
I am just a clone (An Honkai Fanfiction)

An avid honkai enjoyer went out his way to the market to buy food, Nothing could possibly go wrong right? Well, for him it turned out everything could... Now inside the very game he loved, how would he thrive in the world of honkai ? He,now a she, how will she make her ways through this cruel and merciless world of hers...? Will she, like many others succumb to defeat? Or will she defy the god of her world aswell as many others, and come out victorious? This extra variable, unanticipated by every being, how will it thrive in this large game of chess...? --------------------------------------- I am very well aware that as a relatively new author I will make many plot holes and mistakes in the story, so please do forgive that for me... And Adios my readers! We shall meet again in the story!

Eminence_01 · Cómic
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14 Chs

First Day At School

In a weird space, presumably a void,  a man could be seen typing in what we say a mobile phone but he had a weird expression in his face.

"Come on, Come on...."  Suddenly a women was shown in the screen with violet hair and eyes...

"Finally Kafka!" The man started laughing, while adding,

"Thee traveled through the fabrics of space n' time to get thou's power in thee's hands, now that mein's hand has such poweress, the kind of authors shall face beauty of Thou's! All Heil Kafka!"

" Kafka!!!!! Kafkha- cough-cough-cough...Oh yeah gotta write the story..."

.    .    .    .    .    .

"Uh..."  Kate could be seen looking at herself in the mirror,

It had been 5 days since the strange encounter with Fu Hua and now she was ready for what every single being would call hell,


"Do I really have to wear this...?"  Kate, quite unsure asked the tiny Theresa next to her.

"Ofcourse you do!" Theresa said, while highlighting her answer.

"Uhhh...." Kate was unsure of how to feel.

Looking at herself, draped in the uniform of St.Freya that had a skirt.

'I do look quite good at it though...' Kate herself unsure looked at herself who looked quite the wild beauty.

(A/N: Again I don't have any weird fetishes.... Probably....)

"You look beautiful!" As if knowing her inner thoughts, Theresa spoke.

"Yeah...Sure..." Although Kate tried to sound aloof of the compliment, inwardly she was happy to get it.

(A/N : Again, I don't have any weird fetishes... It's Kate herself who liked the compliment! Not me who wanted to write it like this!)

"Hehehe..." Theresa slightly chuckled at the antics of her second niece.

From the time they had got to know her, she was just like Kiana, but way more rational and serious, she was not an over extrovert person like a few other Kaslana's, but she was able to talk when needed.

And, the two most important things they learned about her is that...

She is a tsundere and a siscon...

Leaving these things behind!

"Let's go downstairs!" Theresa patted Kate's shoulders, atleast it seemed like she wanted to do it.

"hehe..." Kate gave a muffled laugh after seeing what Theresa tried to do,


Theresa coughed to get her dignity back.

"Well than let's go!" Theresa went downstairs followed by Kate.





"uh...How long are they going to take!" Kiana ranted irritated.

"hah...Kiana-chan remember that it's Kate-san's first day at school, she must be anxious." Mei tried to give a reasonable explanation.

"Her?! And anxious?! How is this possible?!" Kiana said in shock,

Yes, although Kate could be seen wearing a weird expression sometimes in certain things or events, that is due to the fact that she never did them before not because she is anxious, atleast that's what they thought.

"ah-hahaha..."Mei gave a weird laugh all the while the Bronya watched the interaction between of the HoT and the future HoF.

"Yoho!" At the same time Theresa jumped in the living from and said,

"Ta-Da~ How does she look?" Theresa stepped aside and everybody saw Kate in her uniform.

"That's so cool! We almost look identical!" Kiana forgetting about her displeasure from earlier.

They both wore almost same clothes.

"Kate-San you really do look beautiful in it." Mei smiled while flattering Kate.

Bronya just gave a thumbs-up ( Not the drink) to Kate.

"I-Is that so? " Kate appeared flustered at the shower of such compliments which she had never really received, before her death.

"Ahem..." All the girls turned their head towards the source,

"Aren't you all getting late?" It was Himeko speaking while leaning at the door.

"Shit..." Kiana cursed.





"Stay here and enter when I say."

Himeko ordered Kate.

"Yes..." Kate straightened her back.

"Good..." Himeko nodded satisfied.

She entered her class.

""Goodmorning Mam!""

Every single student stood up and straightened there backs , well except we know who.

"Kiana-chan..." Mei tried to whisper her but,

"amhn~Mei-senpai not there~" Mumbled Kiana calmly.

"Kiana !" Said Himeko , calmly.

"Uwah!!?" Kiana stumbled through her words abruptly and stood up.

"G-Good Morning Aunt Himeko!"

"Hah...What can I do about you..." Himeko shook her head and decided to leave this matter for later.

"Ahm...I have an announcement to make!" Himeko spoke as every Valkyrie perked there ears.

Well except for Kiana and Mei.

"We have a new student!" She said.

"New student ? At this time of the year...?"

Said student A.

"Who could it be?" Spoke student B to C.

Such murmurs filled the classroom until.


Everyone went quite and looked at Murata, who had punched the teacher's desk.

"I never finished speaking." Said Himeko , the English literature teacher.


Audible gulps took place in every corner.

"Well don't get suprised..." Himeko shrugged her shoulders.

"What did Sensei meant by that?" Question marks formed over the heads of the soon to be valkyries.

"Come In!"  Ordered Himeko while looking at the class door.





" I am the storm that is approaching~


"Come in!"

Kate Kaslana was cut short in the song she was singing when she heard the call.

"Oh it's time..."

She spoke before taking a deep breath,

She opened the door and went inside.

Gasps filled the area as Kiana was smiling proudly for some reason and Mei was smiling wryly.

" Gasp Is that?"

"S-She looks like...?"

Everyone turned their heads towards the direction of the poor Kiana.

"Hm...?" While Kiana was puzzled why everyone was looking at her, Kate spoke,

"Good Morning Everyone. My name is Kate Kaslana and I am Kiana's Elder sister..."

She tried her best to maintain her image,


Unfortunately that didn't stop the valkyries from getting suprised.

"Kiana has a sister...?!"

"No...! I don't want to get double pranked all the time!" An unfortunate victim of the Kaslana antics spoke.

"She looks matured compared to her though..."

Murmured a smart trainee.

"Uh...Why do I feel like they are making fun of me...?" Kiana weirdly spoke to Mei after looking at the rest of valkyries.

"Ahahaha...It isn't like that Kiana-chan, they are just shocked..." Mei tried to diffuse the suspicious Kiana.

Every Valkyrie in the class except for Kiana , Mei and Fu Hua were shocked.

(A/N: I take it you all know why Bronya isn't included.)

"Good, Kate seat besides Kiana." Himeko nodded in satisfaction and then ordered her.

"Yes Mam..." Kate nodded and sat besides her little sister.

Someone from the crowd of students tried to raise their hands to ask Kate a question but Himeko said,

"No questions until break..."

The Valkyrie who wanted to speak shut upped.

Himeko started teaching, and while everyone paid attention to it except Kiana who was already sleeping, the valkyries in training still looked at Kate from time to time.

' This is going to be a long day...' Kate thought already tried about thinking of the questions she would have to answer.

"That's it for today." Himeko said and left the classroom after scolding the tuna for sometime.

As soon as she left the room,

The sounds of students leaving there seats started echoing and all the trainee Valkyries moved towards Kate.

'Yeah...A long day....' Kate thought tiredly.

I swear I don't have any weird fetishes....Probably....

Anyways Adios my readers!

Btw...Y'all have some ideas for my fic?

Eminence_01creators' thoughts