
System & Skills Creation

[ Name: Satoru Gojo

Age: 16; {22?}

Innate power: Rikugan (Six eyes), Limitless


Creation: Create things, concepts, even abilities by using users power.

Magicule Breeder Reactor [Maso Zoushokuro]: it is a skill that allows the user to infinitely generate magicules. It also makes the user capable of using the densest possible type of energy in the world called "Stardust" energy, capable of using any energy.

Asora: "Subspace" or "Demiplane" (Akū) {is a unnamed special alternate space}

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Immense Strength, Immense Speed & Reflexes, Immense Endurance, Great Tactical Intellect, Cursed Energy Manipulation, Immeasurable Cursed Energy,

Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue

Cursed Technique Reversal: Red

Hollow Technique: Purple {This technique brings the concept of motion and reversal into reality. Purple is born from merging both infinites: Blue and Red, to produce an imaginary mass that rushes forth and erases everything in its path.}

Black Flash (Kokusen): A technique that creates spatial distortion when a user connects with an impact of cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. The phenomenon causes cursed power to flash black, creating a more potent attack to the power of 2.5 of a normal hit. Its currently unknown how many times Gojo has performed Black Flash.

Infinity (Mugen): Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them.

Falling Blossom Emotion (Rakka no Jō): A secret art used as an anti-domain countermeasure. Gojo learned it when he was a kid, but didn't use it before his battle with Sukuna. Normally, this technique can nullify a domain's attacks, however, due to Sukuna's overwhelming pools of cursed energy it only weakened the damage from Malevolent Shrine.

Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void (Muryōkūsho) {Satoru's Domain Expansion. It creates a metaphysical space that causes the victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restraining their thought processes and actions.}

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (Shin Kageryū: Kan'i Ryōiki) {An anti-domain technique Satoru can use to resist the can't-miss attack of any domain targeting him.}

Barrier Techniques: Curtain (Tobari) {Gojo can create a barrier that surrounds a certain area. The barrier can seal the area off from other people or a specific person wanting to get in.}


So, I got Gojo's all skills and from my second wish I had asked Gojo's all skills and his experience, without any draw backs.

'Hmm, my head feels weird, it feels like I had lived my life as Gojo, I think my body can fight without a single thought, and I can use Six eyes, Infinity, and Limitless casually without any stress.'


So, let's create some abilities.

Some time had passed and Alex stood up from from his previous siting posture and open his status.

Good, very very good.


[ Name: Satoru Gojo

Age: 16; {22?}

Physique: Pure Yang Physique

Innate power: Rikugan (Six eyes), Limitless


Creation: Create things, concepts, even abilities by using users power.

Magicule Breeder Reactor [Maso Zoushokuro]: it is a skill that allows the user to infinitely generate magicules. It also makes the user capable of using the densest possible type of energy in the world called "Stardust" energy, capable of using any energy.

Instant Mastery: Allows user to master any technique easily.

Asora: "Subspace" or "Demiplane" (Akū) {is a unnamed special alternate space}

Raphael (Lord of Wisdom): It is one of Rimuru Tempest's Ultimate Skills. It had evolved from the Unique Skill Great Sage during Rimuru's Harvest Festival after countless attempts to evolve itself. It had done so for the sole purpose of becoming more useful to its master, showing early signs of a developing ego. It had eventually succeeded at the sacrifice of the Unique Skill Degenerate.

Heavenly Senses: To enhance all of the user's senses, hearing, smell, and taste.

Sacred Gears Remover: As it name tells it removes the Sacred Gears from the target.

Perfect Energy Control: User can control his energy and hide his power from the Super Naturals Senses.

Perfect Stealth: It is the ability to hide oneself visibly, audibly, etc using mundane means- without anomalous abilities such as Illusion Creation or Invisibility.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Immense Strength, Immense Speed & Reflexes, Immense Endurance, Great Tactical Intellect, Cursed Energy Manipulation, Immeasurable Cursed Energy,

Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue

Cursed Technique Reversal: Red

Hollow Technique: Purple {This technique brings the concept of motion and reversal into reality. Purple is born from merging both infinites: Blue and Red, to produce an imaginary mass that rushes forth and erases everything in its path.}

Black Flash (Kokusen): A technique that creates spatial distortion when a user connects with an impact of cursed energy within 0.000001 seconds of a physical hit. The phenomenon causes cursed power to flash black, creating a more potent attack to the power of 2.5 of a normal hit. Its currently unknown how many times Gojo has performed Black Flash.

Infinity (Mugen): Being the neutral form of the Limitless, the Infinity is commonly known as the ability to stop, although this is a common misconception as the true power of the Infinity is to slow things down. When something attempts to hit Satoru, the person or object in question instead hits the infinity between himself and them.

Falling Blossom Emotion (Rakka no Jō): A secret art used as an anti-domain countermeasure. Gojo learned it when he was a kid, but didn't use it before his battle with Sukuna. Normally, this technique can nullify a domain's attacks, however, due to Sukuna's overwhelming pools of cursed energy it only weakened the damage from Malevolent Shrine.

Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void (Muryōkūsho) {Satoru's Domain Expansion. It creates a metaphysical space that causes the victims to receive all kinds of stimuli and information endlessly, restraining their thought processes and actions.}

New Shadow Style: Simple Domain (Shin Kageryū: Kan'i Ryōiki) {An anti-domain technique Satoru can use to resist the can't-miss attack of any domain targeting him.}

Barrier Techniques: Curtain (Tobari) {Gojo can create a barrier that surrounds a certain area. The barrier can seal the area off from other people or a specific person wanting to get in.}

> Dual Cultivation Techniques:

Yin-Yang Art: A dual cultivation technique that can be used with a partner to gain benefits.

Yin-Yang Massage: A massage technique that can increase the stimulation received by the opposite sex

Sex Art: There are hundreds of styles of having sex.

Sterilization: Can be turned on or off to prevent pregnancy

D : A woman sex with you can only have sex with you. Increases the size, strength, and length of the user's D. User's can set when they want to ejaculate.


At this point, he had realized how broken he was right now when it hadn't even been 24 hours since he started his journey….

So, it's time to see my third wish....

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