
I Am Extra In My Favourite Novel

My life was boring I do my regular work and read my novel and one of my favourite novel is about the male lead got a soul spirit of a great emperor who was king of that universe die several hundred thousand year ago but one day the protagonist got his little soul on his mother my ring after his mother die in the hand of demon lord who invaded his village when he was 7 year old. After that his journey begins....to become strongest in the world...... So I like it and I imagined if I could be the protagonist. But dream became ture after I die in an accident then I travel to the a fantasy world but then I realised that I was not the protagonist. "Who the hell are You"! "No..No..It can't be ..I am an Extraaaaa!" "I have Survived no matter what"

D_J_Anime_India · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: The New Beginning [1]

I my name Leo and I am University student.I am 28 year old and I like to read novel ,mahuwa and anime. Recent I have started reading novel about protagonist who became over power by the help of a Soul spirit emperor.He gave the Main lead training methods and skill where the legendary heroes in the novel characters has and if he can full master the technique then he equally fight with the legendary heroes.

I after learning Martial Arts and technique he went to the Sky Dragon Academy. In his age of 14, he was genius among the school. Professor were begging him to become their disciple.There also some Professor who dislike him specially the Nobel's Professor.

(The Nobel who the pure bloodline of the legendary heroes to there generation where know as the Nobel)

(The people who don't have background or relationship with the legendary heroes or the bloodline is known as commoners)

Yes,the main lead was commoners like other fantasy novel,who lives hard life and grow stronger make their names in society...

And I also one of the reader who like this tropical types of Stories,who read this Novel name' The Hero who create Legend ' I have atleast read 3859 chapter out of 4270 was the end. So I basically know every detail of story upto there and Also I read 72 SPS of the Author and 58 Sides Stories,13 hidden item manuals,and some what if Stories.

It's like I was a crazy fan of the Novel.In reality No I was not I just read it to kill the time .And who knows that today knowledge of the novel will be helpful.


In dark room a young boy was lying in the bed and open his eyes slowly.He saw a ray of sunlight was falling into this eyes and he look down he suddenly realised that his hand was small compared to his usual body and he rubbed his eyes watch carefully to his surroundings and the he saw a huge mirror in the left side of his bed .

Then he get get up and walk carefully while he was trembling and fall down.He get up again and walk towards the mirror.Then his eyes wide open ,it like it will came out like cartoon character.

He saw a light blue hair boy,with sharp golden eye and handsome face.Not that that he was average but compare to earth he a level with high paid handsome actor.Then he saw down he was young.

'what the hell is this'

He was thinking and he saw that he was young and handsome.The remember that he was crossing the road and a Truck with a full speed his him.. Basically It was his fault he crossed the road with out looking at the traffic signals while he read the novel and cross the road and then a truck hit him.


When he was he he didn't feel any pain and his eyes was open he saw people are gathering and surrounded the place ,some people are calling for the police and ambulance.One person came out the crowd and asked me.

"Are you okay"

"Someone call the ambulance fast the boy has lost so much blood"

People are panicing and I felt a heavy burden in head and my eyes also feel heavy and my breathing also became slowly and slow slowly slowly I closed my eyes.Then I open My eyes I was in this room.

He was recalling his memory.

"Aha, Shouldn't I be dead"

"Why I am here ,whose I body Am i in"

He was thinking of the situation and he thought

'Am I reincarnated to another wold the iskeai mahuwa ,am I the hero of this world who his summons by priest'

Wait this is not a church and nobody was around me . what on earth is going on and he look around and he saw a book and some letters were there so he went towards the table and look around and search for something he recognise.Then He saw a something similar name that he knows on the envelope of the letter and he pick up .he eyes were wide open when he saw the name !


This name he was familiar with then he open the envelope take out the letter and Start reading it.

(Sky Dragon Academy 1st Year student Opening Ceremony will be held in 27 July and all the 1st year student must be present and the evening the students Dormitory will open saw everyone can bring the basics necessity.The School president will giving a welcome speech and a event has been organised.The student Rank top 10 in the school selection test will be given reward according to their results.

To 1st Year Student

Rick Anward.)

"What the Sky Dragon Academy!"

Wait Am I in my favourite Novel .Wow who has thought That After I die I will Reincarnated in My Favourite novel .Yes My dream has come true.wait Minute .He thinks and nodded.The he speak

"Who is This Rick Anward,I don't know anyone in the character from the Novel"

'Am I an Extra in my Favourite Novel,how am I going to survive in this crazy world ,If you have No power then world is a hell'


"How Am going to survive in This hell"

He was shocked and desperate with the situation because he was neither the protagonist who has a spirit soul emperor who help him nor he was a Nobel or Royal'

He realised when he saw his I'd card that was written family background: Farmer.

Suddenly a sound came out of nowhere and he look up .As he look up his eyes was wide open.


[The Reader Authority System Installing]

[Processing 47%]

[Processing 98%]

"~Ding [Installation Completed 100%]"

A wide blue screen pope out in thine air.As he saw the scene his face became more exciting and he loudly says

"Fuck,A System"


Stories has Started Hope reader like this the introduction part will be Mainly till chapter 2 the the story will begin.

D_J_Anime_Indiacreators' thoughts