
I've got a system by a dumb luck

#WPC148 Thomas and three other people appeared in the world of cultivation. While Thomas still thinks that he's dreaming, the other three of them are searching for answers, leaving him alone. He finds a golden coin activating "Dumb Luck system." That's how his journey starts. Will he cultivate his luck, follow this random road, and use it to become a legend, or will he choose to practice like others, and steadily try to reach the peak? And when will he finally understand that his dream ended, he died and reincarnated?!

fanpopa · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Zhang Wei, leaving the inheritance, young master snake

"It's been almost a week since we got here. Don't you think we were inside long enough?"

Zhang Wei asked. He wanted to get out of here since he became Qi Gathering Stage second step lower phase cultivator.

"You can leave if you want."

Yu Yan answered him half-heartedly while Li Na just looked at him while eating.

Even though these three spent six days inside of this place, they were strangers to each other.

Yu Yan was spending her time by writing down her knowledge. Li Na was eating and in her free time cultivating, she was currently at Qi Gathering stage first step higher phase.

Zhang Wei was the only one spending his whole day training.

"Alright, I will leave then! You can sit here while I will surprise the world with my strength!"

He left, leaving behind these words.

"Do you think he can do what he said?"

Li Na thought that if becoming second step cultivator would make her a powerful being, then she could rob others from their food.

"Maybe in the future, but not now. Didn't you two listen when I was talking how many cultivation stages are there? If someone with his current strength could dominate the whole world, what would the cultivators with higher stage do?"

Li Na was a little embarrassed that she didn't listen back then. She was too occupied with eating.

'Maybe I should ask Yu Yan to explain the cultivation stages for me again? No, too much of a hassle! It won't help me with eating new things! I will learn it on the way.'

While Li Na and Yu Yan had a small conversation, Zhang Wei was already out of the inheritance.

It was still dark outside.

"Now, what should I do? I can't surprise anyone if I'm still in this jungle. Since I don't know the way out, I might as well go straight ahead."

Zhang Wei did as he said, and after a while, he encountered the cave where his journey in this world began.

"Now that I think about it, we left here this last person that didn't even introduce himself. I should check whether he is still inside."

After coming in, he saw only a bunch of rocks piled into a small mountain.

"It seems that he was seriously bored waiting for us. Judging by the size, there are at least a thousand stones!"

Unfortunately, Zhang Wei wasn't good at measuring things. Thomas created this pile from 259 stones. He did it to stop forgetting which stones he already checked. This idea struck him after needing to repeat searching for the three other transmigrators five times.

"It's a pity that we left him here. Maybe he would like to go on an adventure with me!"

Zhang Wei stayed inside only for a dozen of second and left, seeing that no one was inside.

He started feeling hungry since he didn't take anything with him from the inheritance, even cultivation techniques. Yu Yan and Li Na asked him about it, and they got an answer that left them speechless.

"Why would I need them? I can create my own on the way!"

If creating techniques was that easy, then everyone would do that. To make one, a person attempting this needs to understand their element to a certain extent and test for months if not years. That's why techniques in QI Gathering stage were so rare. Who would waste their life on something that won't be helpful at all? It's better to spend this time cultivating.

So there he was, without food and cultivation techniques, searching for something to eat. He was walking until he heard some sounds coming from the bushes right beside him.

"Hey! Who is hiding here!"

Zhang Wei prepared for battle, excited. There was finally an enemy he could face!

Because this jungle mostly divides into tribes, bugs and animals without tribes control the unhabituated parts, because of this, Zhang Wei didn't encounter anything that could catch his attention.

The animal hiding in this bush had different thoughts.

'Another human! sSsince your friend esSscaped sSsafely, you will pay for his sSsinsSs agiansSst me!'

The young master snake was angry that the thief he encountered previously got away, so after seeing who was passing by his territory, he decided to attack suddenly and don't give him time for reaction and escape.

Zhang Wei was already using his ability. Two strings of fire were already hovering above his palms. After a few seconds, he was already bored by waiting for his enemy to make a move, so he decided to attack himself.

One of the strings started to expand and turn into a ball. Because of his attack range, Zhang Wei needed to come closer to the bush. He threw this ball created from flames at it immediately setting it on fire.

The young master snake was greatly surprised by this.

'The range of thisSs human's attack isSs thisSs big?! What isSs hisSs cultivation sSstage?'

Creating a ball of flame this big wasn't anything surprising. This snake saw other snakes creating something similar with poison, but after achieving it, they weren't able to use it like this. Something like this is for close combat! Why would someone need so much poison if his enemy wasn't able to come closer to him?

The truth was, humans cultivating fire element had the same problem as snakes with their poison. They weren't able to use it to fight with enemies further away. Zhang Wei could attack three meters away from him, which was already a high attack range compared to others.

Because of this, everyone who decided to cultivate the fire element is a close combat cultivator. The reason is that to make the attack range bigger consumes too much time. It's better to make the fire stronger rather than longer and try to close the distance with your enemy.

With bush on fire, the snake came forward and started hissing at Zhang Wei.

"ThisSs was the busSsh on which frozen berriesSs grow in winter! Another human desSstroyed my sSsuppliesSs!"

Poor young master snake got his supplies destroyed again! :(

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