towards the duo.

Looking around, Sun spied for any exit they could use only to realize in despair that there wasn't - the room had no windows or any sort of openings in the wall.

10 thugs with guns, Sun and Neptune could handle. 15 might stretching it a bit, but it was at least doable. But 39?! 39 thugs with guns trained upon them with nowhere to hide and with the captives behind to take the shot if the thugs mistakenly get them?

Yep, it was as Neptune had said... They were trapped.



"Sun, I hope you've got something that can help us get out of here."

"Me? I thought you were the strategist."

"But you are the 'Leader' so you better think of something or I'll make sure that my last wish before they kill us is to allow me to strangle you."

"You're joking, right?"

"... ..."

"R-Right, Bro? Hey... Bro—"

Before Sun couldn't begin his periodical kotowing - seriously works like a charm. A brutish voice suddenly interrupted.

"The fuck are ya' dipshits whisperin' amongst yourselves down there?!"

From the small gap within the midst of the thugs upfront at the upper floor, a lizard Faunus came into view. He possessed an overly large muscled physique coupled with patches of scales at the side of his face, and green slit eyes which bore the same color as his spiky hair.

Is it the way he dressed? Is it the large gun by his waist? Or, is it the nauseating smirk on his face? The duo couldn't exactly point it out. But they had been getting blaring alarm as soon as they had lain their eyes on the Faunus.

He is also an Aura User... A strong one at that.

Taking a moment to gather his nerve, Sun said. "No, don't mind us. We're having a little get together."

"So you're the smartass, eh?"

The Lizard Faunus snorted before it transitioned into a smirk.

"Imagin' my surprise when I realized that my warehouse was bein' broken' in. At first, I'd reckon' 'em Spider mobsters had finally grown some suicidal balls to try attackin' a Wave base, but... Puhahahahaha! To think it was just two virgin cunts. That bastard, Lucas better not come back or I'll off him myself. To think he couldn't take care of some kids."

"Lucas... The man who tried kidnapping that little girl." Neptune said, raising a brow. "You'd known since back then?"

"Nope, but I can hazard a guess. Thanks for confirmin' it, twerp." The Faunus replied, smugly. "Still a girl, huh? Yep, I remember needing another lassie to complete this month's order."

Sun's smiled turned cold. "Month's order?"

"Yeah, some rich pedophile in Mistral's been itchin' for some one on one action with a little kid. Offerin' a nice sum, too. But eh, I'm sure I can fix that later... But the question now is what am I supposed to do with ya two?"

Ignoring Sun's enraged face as the Faunus pointed at Neptune.

"Most especially, you."

Neptune narrowed his eyes. "Me?"

Cackling boisterously, the Faunus said in amusement.

"Tryin' to play coy with me, eh. Ya're the Vasilias's kid. Ya're too hot of a cake to carry. I don't want their kind meddlin' in Wave's humble affairs, ya see. Simply ain't good for business."

At the snap of the Faunus's finger, the guns that pointed the both of them alternated towards Neptune - it was obvious what the Faunus decided as the perfect way to solve his conundrum.

"The monkey Faunus would fetch a nice sum at the auctions. But ya're a liability."

As Sun prepared to move ahead - damn the consequences and fight till his last breath. Neptune raised his hand stopping him.

"Neptune, what are you—" Sun's voice abruptly hitches in shock.

Neptune's eyes were dull - devoid of light. His normally satirical look was gone, leaving something more... Cold.

From the way, Neptune had tilted his head. Sun gritted his teeth in resignation and self-reproach as he knew his friend was going to use it.

It was the one thing Neptune had always detested using. But unfortunately, it is an inmate part of him - a power solely his to command.

His Semblance...


"I can't use my Semblance because I'm scared of water."

Words spoken true yet veneered in falsehood.

[Water Attraction] was a Semblance that boasted of both power, versatility, and most importantly growth. Resulting to unique circumstances, Neptune's Aura had awoken since he had been over 3 years old, with the manifestation of his Semblance being some months later.

Naturally, like everyone else, Neptune had been overjoyed that he possessed such an amazing gift - the ability to manipulate water. Neptune was determined to use his gift to its utmost potential and transcend even that.

And transcend he did. Only that, in the end, Neptune couldn't bear the emotional ramification of what could -would- happen if he uses his Semblance so carelessly.

He had once used it frivolously and the outcome haunts him till this day...

So he decided to lie.


"[Water Attraction]... that is my Semblance."


"My Semblance allows me to control to water so long as I am touching it."


"Standard water is the only element I can control."


"I can't use my Semblance because I have acrophobia."



"Neptune can never lose once he uses his Semblance for real."

Those words spoke of the blind belief that Sun had for his friend.

