
I am in legacies

a brilliant engineer dies in our world but the HIM in alternative world gets his memories and some perks. what will the new improved him do in this world?!. NOTE* this is my first time writing, so be lenient and let me know what you think. i also do not own anything besides my MC and some characters i will introduce later, and also some new plots in future. this is gonna be like a long novel. hope you're ready

Tumelo566 · Derivados de obras
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21 Chs

chapter 9

The next morning arrived with the gentle tunes of birds filtering through the window. The day began to buzz with activity, the bustling noises of the day filling the air. Yet, contrary to the increasing clamour, Jacob's deep sleep persisted, as if the sounds were crafting a lullaby just for him. Unaware of the growing commotion outside of his window, Jacob remained lost in dreams, the outside world unable to disturb his tranquil slumber. 

Meanwhile, as Jacob reveled in his undisturbed slumber, blissfully unaware of the world around him, Hope and a group of students found themselves in town, diligently fulfilling their community service duties as part of their punishment. 

Time passed by and high noon approached, the students were coming back one by one, if one were to pass by Jacob's room now, they'd be surprised because, the fucker is still sleeping even at this time, snoring like he's in a competition. The rhythmic sounds of his snoring echoed through out the hall way, creating a humorous contrast to the bustling activities that unfolded outside his room.

Unbeknownst to Jacob and his serene dreams, an unforeseen occurrence began to unfold at the school. The school was in the midst of a crisis – under attack by a gargoyle. Chaos ensued as one student, Lizzie, was discovered, paralyzed and bearing a claw wound from the menacing creatures. The school plunged into a state of emergency with Emma, taking charge, swiftly guiding everyone to safety, finding secure hiding places to shield them from the danger that lurked within the school premises. 

The clash of events showcased the unpredictable nature of the supernatural world, with Jacob, still immersed in his deep sleep, oblivious to the unfolding crisis.

In the tense atmosphere of the hallway, the gargoyle prowled, scraping its claws against the walls with a grating sound, making a very irritating noise. Emma, quick on her feet, understood its intentions. She instructed everyone to maintain silence while she cast an invisible spell to shield them. Unfortunately, Jacob, oblivious to the situation, heard the noise too, so, amidst the hushed anticipation, a few seconds after Emma pleaded for silence, a loud shout shattered the tranquility.

"WILL YOU STOP THAT SHIT, SOME OF US ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!!" came Jacob's unmistakable voice, cutting through the tension. His abrupt and outspoken interruption left a momentary pause, as the clash of the supernatural threat and Jacob's irreverent demand for peace collided in the echoing halls of the school.

"JACOB!!" Emma exclaimed in realization. However, her warning came too late. The gargoyle, alerted by Jacob's outspoken shout, turned and charged in the direction of the disturbance. As Jacob was on the verge of returning to the land of dreams, just about to receive the most epic massage by the 12 goddesses, the door to his room was blasted away, accompanied by a creature's roar, shattering his utopian dream.

His eyes snapped wide open in anger, and he glared in the direction of the disturbance. "The fuck I sai–" His words were abruptly cut off as a clawed hand enlarged in front of his eyes, an ominous presence unfolding before him. The collision between the serenity of dreams and the harsh reality of a supernatural threat had violently disrupted Jacob's moment of reprieve.

Leveraging on his enhanced reaction, Jacob swiftly rolled off the bed, executing a nimble jump to the side. The final words of a spell escaped through his lips, " Aeroblaze Gust." A potent gust of wind, imbued with great kinetic force, erupted from his outstretched hands. The unleashed Aeroblaze Gust blasted the gargoyle with formidable power, sending it flying through two walls.

The forceful impact left a trail of destruction in its wake, creating a temporary reprieve for Jacob. 

"What the fuck was that!!" exclaimed Jacob, his initial shock turning into frustration. As he was about to turn and make a run for it (flee again), the sight of his once wonderful bed in ruins caught the corner of his eye, remembering the beautiful night he had last night. His face turned cold, a serious vein popped on his forehead, accompanied by the appearance of an orange rune hex and a golden hue in his eyes. His hair levitated, and a surge of magical power stirred around him.

"Booom," a mini sonic sound resonated, and Jacob's figure vanished, only his shadow was seen passing through the hole made by the gargoyle , leaving behind only his footprints on the floor and the cracked remnants of the once undisturbed room. The dormitory was left in a state of disarray, with the echoes of supernatural clashes lingering in the air.

On the other hand, Hope, Josie, and Dr. Saltzman joined Emma and the rest of the students to discuss strategies. However, before they could delve into planning, a sudden explosion rocked the room. A statue had been transformed into a projectile, crashing into a wall behind them. Fragments scattered, and dust settled as they all turned to face the source of the disturbance.