
Death and understanding

In a room, the sound of computer can be heard along with a fast pace typing. The man is playing league of legend and is in the mist of doing his Leona combo.

"They will know, just wait. The power of my Elo! How dare they make fun of me. It isn't my fault that our jungler doesn't gang the Inting bot lane or the trolling mid lane. They should blame themselves for being bad and not providing the opportunity needed for a gank."

Even though the man said that, in his screen the big sign of "Victory" looms on the screen.

"Hehe, that will +25 into my Elo pushing me to platinum."

The man name is Junior, he has been playing LoL for weeks on end now, without ever tiring or rest. He push on with his winning streak and reaches platinum in the shortest amount of time. He broke the record set on climbing up the rank solo with no external help into the realm of platinum.

It is with a cost though as junior finally felt the intense need to sleep and his body succumbing to death. In his experience, he felt his consciousness suddenly pull apart from his carcass and tugs speedily out of Earth, then the universe, the multiverse..

It happen so quick that his eye could no longer discern what is happening. He only felt his instinct telling him that he is no longer in 'Earth' but an unknown place.

He seem to lost his five sense from that sudden pull, however miraculously his memory is still intact.

"Does anyone who die loses their memory because of it being atomize when under the speed faster than light?"

This theory is highly possible

"Yes.", a mysterious voice flows through his soul.

Startled, Junior mind falls into chaos.

"Don't be scared child. For I am God. I understand you more than you can yourselves. As does with anyone created by me."

"No, you don't. Then tell me why my memory is not lost like the others."

"Child.. your existence is special even to me, your creator."

Surprised, Junior ask,

"How so?"

"… That, even I, your creator do not know. But it is because of this that I arrive before you."

"Even if you go on and on about how I am special, it still does not explain what you want from me."

"I merely want to observe the anomaly that arises. Even from the start of time has any of my creation escape from the perfect cycle of reincarnation… I could no longer call it perfect because of you child."

Junior still didn't quite understand how his situation is considered special enough to attract God. It's just a memory isn't it?

"I know what you are thinking of Child. But memory constituted everything past and present. It interconnected with time. Even I can get killed if caught unaware in the assault of time. Usually, I can perceive what will happen to avoid that tragic faith. You, Child, are different, even the infinite possibility doesn't explain the uniqueness of your presence."

"So, am I a threat to you?"

"No, Child, I am not afraid of death. Since the concept of death to you and me are different. Death to me meant the destruction of everything. Not necessary can I die and not exist. I am already the simplest I can be, in your term, my body is smaller than that of atom and anything, it's impossible to find me. Likewise, you can not die, but can still be broke down to the simplest energy consisted everywhere in the universe."

"So basically when people die, they become energy without consciousness and is used to create new consciousness or other non living things?"

"Yes, even the planet dies when tested by time. However you are different. Child, inside you contain an innate consciousness. This applies you to become a God."

"I am the first? So, won't that make me similar to you?"

"Not necessarily, there is many unknowns about you that even I can not understand and you are still not proficient in the art of the void."

"The art of the void?"

"That what I call for my power, a fitting name regarding its origin. Everything coming from the void is there to control. I will past you this art, my successor. However, unlike me who has master this since birth, you are learning to master it. Because of that, this art will be mutated to fit your current level. You will understand later on. In addition, you will be reincarnated, to stop you from getting bored and stagnate your learning of this art. I hope you the best, farewell."

Junior didn't get to respond after God finishes his speech, he is immediately sent to reincarnated. His last thought before his head became muddle from the speed he is traveling is,

"I still has…. A question.", before his thought cut off.

In a far away multiverse, in a planet 10 time the size of earth with abundant greenery and life, an infant crying could be heard in a hut situated near a mountain peak. Anyone who heard this cries without seeing its source would not believe that it came from an infant that is recently born. They will instead think that a full grown adult is doing his battle cry amidst an intense training session.

The infant is precisely Junior, and currently, he is in a lot of pain.

" Raaarrrrrr, Theeeeee. FaAaaa, aaaaasaas"

This translated to; " At least give me pain resistance!!!! It hurt like hell!"

He still can't accept his situation. Who told God that he wanted to born again? Obviously the man boasted about knowing him, if he didn't even know this…

Can't think, the pain is immense. Mama Miya, oh mah good, elephanto.

Incessant word came from Junior mind as he try to cope with the pain. His body being squeeze like a vice for a full minute doesn't feel pleasant. Especially, when it felt like a ton of weight pushing together in an attempt to kill him. Bathe in blood, Junior finally came out.

"It's a miracle! It's a miracle! The old empress has birth a child!", a man nearing the scene has almost pop an eye when he witness this amazing sight. It got to be known that the empress are not able to birth a child because of the technique she cultivated making her wall abnormally strong.

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