
I am an Alchemist, but somehow my wife is a demon princess

The title says it all. The main character was and some of his classmates got transmigrated from earth into a fantasy lord to save the world. You get it all right. And somehow, he got the body of a demi-human, half human, half reptile. To top it all off, his job was an alchemist. He forgot shortly his real name, so he named himself Syzoth. He worked with his classmates for a while but then got kicked out. Why? Because the guy that got the job hero wanted all the girls for himself, and Syzoth was the only other male in the party. It also didnt help that the hero somehow managed to get manipulated by a devil, but that is a story for latter. Syzoth did just that, with the humorous knowledge that Syzoth no longer had to make free healing and magic potions for the ungrateful bastards to use. And so, he lived for a few months. The demon lord lived on, and one fateful day, Syzoth found a beautiful woman sleeping in the woods. Did he know that she was the eldest and most favorite daughter of the demon lord? No. But even after finding that out, they somehow got married. Oh, how he just loved to look at the face of the hero now.

LORD_TOADY · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
47 Chs

Heroes are not immortal (Part 5)

As Maria drank the elixir, another memory went into her.

About 33 years ago, at the very beginning of their journey.

Underneath the starlit canopy of the enchanted forest, the had gathered around a crackling campfire. The warm glow of the fire painted our faces in shades of gold and amber, a soothing balm to our battle-worn souls. We had just emerged victorious against a formidable foe, and the night was filled with a sense of camaraderie and triumph.

Leon, our stalwart leader, sat at the head of the circle, his noble countenance illuminated by the fire's flickering light. He raised his tankard high, a toast to our recent victory. "To our indomitable spirit and unwavering unity," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with pride.

We clinked our tankards together in a chorus of cheers, the resonance echoing through the tranquil forest. Maria, the fire mage, couldn't help but smile as she watched the flames dance to the rhythm of their celebration. 

The other Maria, the engineer, was also with them couldn't resist tinkering with a contraption by the fire. 

Aria, with her ethereal beauty and graceful demeanor, sat beside her, her fingers tracing patterns in the dirt. It seemed as if she was deeply in thought about something. Maria knew the actual reason, of course.

"So, Aria, what do you think of it?" she asked her.

Arian, blushing, didn't seem to know how to answer.

"I … I don't know. I mean, Yeah, he is great, kind."

"And quite hot" Elara finished the sentence for her.

"E…Elara! Stop it!"

"Oh, come on!" Doro screamed, "Just say yes! You like him, and he clearly is heads and heals over you!"

"But what about… you know."

Leon answered her question: "So what? You can get married. All of us can. It doesn't matter if you find somebody. You can even go on holiday with him. I highly doubt that the world would blow up the moment that you get married."

"But I am an enchantress! No priest would be willing to…"

"I can do that." Seraphina said.

"…you would? But…"

"The church might be against it? So what? I am the champion of their goddess, and I highly doubt she would care if an enchantress got married. When we return back to Eldentown, just say yes to him, and I will prepare the ceremony. Maria can prepare the dress for you, and we will be sure to make that the best day of your life. Only if you reject his proposal, then it would…"

Seraphina couldn't finish her sentence, as Aria simply jumped at her, all the while hugging her.

"Ok, ok, get of my girlfriend. We don't want you to hug her to death" Leon said with a smile.

Everyone laughed. Except Duran. His face was under a big iron helm, which hid his face perfectly. He only showed his face when he was about to eat, or drink on of Syzoth's drinks.

He remained sitting, ready at all times to get to battle.

Aria then got up.

"Ok. Then I will agree."

"Great" said Doro.

After a while later, Doro looked around, and only now realized that not everyone was here.

"Hey, where is my brother? And the others?"

"Oh, Rogan and Lyra went into the woods to hunt some beasts and bring some wood here. As for Syzoth and Gavin, well…"

"What is it Elara?" asked Leon.

"There are doing that thing again."

"Oh, when will they stop! The last time they snuck inside the main church to get some holy gold coins and holy water, the pope named us devil-worshippers, and the only reason why they stopped calling us that was because of Seraphina's position and because that city had a demonic infestation, which we dealt with." Maria said, very annoyed by the two's antics."

"Gavin should really stop using his gift for these things. The ability to see the future should not be used to prank, or steal things."

"How the heck did he manage to get so close with Syzoth?"

"He can see the future, so he knows how to."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But still, I am quite annoyed that I understand Durvan better than that lizardman."

"Before that, Leon?" Aria asked.

"What is it?"

"Can you make it so that Syzoth isn't the one responsible for making the drinks? Or the food? Or really anything?"

"But your marriage is supposed to be our collective work."

"Yes, but I am the one who is getting married."

"Are you still angry at him for gifting you a you a cursed noxious mist, while making you believe that it was an enchanted elixir of radiance."

"I had a date with an Elven prince. A PRINCE! And now, he no longer wishes to talk with me. The Elves know me as the Walking Stinker…"

Elara chuckled a bit.

"It may be funny to you, but my image is now ruined!"

"But that perfume was the reason why those goblins haven't raped you when they raided that village. We were away one another mission, when that attack happened."

"Exactly! Even GOBLINS refused to rape me. A race that is infamous for doing exactly that!"

"Sounds as if you wanted to be raped by them."

All of them turned to where the voice came from. Out of the shadows, two lone figures arrived one of them carrying a massive bag over their shoulders.

"Garvin! Syzoth! You are late!" Doro screamed out.

"Sorry, we had some unfinished business we had to do."

"Wha… what is in there?"

"Nothing special" said Syzoth.

He then took his bag, and went further into the woods.

As for his companion, Garvin sat down next to the fire next to the rest of them.

Garvin was a rogue, and a human on top of that. But if someone saw him for the first time, nobody would have guessed it.

Garvin possessed an incredibly pale skin, almost white. His long, dark hair were currently tied. Garvin's face was covered in scars, and long talon-like fingers. He also possessed crimson pupils.

If he were to exist in the real world, he would be classified as an albino human.

"So, what did I miss?"

"Why do you ask if you already know the answer?" Doro asked.

"Surprise me."

The group then shortly retold their conversation.

And Garvin couldn't help but give off a small laugh.

"Ah, I see you are finally getting married. And, sorry, I was the one who asked him to give you that perfume. After all, if he didn't, you would now be a mother to numerous green children. Or worse, dead."

"If you knew what would happen, why didn't you warn everyone else?"

"Because if I did, we wouldn't have been able to stop the resurrection of a lich, which is a FAR bigger problem than goblins."

"I still hate both of you." said the enchatress.