
I've been reborn as a villain and all I can think about is survival

 My name is Alberto Di Sarto.  I am a mob villain aristocrat who appears in the popular love simulation game "Fortune Star".  My reputation in the game is that I am fat, arrogant, and sadistic, and in every scenario in which I play an active role, I end up dead, and even if I don't play an active role, I end up exiled from the country.  Can I accept such a fate?  Having been reincarnated as Alberto, a character with such a miserable fate awaiting him, I decided to fight back and train myself to avoid my destiny of doom.  As a result, unlike in the game, I became absurdly strong, and for some reason, lively game heroines and game protagonists gathered around me.  I can't understand it. •Tag : Ugly to beautiful, Abandoned children, Villain, Weak to strong, Reincarnation, Game, Action, Harem, Adventure, Non human race / Beast Companion

NovelGods · Fantasía
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 「Alberto, age 12. Death in the Dark Forest] (Part 2)



 It was good that I dared to be bold, but King Bear is still a formidable enemy.

  King Bear changed his target to me.

 So now I'm in a one-on-one fight with him.

[ Wind Blade ! ]

 I slammed the wind blade at King Bear as a check, but it was only a shallow scratch on the surface, blocked by its hard fur.

 If you can chant a little more calmly, you can use the "Gusty Wind Blade," which is a higher level magic than the "Wind Blade," but even so, you will not be able to defeat it with a single blow unless you hit it on the vital spot.

 If we fail to do so, we will simply lose a great deal of spirit, and we will be in a difficult position.

 The other side is not very intelligent and only wields its claws on instinct, so for now I can still use my small sword or magic to get the better of the attack.

 The difference in physical strength and tolerance for tension between the monster and me would only put me at a disadvantage in a prolonged battle.


[ If I don't do this, big brother will die! 」

 Although they had only known each other for a short time, the girl's heart was touched by the boy's sincere actions and words.

 The boy fought with a small sword and magic, just like the legendary warriors of her country, without retreating a step against the powerful King Bear.

 However, although they managed to keep the balance at present, there were gradually more and more cases of the boy evading with a single stroke of the paper, and it was clear that without reinforcements, a prolonged battle would be disadvantageous to them.

 The girl had the same concern as the boy.

[Obviously, the big brother is after something. But I'm sure he doesn't have much of time. If that's the case, I have to create an opening somehow. ...」

 Determined, the girl clutched the small jewel in her bosom.

[Mother in heaven, please lend me some strength. Please lend me some strength, even if it's just a little」

 The girl ran off.


[Damn it」

 It had already been 10 minutes since we started fighting King Bear. I was breathing hard.

 The moment my consciousness wandered off to the side, the King Bear lunged at me.

 The king bear's claws easily knocked down even the thickest trees, but I managed to parry the claws with the small sword I held in my magically enhanced arm strength.

 However, he was not able to fully repel all of them, and received a small scratch on his torso.

 King Bear, who is now out of position, swings another grappling claw with his opposite hand.

"Wind Blade!"

 I couldn't help but strike with wind magic at zero distance, forcing the distance between me and King Bear to widen.

[It was a close call. If I had been even a little slow in responding, I would have died. ...!」

 There is not much magic left.

 King Bear is also breathing heavily and his body is bleeding profusely, but compared to us, he still seems to have a lot of energy left.

 During the long skirmish, I was able to find the vital point of the opponent, but this time I had no magic power left.

 I could still escape if it was just me now.

 Immediately after thinking this, a wry smile escaped my lips.

 Because it was just words, and I had no intention of doing it.

 I don't know her village, probably wouldn't have cared if I hadn't met the girl, and probably still don't care much about her.

 But what about the girl?

 The answer is simple. I must save her at all costs.

 So, at any cost.

 I'm ready to make a mistake and unleash the "Gekifu Blade".

 I never dreamed that I would die here before the game.

 But I have no regrets.

 Risking my life to save the girl was probably the right thing to do.

 I was prepared for that and started chanting.


[Deliver! Deliver! Deliver!」

 Immediately after I jumped out to create an opening, the big brother meditated and began chanting a spell.

 I felt a great surge of magical power.

[He's going to die!」

 I run toward him with all my might.

[Idiot! You said earlier that you didn't intend to die, but you lied!」

 There was quite a distance between big brother and King Bear, but I probably won't be able to chant the spell in time.

 So the brother is surely going to use magic even if he has to stab me in the back.

 I am not trained in magic, so I can't unleash magic with enough power.

 But if I use this jewel, which was given to me by my mother, I can use a little bit of magic.

[Mother, give me power!」

It's an ice wall!

 It was a very, very small wall of ice.

 Still, it was big enough and strong enough to trap King Bear's legs.


 King Bear stumbled over the suddenly appearing ice wall and rolled on the ground with a loud thud.


 Gently clutching the shattered jewel to her chest, the girl witnessed the results of her magic.

[Big Brother, I'm counting on you to take care of the rest!」

 The girl continued to gaze at the boy with eyes of passionate trust.


 Alberto, who continued chanting the "Gust Wind Blade" without any loud noises disturbing his concentration, gently opened his eyes as he neared the end of his chanting.

 He stared at his target, King Bear, wondering why he was unharmed when he had prepared to receive a blow.

 There was a king bear lying on the ground, and although I did not know why it was lying on the ground, it was still a good chance.

 King Bear was getting up and was very close to me, exposing his throat, the vital point of his attack.

"Gusty Wind Blade!" (!!!!)

 A storm of bullets exceeding the speed of sound mercilessly gouged King Bear's throat.

 The King Bear was so close to the blow that it buckled and turned over on its back.


 I shook out the residual muscle-enhancing magic still left in my body, and with all my might, I drove the small sword into King Bear's throat.

 King Bear twitched for a moment and then stopped moving.

 I saw this and all at once my strength drained from my body, and I fell down as it was.

 At that moment, I thought I heard the girl's voice, but I could no longer contain my strength, and I suddenly lost consciousness.