Candidly speaking, the intricacies behind Neptune's Semblance is as wide as it is scary - Sun sometimes couldn't fathom how he had able to eke out a win in any of their scuffles.

While Sun was sure that his own (upcoming) Semblance would be just as cool - he is Sun after all. Sun was sure that his wouldn't be as lethal as Neptune's Semblance.

[Water Attraction]

It was a name intentionally chosen to lessen its presented potency - to make sure the adversary to underestimate its wielder. But after one use, you'd be praying to never fight its wielder for the rest of your life.

But even as awesome Neptune's Semblance is, Sun couldn't stop the gnawing guilt from eating him - he knew of Neptune's propensity to not use it in most of his fights.

Gritting his teeth, Sun glared balefully at the ground.

For Sun's spiels about saving people, in reality, he is too weak to walk the talk - too weak to do anything in the face of actual danger. The only thing Sun could do is to wait for someone to rescue him despite him wanting to do the rescuing.

Just like now; Sun could only helplessly look on as Neptune use his Semblance once more to save a friend.


The effect of Neptune's [Water Attraction] was instant.

The fingers that inched to pull their trigger suddenly went stiff as each and every thug set before Neptune's line of sight found themselves mysteriously unable to move.

"Water, you see is something that can only be described in one word. Ubiquitous." Neptune said as he confidently strutted forward.

Normally, this kind of tone would have accompanied dry comedic air, but at this moment, there was none of that.

Cold, calculating, predatory... It was a tone that simply could not be coming out from a 13 years old kid - at least, an ordinary 13 years old kid.

"The rain... The lakes... The sea... The body."

Cold blue eyes settled on the Boss Faunus frozen form.

"You –grh!"

"Hah! I can see it in your eyes. You do know what I'm talking about."

The Faunus face forced a scowl but from the squeezes at the edges of his eyes. Neptune knew how painful it was for the Faunus to do even that.

"My Semblance is simple, practical, and most importantly an instant win so long as my enemy is a Human or Faunus. I won't bother telling you what it is, as you can already guess. I also wanna' wrap this up, so I'll be asking you all one question... Though, not like any of you can answer back."

As the lift of an arm, painful whizzes were forced out from the grimacing mob's lips - with the Boss Faunus squeezing out a cry of pain.

Around their body, there was an indistinct sensation of the blood being tugged or rather, dragged. To some, it was their chest, the others, their brain - to the Boss Faunus it was both.

It was a mounting uncomfortable sensation around the affected parts... Like something or someone was literally squeezing them.

"A deadly stroke or a migraine with a 47% chance of a tumor... Take your pick?"


This is how the story is supposed to go... Just another reminder of the true nature of Kuchinashi, and the lengths that even the supposed 'Heroes' are expected through in order to archive their Happy Ending.

Yes, that is how the story's supposed to go...

Though, it's just not this story.


It began with a sudden tremor. The warehouse lights flickered and the earth below began with an inconsequential tremble.

"The hell?" Sun muttered while looking around. "Is it reinforcements?"

"No, I doubt that." Neptune replied, still making sure that his hold over the thugs was still there. "But I've still gotta' this wrap up, anyway."

This method of [Water Attraction] application costs more Aura as Neptune isn't in physical contact with the thugs - he's got 3 minutes at most.

Ignoring the tremor that is slowly becoming louder, and the sound that could be likened to a deafening airship. Neptune, once again raised his fist and—


Before any further action could be taken. The ceiling of the warehouse blasted apart as a golden light beamed itself unto the ground in a concussive stomp.

The ensuing shockwave threw both Sun and Neptune off their feet, sending both of them tumbling back till they hit the horrid stacked cages.

Even though their Aura flickered absorbing most of the impact, the remnants of the force was enough that both boys groaned while slowly standing up.

"Ugh, what's the number of the truck that hit me just now?" Sun grunted.

Shaking his head, Sun whirled sideways to see Neptune staring ahead with a transfixed look.

"Bro, what's up?"

Sun snapped his fingers at Neptune's face but he got no reply.

"... Bro?"

Upon turning to look ahead as well, Sun's eyes abruptly dilated as he let out a soundless wheeze.

The 'being' before him could almost be said to be giving off a radiance in the dim warehouse. Hovering some feet above the ground was a well-built individual dressed in a white light armored spandex with a gilded cape.

While this 'being' appeared different, a sudden name manifested in Sun's mind.

"S-S-Su-Su-Su..." Pointing out with a shaky finger, Sun stammered. "Superman?!"

Tinted visor turned towards Sun revealing the golden 'O' on the chest of the comic book superhero facsimile. The enigmatic figure gave a cough as he replied back in a voice that sounded a tad younger than expected.

"Ouranus, actually. So..." Visor crawled away to reveal burning crimson orbs. "Am I correct in assuming those guys with the guns are the bad guys, here?"